Ten and a half stone for my British friends... They say that Robinson had everything that Leonard had PLUS one punch power. So is this matchup as simple as that?
No. Robinson had superior power and chin, but Leonard was better defensively. You'd probably need a 3 fight series to prove who was better head to head.
Not sure Leonard is a good style for Robinson. Robinson had power but from the few tapes I saw, nothing spectacular a la Hearns or the sort that would lead me to believe he could even floor Leonard. This fight goes the distance undoubtedly, Robinson's jab was special, hard to pick but I think Leonard lands more and wins maybe a 115-113 in a 12 rounder.
Leonard was better defensively, and more defensively conscious than Robinson who liked to attack more... he could play defense but he was a puncher first Robinson was a strong welterweight and nobody ever had a better offensive arsenal... this would be a sensational fight but I think the greater power of Robinson and his superior strength is what makes the difference in a close decision win wish there was a time machine
Leonard & Robinson were both natural 147lbers. Past thirty-five, & two up at Middleweight, Robinson needed one punch to obliterate Gene Fullmer --- a fully-fledged, physically-empowered 160lber with a rock-solid jaw. Even pound-for-pound, Fullmer's whiskers were better than Leonard's.
I suggest you keep watching tapes. Robinson hit every bit as hard as Hearns for my money. And with every punch in the arsenal too.
Debatable. I happen to think that Hearns had a slight edge in power over Robinson and Leonard (in his welterweight prime) was able to take Hearn's huge bombs.
Leonard had fleeter feet than Robinson, and as Cdogg said a better D. Robinson was a bigger puncher than Leonard, and had a better chin. Both had blazing handspeed, maybe Leonard edges Robinson a lil bit in that department, but not by much. I think it comes down to what type of fight it is. A chessmatch would probably favor Leonard, while a war favors the bigger punching Robinson.
Robinson had TWO-FISTED power, unlike Hearns. And although Hearns' right cross might be the single deadliest weapon in history.... Robinson's left hook came straight from the depths of hell. I have no doubt that Robinson could hurt Leonard. I dunno if Leonard could hurt Robinson. DURAN hurt Leonard in thier first fight. You think Ray Robinson couldnt?
Duran, at Middleweight, would never put Fullmer out the way Robinson did. He wouldn't even win. It's an awful long leap to make the case Robinson couldn't put Leonard on the seat of his pants if he caught him right, based on the fact Duran couldn't.
Oh..I guess you'd have to ask someone who was there? My grandfather told me about the fight, but I think he listened to it on radio.