Pacquiao by clear decision based on work rate. Whitaker can't/won't hurt Pacquiao in this one. Although I'm curious to what weight this is at.
He coudln't hurt Chavez either, and he beat his ass from pillar to post. When you are that fast, that good with your feet, with defense and countering, you don't have to hit hard, but trust me Pernell had enough power to keep you honest...Pacman has been hurt by soft punchers before as well who weren't nearly as fast or as good as whitaker. And trust me this is coming from a guy that hates Whitaker cuz he destroyed my hero, but he was just damn good.
Chavez isn't anywhere near Pacquiao stylistically or physically. Pacquiao has enough speed to match Whitaker's slick fighting and outwork him.
I wasn't sayin he was(maybe agression) I was just replying to your post about not being able to hurt Pacman...and in that I say it doesn't matter. And alot easier said than done against whitaker...he looks like you can just outwork him, but very few could...or would...
I've seen Chavez fight and he was a worker but his punch volume wasn't near Pacquiao's I don't think. Who's is? How will Whitaker stop Pacquiao's endless flurries? He walked through Cotto, who possibly, no scratch possibly, is a bigger puncher than Whitaker and didn't seem to be bothered by any potential counters, he was simply not going to stop throwing.
I guess cuz he can fight southpaw . yeah I don't get it... I guess we will know more if Pacman can beat Mayweather but until then Pacman has not faced anyone with that type of defense or speed for that matter.
Whitaker was a virtually KO-proof force, at the peak of his powers. Just about as close to that as a mortal could reach, anyway.
Whitaker is much like Hearns. He's not rated ESPECIALLY high all-time, although both certainly are ATG's. However both have ridiculously positive MM records. I don't ever recall seeing Whitaker lose one.
Prior to Trinidad, when he was an old warn out fighter, how many clear defeats did Whitaker have? ZERO
I disagree completely about Whitaker, "not ranking especially high, all-time," but that's my take. Whitaker is a top-ten all-timer at 135lbs, &, as far as I'm concerned given that division's depth of legend, that's equal to being top three-to-five of most other weightclasses.
He almost beat a young, peak De La Hoya at the tail-end of his career. People should focus less on whether he actually won or not, & more on this under-rated effort, & what it took. Quite surprising, really. He never lost to Ramirez, that first fight was an atrocious robbery --- were it not for the more high-profile Chavez draw, this fight would get more attention. He won those fights with Ramirez & Chavez hands down.
I don't think that's a very fair fight, though. Hearns would be a near-impossible task for Whitaker, but I rank Whitaker higher all-time & as a pound-for-pounder.
yeah because basically hears is almost the perfect fighter if he had an Iron chin and in a fight with whitaker thatw ouldn't really make a difference. Um as far as your other statements..I might disagree but I definately don't have any problem with anyone thinking that, they are both one of the best ever so no big deal on that.
The only way to really trouble Whitaker is by having a great speed and/or reach advantage, which is why Hearns would be the favorite against him. I think I'd have to go with Whitaker here since he was much the more proven lightweight, but Manny's speed could make it real difficult for him
Not accoridng to Bert Sugar. Also, I'm saying he's ranked high, but you would think he's up there in the ranking with the likes of Robinson with the way he wins every MM.
FUCK Bert Sugar he's teh typical boxing "historian" who's bias is to rank lesser known fighters from eras past too high in order to somehow show how knowledgeable he is. You see, he doesn't think that the casual fan would give him props if he were to rank famous names like Sugar Ray Leonard and Muhammad Ali in his top 5..because even non boxing fans know those names. So what does he do? He has to talk about Barney Ross, Sam langford, Jimmy Wilde, Benny Leonard, Willie pep show how smart he is. You see it prevalent on this very forum and also in other sports and in discussions on music. it's sickening to be honest...
Bert Sugar??? Are you fucking kidding me? He rates ROCKY GRAZIANO in his top 50 P4P What a lame response on your part. Get educated.