Yes, it has. MMA and the UFC specifically have undoubtedly become more popular than boxing. This isn't a bash at boxing, it's just stating fact. TFK
Next Friday Ray Mercer and James Toney will be on Inside MMA on HDNet. Should be real interesting. TFK
Chavez Jr. ISN'T on PPV Even HALF of the Time that UFC is On PPV...U're Comparing THE ELITE MMA Entity to a Fighter that FEW Give a Flying Fuck About???.... Nice Try, but BAD Analogy... REED:mj:
Since WHEN Does ONE Good Year Equal a TREND???...UFC 100 was a BANNER PPV for them...On Paper it was THE BEST MMA PPV EVER...How Many Boxing PPV's have Done BETTER than 1.6 Mil???.... According to Your Stats, 2 of the Top 3 Highest Selling PPV's were BOXING...The 5 or 10 HIGHEST Grossing PPV's EVER R BOXING...Yet U're SERIOUSLY Telling REED that MMA is MORE Popular???.... REED:dunno:
A "Fact" Can B PROVEN BEYOND Dispute...It's NOT a "Fact" that MMA is More Popular than Boxing... Sorry... REED:mj:
I think it is relative to different areas. I would guess up in the Northeast boxing is still king. On the west coast, MMA has surpassed boxing. I'm with Bob, still love them both.
Look at last year stats. and the year before that. You can clearly see that each year, mma has increased. MMA is only getting bigger and bigger. Cant say the same about boxing. You have to admit boxing isnt gaining any new fans.
MMA is Still Fairly NEW, Dude, So Quite Naturally its' #'s R Growing...But Those #'s Will PLATEAU @ Some Point...Comparitively Speaking, MMA is the Hot NEW Chick in School...She's NOT Prettier than the Others, but She's NEWER & Therefore is Getting MORE Attention...But @ SOME Point, the "Newness" WILL Wear Off.... Until Last Year, when's the LAST Time Boxing Had 2 PPV's that Generated OVER a Million Buys, that DIDN'T Include Dela or Tyson????....What Does THAT Say for Boxing's Popularity???... REED:kidcool:
As Does REED...BOTH Sports COEXIST in REED's World w/NO Issues....REED just HATES Lame Ass, AGENDA Driven Posts.... REED:shit:
In NJ, boxing has become an afterthought. More than half the bars that used to show the PPV's don't anymore, and the ones that still do show only the Mega-Fights. The UFC has far passed boxing in popularity around here, in spite of MMA not being sanctioned in NY. TFK
REED "Gets" That, but U Can OVERCOME rjjp4p's Customary Brand of Messageboard IDIOCY w/Out Throwing Boxing UNDER the Bus, Can't U???...To DENY MMA's Growth, Appeal & Legitimacy is Nathan More than BLIND HATE...PERIOD...But to DEFINITIVELY State that MMA is "More Popular" than Boxing is ALSO Wrong... REED:mj:
Whatever, Dude... For as Much as rjjp4p & Others TROLL the MMA Forum YOU PERPETUATE the "Agenda Driven Posts" Mentality...What's Comical is U Actually THINK U're HIDING It...There's a "Fact" for your Ass.... REED:boohoo:
ufc 100 did less than 1,000,000 buys. period. boxing in every hood and every country other than the usa and possibly canada is far more popular than mma. only in white pussy dominated areas (which there are alot of) is mma more popular. even in mmas motherland (japan) boxing is far more popular. in the last 3 years the interest in mma has waned...boxing has went back up. 9 of 10 people i know watched pacquiao cotto. half the over 30 crowd i know, dont even know who randy couture or georges st pierre is. boxing will always be more significant than mma. didnt look that way 5 years ago though.
I wont debate your whole argument, i will just prove that you were wrong about one thing and that should open your eyes that you a wrong about the others 1. UFC 100: Brock Lesnar vs. Frank Mir, July 11, 1.6 million
read up on richard schafer calling out dana white and offering to wager any amount of money that it did not do one million buys. the number was inflated. dana white who will talk shit about anything under the sun declined comment. the ufc ppv numbers are bullshit, period. ive gotten over 50 people into mma over the last 5 years, id say a good half of them have stopped watching all together. mma has slowed its progression towards boxing.
Because Schaefer says the numbers are inflated means they are? And MMA hasn't slowed it's progression toward boxing, it has passed it and shows no signs of slowing down. TFK
U KNOW your Agenda....Fuuuuuuthermore, U KNOW that REED KNOWS Your Agenda...So If U THonestly HOUGHT Your M.O. was Disguised, U're WRONG... REED:shit:
Based on WHAT???...U PERSIST in SAYING it, yet U HAVEN'T Produced a Single Shread of PROOF....So Because TFK SAYS MMA is More Popular, that's Supposed to B ACCEPTED as FACT???.... Morse, WHEN Does Dana White EVER Back Down????...If Somebody Called him Out & he Could PROVE his #'s were MORE tha Schaefer Said, there's NOfuckingWAY Dana White Could Resist in PROVING it... REED:shit: