I don't want Toney to get hurt and I think he might here. That being said, I gotta give him props for trying this out instead of just talking shit about it.
I will ask a 3rd time, what is my agenda? You seem to be having a lot of trouble answering a simple question. TFK
Its the official numbers. They are on everyone's PPV lists. I havent heard anyone question the numbers. I didnt pull those numbers out of air. Where is Schaefer's numbers. The UFC numbers are right there for everyone to see.
Reed this is ridiculous. not once have you mentioned these numbers until choke said something. So you are choosing to believe something just brought to your attention by some poster. A poster, who you disagree with in this debate about popularity. You yourself said that MMA is the new chick. OF course people will be more interested right now. Winner claims thats not the case and Boxing is still WAY more popular.
Why are fans of boxing sticking up so vehemently for a sport that has dry fucked those same fans for years? I have said it before and I will say it again now, I have been a boxing fan since 1971 and will always love the sport. However, I have grown tired of the posturing and bull shit that keep the best fighters from fighting each other. That's why I have become such a huge fan of the UFC. They just make the big fights happen. You don't have to wonder what would happen if Penn faced the number 1 contender in the weight class because the dudes gonna fight him. Same with Silva and GSP, etc. Now I know the counter will be that there are great fighters outside the UFC that the UFC Champions will never face. And I agree and that is unfortunate, but it's still a far cry better than boxing whereas there are no fewer than 8 alphabet champions in a billion weight classes that will rarely ever unify anything. So, I can't quote PPV numbers or tell you the results of a boxing vs MMA fan poll, but I just know as one die hard boxing fan that MMA is far more popular in my household at this point. I can also tell you that there are 20 scheduled MMA fights that get me more excited than Pac-Clottey.
And that is EXACTLY why the MMA haters on this board hate the sport. It has nothing to do with the sport of MMA or it's entertainment value, skill level or anything else. It's the fact that so many disgruntled and frustrated boxing fans are showing less interest in boxing and more interest in MMA these days. So the agenda of the MMA haters is to mock, ridicule and insult the sport, regardless if the facts state otherwise, just because they are upset that MMA popularity is skyrocketing while interest in boxing is waning, and boxing fans are abandoning the sport is great numbers and moving toward MMA. Did you see that Reed? See how easy it was for me to explain the agenda of the MMA haters? Yet you claim I have an agenda, but you are completely and totally incapable of explaining what it is. TFK
I think that Schaefer and Arum, who both questionned the UFC numbers, have more than a few insiders in the PPV business. Zuffa doesn't ''oficially'' release the numbers as HBO does and are not required to do so because they are privately owned contrary to HBO who's not. Sure, Shcaefer and Arum may have an agenda in this, but Zuffa could clear all the doubts and that they don't rise more than a few suspicions.
Sahaprom did win the wba bantam title in his 4th fight, but his lack of experience was evident as he was completely routed in his next fight by big punching but oridnary Konadu. He then stepped down his opposition and builded his skills for his next 20 fights or so and became a monster at that weight for the years to come And nobody should dissed MMA because Lesnar won a title with so few fights ( after all he fought a fading ''world'' champ to do so ). If you want to do so, look at the fact that Lesnar, who probably had no more than 1 year or 2 of striking training and has the technique of a caveman, dropped everyone of his opponenents with punches ( apart from the Shark ). It shows how weak the stand up is in MMA
No, it shows how hard Lesnar hits, regardless of technique. With the power he has in his punches, if he learned better punching technique, he'd be downright deadly. TGK
Incorrect. There is definately some great striking in MMA, you are generalizing. However, I do agree that the stand up in the UFC HW division is definately weak.
A CERTIFIED UFC SHILL Actually Thinks REED is Gonna WASTE Time Elaborating on a TRANSPARENT AGENDA???:notallthere:....How Bout This???...Start a POLL, Titled "Does TFK have an MMA Agenda?"...An OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of Posters will Say that TFK INDEED has an Agenda... So Instead of Asking REED to Spell Out the OBVIOUS, Start a Thread & See for YOURSELF just How POORLY U've "Masked" your Agenda... REED:hammert:
So in other words, you have nothing. You figured you'd say something that sounds good, even though you have absolutely no clue what it is that you are saying actually means. And in the end, once again, you have nothing. TFK
REED has a FIRM Grasp on YOUR Agenda, that's for Sure...Start the Poll, Dude...N Fact, REED is DARING U to Do It....U KNOW U Have an Agenda & the Fact that U Think No One Else Sees it is QUITE Comical...The Rest of the Contributors to this Forum Smell your MMA Related Schtick from a Mile Away... START the Thread or Shut the Fuck Up...Simple as That... REED:hammert:
The BEST Mixed Martial Artist EVER Doesn't Even Fight in the Best MMA Organization, yet U're Bitching about the Best Not Fighting the Best in BOXING???:dunno:... REED just Doesn't Get How So-Called "Boxing Fans" Use Boxing's WARTS as an EXCUSE to Gravitate To MMA...REED is a Fan of BOTH Sports...But REED Didn't Start Watching MMA Because he Felt Slighted by Boxing... Quite Frankly, the Either/Or Attitude Being Perpetuated on this Forum is TIRESOME... REED:shit:
I agree completely, Reed. If people can't be a fan of both sports, why not just refrain from bashing the one that you don't enjoy? It's just seems so childish, like they are threatened by it or something.
Create a poll? Are you serious? You made a statement. I asked...several times...for an explanation, which should be pretty simple. But you've ducked, dodged, avoided and danced because you can't provide one. Now you want me to create a poll? Why? So others can try to answer a question you clearly can't? Quit while you're behind. TFK
I agree 100%. Yet you have the RJP4P's and Steve Daves of the board who just can't help themselves. TFK
Among Other Things, U've Been Called a "UFC APOLOGIST" by MANY Posters on this Forum...U SHILL for the UFC Soooo Much, your Posts Should have UFC Letterhead Attached...THE ONLY Time U're in the General BOXING Forum is when an MMA Related Topic Comes Up....U're ALWAYS Smack Dab in the Fucking MIDDLE Of the MMA vs. Boxing Debates...ALWAYS...& U ALWAYS Take the MMA Side of that Argument...ALWAYS.... U're as BRIGHT as a Blown Out Lightbulb if U REALLY Think your Agenda ISN'T Transparent, Dude... REED:hammert:
So the fact that I'm an MMA fan is some kind of 'agenda'? I mean, the rest of your post is ridiculous. UFC letterhead? UFC apologist? Man, you're trying way too hard, and it's just not working. I'm an MMA fan who discusses MMA. I don't go into the boxing forum and make ridiculous claims like boxing isn't a 'legitimate sport', or type 'boxing' and put some foolish smiley face next to it as an attempt to insult the sport. I know it's too hard for you to comprehend, since you're blinded by your own 'agenda', but there is a world of difference between saying MMA is more popular than boxing and saying MMA isn't a legitimate sport. Of course, that's probably way over your head, so I expect a typical Reed reply full of nonsense, bullshit, ridiculousy inaccurate reaches and assumptions, and maybe a few smiley face or dancing icons to try and prove your point that just isn't there. TFK
Apparently, the TRUTH HURTS... Stating as FACT that "MMA is More Popular than Boxing" is EVERY BIT as OFFBASE as Someone Saying "MMA Isn't a Legitimate Sport"...Your Level of BIAS Clouds your Feeble Mind Into THINKING there's a Difference, but there ISN'T... There's a HANDFUL of Posters that Frequent this Forum DEVOID of Lame Ass Agenda's...U're NOT 1 of them...The MAJORITY of those that Post Here KNOWS your TIRED Ass Schtick Already...Your Agenda PRECEDES U... REED:hammert:
Alas, REED is Weary of Doing this CHILDISH, Nanny-Nanny-Boo-Boo BULLSHIT w/U, TFK...REED ISN'T a Last Word Whore & He's CONTENT w/Standing By EVERY Single 1 of them that he's Typed in This Thread... REED:mj:
Reed, come on man. You know better than that. I am a boxing fan. Always will be. But so are you. And you know the multi champion, fight dodging, and excuse making is tiresome. Fedor not being in the UFC or Alvarez or Moussasi sucks but it's not near as disappointing as You are right. People can like both sports. I like both sports. Right now MMA just keeps me more entertained and I anticipate match-ups far more with MMA. Seriously, Mir-Carwin is better than any on the boxing horizon.