C'mon Reed, you can't possibly equate me saying MMA is more popular than Boxing (which the numbers back up) with someone coming into the MMA forum and saying MMA isn't a legitimate sport. You're so far off here, it hilarious. TFK
A COUPLE Years Worth of #'s were Posted...That's Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar from a Trend, Dude...Numbers that have Been QUESTIONED by 2 of THE MOST Powerful Men in Boxing, Coincidentally....If Rap Music OUTSELLS Rock & Roll for a Couple Years, Does that AUTOMATICALLY Mean "Rap Music is MORE Popular than Rock & Roll", Across the Board???... Of Course it DOESN'T... Fuuuurthermore, what BOTHERS REED is that WHENEVER Someone Slights MMA, U're QUICK & CONSISTENT about Immediately Portraying MMA in a More FAVORABLE Light than Boxing...Just as U Did w/the "Popularity" Statement....Instead of ADDRESSING whatever's Being Criticized about MMA, U Go Out of Your Way to Show that it's BETTER than Boxing in Whatever Regard... REED:hammert:
Not if you are comparing fight vs. fight. But remember Mir/Carwin also comes with GSP/Hardy and Alves/Fitch, so the event is more appealing to me.
Ok, so in spite of all indicators pointing toward MMA becoming more popular than boxing, you just keep on thinking otherwise. If that's what helps you sleep at night. TFK
U Mean ONE Indicator???....Instead of Some YEARLY Bullshit, Look @ the ALL-TIME PPV Rankings & Tell REED how MMA Measures Up to Boxing...Now THAT's an "Indicator" Alright... REED:hammert:
Reed, we're talking about right now, not 5 years ago, not 10 years ago, not 20 years ago. And right now, MMA has become more popular than boxing. And contrary to what you so badly want to believe, that's not a stab at boxing, that's just how it is. TFK
So If Boxing Does BETTER #'s than MMA in PPV Sales, by the End of 2010, then Just like That, MMA is All of a Sudden NOT as Popular as Boxing Again???...That's ALL U're Basing your "Point" On.... REED:hammert:
No, that's not all I'm basing my point on. Remember in a previous post when I mentioned your ridiculously innacurate reaches and assumptions? Well you just added another to the list. TFK
Thats cool so it did happen. He won a title then got fucked up straight after. Im sure after Brocks near death experience that he will continue to dominate the UFC heavyweight division. Also 1 more time coming from a thai boxing background is much more relevant to coming from a WWE background not that TFK and his sidekick TLC can understand that.
I am not threatened. Not at all. The UFC fighters should feel threatened. Doing 1.6 million homes and still getting paid less than boxers doing 300,000 homes :: In the words of Floyd "which one is it?" either Dana White is a bigger crook than Don King or the PPV numbers he claims is bullshit.
Better than Mayweather-Mosley/Pac-Clottey. Then again you did say GSP-Hughes 2 was better than Corrales-Castillo ::
Thai boxing which contains punching techniques is less similar to boxing than WWE fake slams and pre determined endings is to MMA. What a troll i am.
Obviously Thai Boxing is more similiar to Boxing then WWE is to MMA, but only a retard or weak ineffective troll would point toward Lesnar's pro wrestling background when talking about his accomplishments before becoming an MMA fighter. TFK
Yeah man i really have the link saved on my desktop. I guess it's hard for you to remember a specific time that you blew off the UFC on here.
He stopped amatuer wrestling for a bunch of years. So his skills would have deteriorated. Then he still dominated MMA. It's not trolling at all. It's factual information. You just can't realise that MMA can't actually float on water like you believe it does. You seriously believe that Mir-Carwin is a better fight than anything on boxings horizon. Only a fanboy can say something as stupid as that.
How did he dominate MMA? He beat an old man who he outweighed by 50 lbs and Frank Mir, who has been destroyed by bums before, and he even lost to him the first time. Brock was in the right place at the right time and he slipped into a title. He needs a couple more meaningful wins before we say he dominated shit.
He just dominated 3 top 10 heavyweights 1 of them being a man most consider one of the greatest fighters in UFC history.
You really show your ignorance of the sport by calling Herring top 10 at the time and further by trying to glorify his win over geriatric Couture. Why are you even in this forum? You are just a waste of time.
MMA is no where near as popular as boxing here and at a guess I'd say it's the same for most countries around the world.