Have they done a pre-fight head measurement? Get a set-square on the angle of those eyebrows. Maybe that's the compromise we're looking for!
the best sparring session manny's ever had. he's loving it. pacman's woman's got that south-east asian face: domed forehead, nondescript androgynous facial features. could easily be a ladyboy, and if so, that's ok, manny deserves to lead whatever lifestyle he wishes.
why? :: Fucking Clottey at least throw some punches you fuck...what you don't want to get KO? Go out on your shield fag!!
Manny may have the greatest punch variety, and be the most unpredictable offensive fighter of any fighter in history. Seriously. He's like a random punch generator.
RD 9 Clottey just won't let them go because he's scared of what will happen. More of the same, Pac peppering him and Clottey doing little except one out jabs or rights. Pac has had harder sparring sessions than this, Clottey should be ashamed he is making no effort to win, just to survive. 89-82 pac
its ridiculous. imagine throwing 10 punch combinations every round and not getting tired. im dubious if he's clean or not, but its damn impressive.
Seriously...I've rarely seen stamina like Pacquiao's. It's UNBELIEVABLE. He doesn't look even the slightest bit gassed. Good uppercuts by Clottey now...
Damn what great fighters Morales and Marquez are to take what Manny dished out and beat him or fight him on ever terms for 24 rounds.
RD 10. Pac just making Clottey look third rate, awesome body punches must be hurting. Clottey is a punching bag, though throws the odd decent jab or right. Clottey opens up and lands a couple, amazing! Pac bullying Clottey now, too easy. 99-91 Pac
Clottey surely now is a lot closer to Pacquiao...weather its because Pac is slowing down..or allow Clottey to get close..who knows...
I can't see it. Pac actually wants to get hit with punches. And if Cotto's and Clottey's don't phase him what's Floyd's gonna do? Plus you factor in how pissed Manny is at Floyd and Manny would probably kill Floyd in the ring. Besides we won't really know how truly great Floyd is until he beats Shane. I mean if he beats Shane.
Pacquiao comes back like a WARRIOR....fuck the FANS Pacquiao...Preserve the VICTORY...Clottey snapping Pacquiao head up with uppercuts...but Pacquiao is still beating the LIVING SHIT out of HIM....
Pacquiao is an ABSOLUTE MONSTER! And Clottey is one tough son of a bitch to absorb that punishment and keep coming. Pacquiao is incredible.
RD 11 Clottey just won't throw more than one or two punches at a time, and Pac is just picking him off. 2 nice uppercuts by Clottey and Pac lands 5 body shots. It's even resembling a fight! Manny letting him get off then coming back with his own, I think Pac sorta enjoys getting hit really, Pac opens up to finish, damn he's good. 109-100 Pac