its like he doesnt care if he himself gets knocked out. its you or him. at how much he is mayweathers living nightmare.
It's quite something watching a fighter this good, live. Taking a wee moment to breath this in here....
RD 12 Clottey stalking and lands a left hook. Pac still peppering his guard and ribcage. Clottey with a jab, Pac with more of the same. Nice uppercut by Clottey, Pac untroubled and opens up with blazing hands, looks like he could go another 12 rounds. That's it - Pac WAAY too good and Clottey too scared. 119-109 Pacman
Manny is an offensive machine. Incredible. Clottey didn't deserve that fight though. Just too fucking negative. Manny beats the winner of Floyd Vs Shane if they sign to fight him.
I'm more impressed with Pacquiao in this fight than I was in the Cotto and Hatton fights. Pacquiao has ridiculous stamina...speed, movement, agression, heart. Inhuman. Will be a clash of the Titans...seeing all of this vs Mayweather's smarts, adaptability and elusiveness.
Hey I don't do drugs, but I will turn down the biggest pay day of my life over drug testing issues. :hammert:
I can't think of any other fighter who would be this downright RELENTLESS against someone as acutely negative as Clottey. Pacman is a force of nature.
The Worst thing that could happen to Shane is if he somehow beats mayweather. Pacquiao would CRUCIFY Mosley. Might even kill him....
It's just a tragedy that the greatest fighter of our generation is a drugs cheat. And I don't say that to stir or derail the topic, but the size of Manny's head and the development of his brow in those post fight shots leaves little doubt left in my mind.
Yeah. If ever there was any doubt that Manny-Floyd would not happen, this fight would have erased it. I wonder if PBF will feel presured to FIGHT SSM after seeing this fight. If he does his usual pot-shotting "fight not to lose" routine, he'll look even worse compared to Pac-Man than he already does.
Why did cokepak? turn down the fight vs mayweather if he doesn't do drugs? would you turn down millions of dollars over drug testing details if you didn't do drugs?
Wow, that's very scientific LOL. Manny doesn't do roids, stop being silly. He's an old school straight type of dude.
Floyd will dominate Mosley..and I mean DOMINATE HIM. You'll see. Then the bandwagoners that infest this forum will start saying again that mayweather will win. Wait and see.
Yup..and that would be teh best thing for Mayweather. Then he won't have to fight Pacquiao...not that he ever had the intentions..
:: No, you don't know he is a drugs cheat. Hatton's head is much bigger than when he was 20 too, is he also a drugs cheat? Pacquiao might well be on PEDs, but it's still speculation, you can't call the man a "drugs cheat" with no evidence.
its sad that he very well could be. this fact and the fact that mayweather is a bottler does not bode well for that fight happening.
They will fight, don't worry. It's not the first time a fighter turned down their biggest pay day fight for an easier set-up fight. Mayweather made a career out of it.