mayweather jr will beat mosley. mosley wont be able to put anything together and will be waiting too much
Clottey could have made this fight much closer! What was his game plan? To try and soak up what manny threw at him and KO him late in the fight? Clottey couldn't deal with manny's speed but did show he could handle alot of his punches. I give more credit tho to hatton despite hatton getting KO'd. At least he went for it! Pacman reigns supreme still and would still in my eyes beat floyd :kidcool:
You are Foolish, Fin. I picked manny Pacquiao by decision. Go back and read. I didn't say that "part of me" thought clottey would win...I said part of me wanted Clottey to win. Diffferent thing entirely....fucking fin.
I was talking about your reactions during the fight. For a guy who blames others for being bandwagoners who don't understand the game as well as you do, your views were quite dramatic. Btw here is what you predicted
His prediction was priceless. This is what happens when you become a fan of a particular boxer, instead of a fan of boxing. All logic goes out the window because bias gets in the way and you tend to eat your own words more often than not. Still waiting for Caligula to show up so he can eat some crow.
No it isn't. Heads get bigger. Look at a photo of yourself when you were 18 compared to now, I bet your head/face is bigger now. Plus, his head isn't even that much bigger, he's always had a fucking big head. It's not like he had a little Paul Williams size head, and now has this massive watermelon. The photo comparison that kauki posted was ridiculous. Pacman had much bigger hair in the recent photo, making the overall head silhouette much bigger. The face structure looked the same, so did the eyebrows.
Hahaha. So you've gone back on the 6 figure sum you were going to bet on him? I told you it was ridiculous then, and now it looks like you've finally seen the light. Only a retard would be THAT sure Floyd would beat Manny. Honestly, it's close to a pick em fight, the two best fighters in the world, but I think Manny wins.
Nah man,.. the brow doesn't look the same at all,..and the thick extra spurts of hair coming out of his eyebrows is not a normal occurence in the course of 3 years,.. none of it is... I can understand if you or others can GENUINELY not see the difference,... :crafty: but,... you are .....just a 'little bit' biased....
The eye brows have a bit more hair, that's it, the bone structure is identical. I'm 28, my eyebrows are a bit bushier than when I was early 20's. I probably have a bit more chest/stoumach hair etc too. As far as I know, I'm not on HGH.
One can only imagine what is Floyd thinking right now after the impressive showing by Pac last night. I think his fans have more belief that he can beat Pac than he does for himself.
I must respectfully disagree, especially about the growth of the brow bones,.. but,.. you did conceed his 'head' had grown, which I agree,.. but I can't find any information about a skull naturally growing in the course of 3 years, over the age of 27 + Still I'm enjoying the spirit of the parody,.. about myself losing sleep at night because, somewhere,........ out there,......... Pacquiao's bones are growing..::
I just watched the fight for the first time without knowing the result. I had it 12-0. Pacquiao's the only fighter I get excited about watching anymore, but I don't have a good feeling after this fight. I've given him the benefit of the doubt until now, but yeah he's probably cheating and we'll probably never know for sure. Boxing needs to take a stand now and bring in mandatory olympic style testing before it's too late. It's very dangerous having drugged athletes beating up on clean ones, and that it's ignored in the name of money is a disgrace.
Yes sir.He want's no part of the Pacquiao we saw saturday night.He feel Pacquiao can't be THAT good without being on something,that's how worried he is of this man.
I think he went running 6 miles right after the fight. Increased his training sessions to 3 a day. I never UNDERESTIMATE Floyd. He knows the stage is set for May 1st and the lights will be bright as ever with Sugar Shane across from him. May the best man win and have the COURAGE to face Superstar Pacquaio.
I keep coming back to this too. PBF seems in a sense, intimidated by Manny. He looks at him and simply can't comprehend somebody being that good. I think that includes himself.
He said something like the fights he'd lost he never really felt that he did but he knew he lost this one. He also stated "he's fast" numerous times.
Me too. There simply wasn't a round you could give Clottey. Even when Clottey looked good and was exchanging...Pacquiao still won the round.
opcorn: Sly, U still da man - at least u went out on a limb... And come may 1, SSM is going to prove he's not some skilless bum:bears:
Yeah I thought that Clottey would at least make an attempt at trying to stop the smaller man, making it somewhat competitive. Instead he stayed in a shell (all credit to pacquiao) and just let the little Filipino punch him up. On May 1, Mayweather is going to make Mosley look like Arturo Gatti.