Yep, I don't usually pay attention to this stuff, but it's got to a point now where people are just doing anything to rip down Pacs achievements. Sad to see.
Of course not. There are definitely degrees of cheating. PEDs are not even close to loading your gloves. But I think Xylocaine is closer to another PED, than either is to loading your gloves. Loading your gloves is sick, and can obviously enable a chump like Plasterito to be a world champion. But Xylocaine is nothing if not a performance enhancing drug, it just enhances performance in a different way. Traditionally steroids were/are used to treat or heal injuries, that's basically what Xylocaine is. Xylocaine is probably more advantageous to Floyd than HGH would be. Let's say Manny does use HGH. So Manny's deficit is his size, he uses HGH to bulk up in a veyr natural manner. Floyd's deficit is his brittle hands, he uses Xylocaine to be able to use his hands normally, and not have them impair his performance. They are both 100% performance enhancing drugs. And Xylocaine is obviously far more powerful than aspirine, which is why it's illegal in all states apart from Nevada. That would be akin to likening HGH to a protein shake, or likening EPO to a redbull, or smoking a spliff to jacking up some scag. Is taking HGH a higher degree of cheating than taking Xylocaine? Possibly. But they are closer to one another than something as sick as loading your gloves, and they are both 100% a performance enhancing drug.
Come on dawg this is not a true statement. However, we've all known that PBF has always had brittle hands correct however he hasn't always fought in Nevada. Just to name a few of fights that took place outside of Nevada: Now for the record his last 5 fights have been in Vegas. But prior to that he fought Mitchell in Portland Oregon, Gatti in Atlantic City, Bruseles in Miami, Corley in Atlantic City, N'dou in Michigan, and Sosa in Fresno Ca. So which fights did he start using the injections in? Did he only use the injections when he was in Nevada and not in the other states? I'll Holla 5000
Floyd has been proven cheating. Manny hasn't. Not that I care...a Mayweather with Xylo is better for boxing than a retired Mayweather.
I think these accusations are getting ridiculous. Now Roy Jones and Floyd probably used PED's too? Now it's a "if you don't think everyone in the sport is using your naive" mentality? What happened to natural talent and athleticism? Was Sugar Ray Leonard juicing? Sugar Ray Robertson? Why does it have to be that Roy and Floyd have to be juicing too? I can see where Manny is questionable but Roy and Floyd have shown the exact same talent and skills their whole careers. Just because Manny has become questionable doesn't mean the whole sport is dirty. Well at least as far as the fighters are concerned.
If Floyd using Xylocaine for his brittle hands is going to be considered cheating then you have to bring up Vernon Forrest using similar injections in his shoulders for his fights against Shane Mosley. That first Mosley fight he threw punches with the kind of force and speed that was never ever shown by him since or before.
My uncle who trained Will Grisby back in the day pre-dog fighting. He told me back in the day that fighters often take Roids. I didn't believe him, but now I do. I'll Holla 5000
You once accused me of being a "Pac hater" because he demolished my Mexican heros.:nono: Well first off, I'm American. Don't read too much into the handle, maybe I was having a freakin taco when I created this account.:dunno: I on the other hand, would have to accuse you of being the President of The Phillippines, or more likely, the First Lady. Your sitting here arguing with your self to defend Pac! You said it yourself, Mayweather may inject his hands to use his hands NORMALLY, but then you claim it's an advantage like using freakin roids and HGH??? Seriously? You ok?
This is false. So false you should be ashamed to have said it. But the floor is yours to provide proof. Good luck.
I completely disagree. Just because you can't catch everyone doesn't mean you should throw in the towell and not try to catch anyone. A person should be able to be a professional boxer without having to use peds and the sport should do everything it can to insure this.
Exactly. Which is why he can't subject himself to testing. I like how you accuse my argument of being retarded and then you go with your Jerry Seinfeld example. Come on.