React, by looking at his glove, and slowly putting his gloves over his face, before rolling onto his back? No, it was a fucking late reaction. It took him a couple of seconds to think, oh shit, better start twitching, make sure I get this DQ.
Thanks Erratic,.. but I had no idea what was going on then,.. I saw Dirrell laying down for a split second,.. then I saw Arabham with a shitty face calling out to somebody,.. there doesn't appear to be a rewind button,.. and now it's playing
Agreed. I honestly think part of it is him being so used to fighting in Germany, and being baby'd, and being able to get away with more stuff etc. In Germany it would have been a KO win for him ::
He was GONE! Totally disoriented. Dirrell is a boxer.. he isnt fuckin Daniel Day Lewis! No one can act THAT well! The shot clearly had him out!
And when he got up ,he was playing it waaaay to hard.Dirrell makes black people look bad I can't stand him.
Really? And he definitely seemed like he wasn't faking it in the interview? What I see was him deliberately roll onto his back, then when he did get up, he looked OK, he wasn't stumbling around or anything, he didn't LOOK fucked.
Dirrell isnt my cup of tea either... but the fact is he was boxing the shit outta AA, Arthur was highly frustrated, and pulled a bitch move.
All you have to do is see the replay. It was a FLUSH shot on the chin that landed while he was down and not expecting it. I don't know how anyone could say he was faking.
He was faking it in the intervoew too. Acting like he was disoriented. Then he was walking back to the dresing room like this > ld: But as soon as the dressing room doors closed behind him he was dancing like this > :hammert:
Because when the shot landed, he didn't look remotely KO'd, took a couple of seconds to think about it, then suddenly rolled onto his back and started twitching :: I don't know how anyone could think he was NOT faking. It was just like Roy - Griffin, where Griffin did the same fucking thing, took a couple of seconds to decide to bitch out and get his opponent DQ'd.
The only one who faked anything in this fight was AA. He faked a whole bunch of low blows which were clearly clean body shots.
I am willing to bet that all of the guys on this site claiming that Dirrell is a bitch and was faking are pissed cause ya'll picked AA to win this fight. None of guys thought that Dirrell could muster this type of performance. Just face facts the dude won the fight or should I say was winning the fight clearly and was clearly put out by a cheap shot. Though Dirrell was clearly on the mat where the fuck was the referee? Dude should have been in there to prevent anything like that from happening. Good fight for Dirrell. He did what he had to do to win the fight up until the DQ. He fought when he needed to fight and boxed when he needed to box. However for those that wonna call AA a bitch dude isn't. He was caught up in the moment and fouled. Nothing more nothing less. I'll Holla 5000
That may or may not be true,.. I haven't seen the fight,.. but one thing I can say with confidence,.. is that you 'fake' liking certain fighters you hope will lose before a fight, just to balance your emotions incase the worst comes to worse. :crafty: you know it,.. you know it toooooo..
Also I think cats can put the Dirrell is a bitch on the back burner. Dude was clearly winning the fight and was not I guess running quite as much as he was in the Froch fight. Dude clearly stepped his game up and brought the fight to AA. I'll Holla 5000
Umm.... no. I liked AA, hell I still do like him... but he pulled a major bitch move tonight. AND he was a bitch for whining about PHANTOM low blows. AND Dirrell to a large part exposed his one dimensional style, and was beating him by a wide margin. These are facts. And I'm STILL not a fan of Dirrell, but I dont think he was faking it. Regardless.... as much of a bitch as AA was tonight, I'd be surprised if he doesnt KO Froch.
I don't know if that's directed at me but I don't give a fuck about either fighter enough to even make a prediction. I was obviously kidding about some of the stuff I said but I agree with MWS, it looked like he got hit flush, thought about it then went on his back. How many knockouts have we seen as fight fans. That didn't look like one to me. I never said he was any kind of a "bitch" or anything. Most people that are saying that were saying that BEFORE the fight even happened. It was a good performance by Dirrell. He dominated. I would have loved to see how he would have held up the last two rounds with Abraham being behind and needing to load up but AA made sure that wasn't necessary. BTW, FROCH will win this tournament!
You never say what you really mean, you never do,.. but,.. nevertheless,.. your Tomism' ,.. isn't on the level of that of Sir Thomas B Grave,.. it's just a private study of black posters, all of which I like,.. and I sincerely thank you for participating,..
Naw dawg that wasn't directed at you. I was just making point that many people claimed that he bitched out. We don't know how hurt he really was. I mean we've seen numerous guys get hit with shots and have delayed reactions. This isn't the first time this has ever happened. I do agree with you I would have loved to have seen what AA would have done knowing he needed a KO to win. However I think that Dirrell would have got on his bike and stunk the joint out. I'll Holla 5000