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I don't know how much faking was involved, but I have no problem with the DQ <object width="480" height="385"> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/G0LvAbRSIOA&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></object> <object width="480" height="385"> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/KceqVTs6Eyg&hl=en_GB&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></object>
Thanks Erratic,.. Tough to say,.. wether he was faking or not,.. but what is suspicious is that if you twitch like that,.. your lights should be immediately switched out where,.. that didn't look like the case with Dirrell,..still,.. in some of Marciano's fights, his knock out victims did exhibit a genuine delayed reaction,..and Arabham has that similar sort of 'clubbing' power so.... it is tough to say.. Regardless though, it was a disqualification worthy offense,.. and the consensus round by rounds across all boards I had checked out had Dirrell waaaay ahead,.. so there's no way out for Arabham,..he LOSSSSSSSSSSSSST, a good searing lossssssssssssss.
What was with the doctor applying pressure to Abraham's cut in the middle of the round? Isn't that not allowed during the round?
Up until the 11th round Dirrell was doing everything he needed to win the fight. Can we now lay the he's a bitch to rest. I mean what does he have to do to remove that stain. We also gotta remember that this would have been his only time going more then 10 rounds. That's not bad for a cat that doesn't have much championship round experience. I'll Holla 5000
exactly, AA is a bitch too, the way he kept complaining to the ref for clean body shots was disturbing and showcased the mentality of german fighers who are way too use to get home advantage ( Not that Lawrence Cole wasn't in Dirrell pocket tonight, awfull refereeing ). Don't get me wrong, AA got major heart as he shown in his fight vs Miranda ( which he should have lost ) but that doesn't change the fight that he's a whinny bitch who thinks it's his right get home field advantage
I have a question. What would have happened he had been given the full 5 minutes to recover and wasn't able to quite recover what would have happened then got up fought and was subsequently ko'd. What would have happened then? I'll Holla 5000
ehh, no, he was getting punked in the 10th and was runing around as hell. He was cleaned KD in the 10th too, but Cole blew it. And he just went 12 in his last fight
I disagree. You do what you gotta do in a fight to win. AA didn't have any advantages going into this fight other then power. So if he could take that punch away then why not try and take that away. Obviously that didn't work but it wasn't like he layed on the mat like he was hurt or anything. He just kept fighting right through it. I'll Holla 5000
Interesting point,.. hence the disqualification was warranted. Still,.. Dirrell could have just laid down without all the twitching,..that made him look like a bit Hopkins-esque.
My bad I meant second time in his entire career. I mean that ain't bad for a cat that's only fought twice in the championship rounds and you are going up against world champions. Correct me if I'm wrong but fighters don't usually decide to go 12 rounds against world champions. Don't they usually fight for a minor belt then work there way up to the world champions. And please don't act like referees abroad don't be homers as well. Yes it was a clear kd however he did trip over AA's foot. I'll Holla 5000
I don't know, because of that, they took a point away from Taylor in his fight vs AA when it was a clean body shot and after, Taylor never threw a body punch. Sure you can say it's smart fighting, but to me it's more corruption and arrogance walking hand to hand
Despite the ending this fight was still hella good/exciting. I mean you had Dirrell doing his thing. But then in the championship rounds you could feel the momentum starting to change into AA's hands. I mean you could see that there was some doubt creeping into Dirrells mind not to mention AA was starting to hit him more often. It sucks the way the fight ended but it still kept me on the edge of my seat. I'll Holla 5000
What a shitty ending to a real interesting fight. It was getting real good with Abraham having a strong round 10. I was hoping for a real dramatic ending, and in a better way than what occurred.
no doubt, I agree with you about the refs too, they have been at best questionnable ( for the home fighter of course ) in all of the Super Six fight. It makes boxing looks very bad
That's what I'm saying you gotta do what you gotta do. I mean AA knows that he's not the type of guy that's gonna throw punches so he has to try and take something away so why not use an old veteran move. If it works it works, if it doesn't it doesn't. You can't blame the dude for trying. I'll Holla 5000
I hate both of them, this is well known. They are both bitches, it was a calculated bitch move by AA to hit Dirrell, and Dirrell faked twitching on the canvas, he was not KTFO in the slightest. Dirrell ran a bit less than the Frock fight, and flopped less, I'll give him that, but then again he was fighting a turtle throwing 5 punches a round, so that was to be expected.
it doesn't matter if Dirrell was faking it, I think he was faking it but that is PURE speculation on my part. THe fact is that Dirrell was kicking AA's ass, and AA pulled a bitch move, like Roy Jones, and hit a guy when he was clearly down. He deserved to be DQ'd. And unlike the Jones-Griffin fight, AA was being comprehensively outboxed to that point. Also, I personally think that there should have been a rule in this tourney that if a fighter loses by DQ he should have a point taken away. AA should have 2 points right now imo.
Exactly, I mean twitching a few seconds later after deliberately rolling onto your back? Please :: I've never seen someone get KTFO and twitch from such a delayed reaction like a few seconds after getting hit.
Hey Hitman, in case it wasn't clear - just to clarify - I think AA should have been DQ'd whether Dirrell was faking or not, and I dislike both fighters, that doesn't change the fact that Dirrell was faking, clear as day.
He might have been faking it, but if he was it didn't look "obvious" to me. Of course we'll never know because it's not like he'd ever admit.
It's foolish to say Dirrell was faking...hell, look at jermain Taylor and how he went to sleep against Abraham and he was more coherent than Dirrell after the fight. Taylor spoke with Gray and yet once he made it back to his dressing room it was clear he wasn't in his right mind...his team said he repeatedly asked the same questions then they realized something wasn't quite right with him. Taylor spent how long in the hospital? He wasn't cleared to fly home for almost a week. Dirrell was confused and dazed when Gray got to him...so much so Gray wanted to give him time to recoup...it was obvious. Gray talked to the doctor after Dirrell was taken to his locker room and the doctor said Dirrell was disoriented (which matched what we saw immediately afterward) but was doing a little better. Some of the comments about the "delayed reaction" is laughable. Watch the video. It speaks for itself. Abraham was getting his ass whupped, fought and whined like a bitch.
Exactly. All these tards complaining about Dirrell faking it are suffering from a case of sour grapes. I was rooting for AA, but he was getting the shit boxed outta him, was frustrated as hell... and took the oppertunity to make a bitch move. Dirrell took a CLEAN, unprotected shot from a VERY heavy handed puncher... only a simp would accuse him of faking it.