I'm glad you see the light. I mean seriously, twitching and acting like you're totally fucked, stretcher material, and then oh look, not even a concussion ::
Hey Outlander, like I said, I am 99% sure Dirrell is faking, there is a very small chance he's not. Honestly I think it was part of the act. What you've got to consider too, is he was ACTING disoriented and fucked, but his eyes and body language told a different story, as did the hospital results of him not even having a concussion. In the interview etc when he was apparently all concussed and fucked up, his eyes looked completely clear, he didn't look wobbly on his feet either, basically he looked fine. And in regards to never seen anyone faking like that after dominating a fight, I think it points to two things - one Dirrell is a digraceful bitch (as evidenced by the Frock fight) and two - the tide did change after Arabham knocked him down. Arabham was looking motivated, and Dirrell was looking a bit scared/discouraged and got on his bike. I think the way Dirrell saw it was, instead of gutting it out and winning properly, he could just fake the effects of the cheap shot, and get a sure fire win. That's Dirrell's mentality. Oh by the way, I totally agree about the cheap shot, that was obvious too. AA literally paused for a second or two, thought exactly about what he was doing, then decided fuck it, I'll hit him when he's down anyway. This really does go to show, it does no fucking good, being overprotected by hometown refs etc, you're right, it had actually become part of AA's make up as a fighter. I'm glad AA was exposed. He's not a top tier fighter, and evidently, he's an overprotected bitch too.
Dirrell wasn't faking. Abraham will win a rematch. A dq win should be 3 points. And, I like Hitman's suggestion that a point should be taken away from the dq'd fighter. As it is, Abraham is going to make the final 4 no matter what. And Dirrell will want no part of a rematch.
Abraham has not been "exposed" or being shown up as "over protected by home town refs"......what he get's in Germany is comprehensive cover...if he is low-blowed, it get's called. It's not like his opponents were ever docked points for fouls that never happened. Instead, in Germany, they are docked points for all the fouls that DO happen. He doesn't get that on the road. Hell, on the road he floors the guy and don't get that either. You cannot say he is not a top tier fighter....he is in the Super 6. He just came off 2nd best on the night even though he did try to end strong. When you consider how useless Froch looked vs Dirrell, that puts Abrahams performance in some perspective. It's not like the guy got splattered, ffs. He was losing widely on the cards, had scored a KD and been floored himself, and coming on strong when he broke the rules and his opponent bitched out. It's not like he got stopped in 12 seconds or something. Right now, a scrub, by your own reckoning, heads up the Super 6:dunno:
First off, I was one of the people that said that while Dirrell obviously had the physical tools to compete, he didn't have the inner stength to fight through adversity or to execute a consistent gameplan. Through the first 8 rounds of the fight, it was clear that I was wrong. But Andre was far from home, even at the time the fight was stopped. Abraham was coming on, and had the pace of the fight continued, I think one of them would have been knocked out. Likely it would have been Direll getting KO'd, but the way AA was opening up, he could have gotten clipped again himself. Now, about the ending: no doubt it was a foul, and the fight needed to be stopped. I'll also admit that my immediate reaction was that Dirrell was dressing it up a bit. His reaction doesn't seem to be consistent with someone who is KTFO'd to the point that he has no recollection 20 minutes later. My hunch is that the following is true: the punch really fucking hurt him, and he went down. I do not think the twitching was involuntary. I am just saying. For those of you giving Andre the benefit of the doubt, I have no problem with that. But it is simply incorrect to assume Dirrell really was that hurt (giving him the FULL benefit of the doubt) but then also saying that AA somehow did that on purpose because he was getting his ass beat. Not true. Abraham lost his head and couldn't pass up the free shot. It was stupid, but unreal to think he wouldn't be DQ'd. Why would he do that when he had Dirrell hurt? It's like saying Roy took the easy way out against Griffen. It just doesn't make sense. And for those saying that AA was bitching all night about low blows, that may be true... but at least one of them was a blatant low blow that was not called. And in my opinion, Cole missed 2 knockdowns. The second one of AA when he flew into the ropes should have been ruled a KD, as was the time Dirrell was knocked down. Even though the feet were tangled, the punch was such a flus shot that it should have been rules a KD. Bottom line: Dirrell was impressive, both for his consistent execution over the bulk of the fight, but also for his ability to take shots and not lose his confidence. Given his past penchant for excessive holding, I was really pleased with his performance. He showed that he may not be Zab Judah 2.0 and might have what it takes to be a consistent title contender. Having said all of that, I would comfortably pick Abraham if they fought again. And I suspect that they will.
I thought the same thing, and it sorta confirms my suspicion if in fact he was ruled not to have a concussion. The doctor seemed so concerned about him hitting his head on the canvas (and rightfully so, given the fact that he didn't have the replays that we did and how odd Dirrell was acting). But when you watch the tape, there is no hard contact at all with the canvas. We all watch a ton of boxing, and in my mind that shot was not hard enough to cause the damage that it seemingly did. Without Dirrell slamming his head (which he clearly did not), I am hard pressed to believe that he was that fucked up.
Yeah... twitching at the very LEAST indicates a major concussion. Usually a lot more. Dirrell is in the wrong profession, cause when he started twitching I honestly jumped out my seat and "Oh Christ no!"
Just watched the fight. Not going to read through this whole thread, just give my thoughts. For 7 rounds this was absolutely the best Andre Dirrell I've ever seen............by far. He was even getting clocked by the occasional power shot from Abraham and instead of panicking and going all Octopus, he was countering back and showing a pretty good beard. He was in fucking control. Then around the 8th or 9th round, for some reason he started turning back into the same old Dirrell. Running around the ring, going all jitterbug, throwing his arms out everytime he got hit, countering Abraham's wildness with his own instead of parrying him. Running around the ring is what got him in trouble. He tried to plant his foot to bolt back in the other direction and slipped on the ad...............why the fuck they still allow those, I don't fuckin ' know. Has anybody ever bought a Tecate just because they saw a tiny Tecate logo painted in the corner of the ring? :doh: Obvious foul and a DQ, stupid decision by Abraham but I understand why he did it. Shit, it's why they call Dirrell "The Matrix".............almost looked like one of those crouch low and get out of danger moves. I thought Dirrell was faking it at first but I think it was delayed reaction. He was obviously confused after the fight. Nobody goes that far in faking a reaction........that's just fucking ridiculous.
I just hope we´ll get some clean fights for the rest of the tournament. If this is what the best fighting the best is supposed to look like, constant bullshit and controversy with low-blows, headbutts, holding, running, bad fouls, faking and complaining, controversy about ref and judge selections, partial hometown refs, postponements and replacements THEN I´d rather go back to the mismatches and the days of Dariusz and Roy avoiding each other. :doh::doh:
was dirrell faking the first 9 rounds when he was dominating the armo and beating the shit outta him?
what was the advantage to dirrell crying and acting like a retard after the fight? was that type of behavior supposed to win over fans for him? makes zero sense to purposely act like that.
Obviously Not..."However", After Getting DROPPED & Clipped w/a Couple More Shots by the INCREASINGLY Aggressive "Armo", Dirrell PANICKED & Jumped on the 1st Opportunity he was Given to Get OUT of the Fight... REED:hammert:
maybe he needed the doctor to look at him for a few minutes after he got hit with some hard shots in the last round, that couldve helped him, ya think?
Apparently U MISSED that Split Second SMIRK Dirrell had on his Face, which Preceded his CORPSE Impersonation...Then his CONVENIENT "Recovery", 1nce he KNEW the Fight was Over... Dirrell's Stock is LOWER Today than it was PRIOR to the Tournament... REED:boohoo:
Maybe it was All Part of Dirrell's Academy Award Winning Performance...OR Maybe the REALITY of what he'd just Done Set In & he was Visibly DISAPPOINTED that his Inner BITCH Took Over his Thought Process.. REED:hammert:
according to who? dirrells stock was never high in my book prior to this tournament. being competitive with two allegedly top super middleweights should boost his stock from unproven and timid suspect to a timid and proven contender. what did you think of the doctor working on abraham's cut in the middle of the round for a few minutes in the midst of an ass whipping dirrell was dishing to that chap?
CLEARLY, Dirrell's a VERY TALENTED Fighter...He's FAST, TALL, ATHLETIC, Does Work from BOTH Stances, he's EVASIVE, he can PUNCH...Dirrell has the Type of Tools that ANY Trainer would Looooooooove to Hone...But Dirrell LACKS Confidence & Focus... w/Out Question, his 2 Tournament Fights have Been BACKWARD Steps...The Story of the Froch Fight was Dirrell's Refusal to ENGAGE...The Story of the Abraham Fight is how it ENDED...Dirrell was Actually On his Way to REMOVING the Froch Fight from the Memory of Fans, then he SHITTED On it... REED:hammert:
not quite sure what dirrell had ever done prior to this tournament that was more impressive than what he did show in the last two fights. did he have some impressive performance i missed and should go back and watch?
The "Bitch" Talk Started After the DREADFUL Fight btwn Dirrell & Curtis Stevens...But to his Credit, Dirrell had 5-6 NICE Showings After that, Including the IMPRESSIVE KO of Hanshaw... Going into the Tournament, REED had Dirrell & Abraham as his CLEAR Favorites...Do U HONESTLY Think Dirrell's Stock is Higher NOW than it was PRE-Super 6???... REED:mj:
as a boxer, it's got to be. I was indifferent to him before the tournament, and now is dislike him...and i'm sure that is the case for a lot of fans....but you can't deny, that as a boxer, he's proved that he belongs at the top level. You personally may have thought that all along, but amongst the wider boxing public, myself include, there was obvious doubts because of the level of competition he'd fought at to that point. When we talk about 'stocks' rising or falling, surely we are referring to a consensus perception and not just our own personal views.
You've got to be shitting me. Frock won fair and square against a flat out runner, a guy who was running away and flopping around on the canvas. It wasn't pretty, but Frock did what he had to do. He was relentless, he did some damage, and his determination and workrate got him the win. If anyone looked useless it was Arabham, doing his same Clottey routine of covering up, doing absolutely fuck all, and throwing 5 haymakers a round.