difference is Roy actually had a few occasions where exactly that happened what he said... Steward is borderline clueless.
Haven't known as many Sikhs but they all seem really nice. Not quite as fun as Pakistani guys but good folk. Turks are a bit weirder. Cool people, but a bit TOO lascivious & forward which can cause problems in Scottish culture....personal space issues, too touchy feely with girls etc. But with guys it seems like they have a natural male commaraderie with almost everyone. Makes a change from the way Glaswegian males tend to relate with each other here....macho, undercurrent of violence always simmering. :boohoo:
I loved how Roy was rockin old school DJ Quik in his workout video. That shit was hot. I'll Holla 5000
Seriously guys, I'm a big Roy fan, But he is sounding punch drunk as fuck. I still look forward to him stomping out Hopkins.
I thought Jones was the best of the HBO "expert" commentators. Yeah, too often he'd start sucking his own dick, but usually he provided better insight than the others. Foreman was often unintentionally funny with his comments like "no one is pound for pound until they beat James Page", "Adrian Stone's leopard trunks will throw off Shane Mosley's vision", "we respect Pierre Coetzer for his love of mankind", or "not much is a lot for Oscar De La Hoya, not much is a lot". He was so bad he could be hilarious, like the Wicker Man remake of HBO commentators. I'm convinced his overemphasis on bodypunching is him still trying to excuse his gameplan in Zaire. "HE HIT HIM IN THE CHEST!!! In 2 rounds, that chest shot will kill his energy!!!" I don't think he'll ever truly get over Zaire. I think his way of showing his ego was to just disagree for the sake of disagreeing, as if his experience in the ring made him always right and the other opinions inferior. Steward can be good at times but of course, loves talking about how he expected it to go right. I liked his commentary though during Margarito-Cotto. While Lampley went into his Cotto slurping mode, Steward accurately pointed out the shots that Margarito was landing and how he was walking Cotto down. Lennox doesn't as often go into egotistical mode. Once he said something like "I beat Rahman when he was prime, not like Wlad is doing now", but usually, he doesn't start talking about himself. But he's more or less useless other than the occassional comedic relief. "He's got aletichism, athleteism, athleticicism"
He also lost to Rahman, after Rahman had been pasted by Oleg and Sanders, albeit that he won the Sanders fight, he took a fucking hiding vs Sanders, and still had enough to KO Lewis. In his prime. If I was Lewis, Rahman is something I would not bring up.
At least Roy knows where the "button" is regarding his KOs. I think he's absolutely right that Hopkins is going to be targeting the spot and that's the reason Hops took the fight. That being said, if he's KO'd, he should know to hang them up.
I will always like Roy because he gave Klitschko credit when he beat Danny Williams. He said that Vitali showed him some stuff, that he was impressed...that Vitali had some good moves for such a big man. Roy was picking out how Vitali generated space, and had good angles. Lederman was begging him to stop, and was crying.
Foreman is classic.. he is the best IMO "all the short man gotta do is close his eyes and punch upwards"
I have a bad feeling that Jones will land a big punch and KO Hopkins for a major upset. That's teh worse case scenario for me and that's why I'm thinking about it. Jones' legacy is messed up after his losses to Tarver, Johnson, Calzaghe and now that Aussie bum. Hopkins' legacy, on the other hand, is SOLID with his Middleweight reign and dominant wins over Tarver and Pavlik as well as almost beating Calzaghe. Since Jones' legacy has already taken a hit on account of his chinny chin chin and chicken heart.....one more loss to him wont hurt. Bernard, however, although 45...stands to lose alot of what he's achieved if he loses to the SHOT Roy Jones with the eggshell chin and Bruce Seldon heart. Hopkins must win for the betterment of boxing. FUCK Roy Jones. He let down his biggest fan, me, when he pussied out of the Tarver (3) and Calzaghe fights.
Nah..I was a Jones fan after his was KTFO by Tarver and by Glen Johnson. It's not a fighter losing, per se which bothers me...it's when they QUIT when they have the ability to win. When they are just content to go the distance and lose than risk being KOed. That's when they piss me off. That's what Jones did...TWICE...and proved himself a coward.
he proved his toughness against calzaghe in my eyes. way washed up and past his prime. cut for the first time, and he hung in there and took a beating.
That's not good enough for some people. That is too bad seeing that RJJ tried to get up from the Tarver and Johnson KOs despite being out of it.
Let's just hope Roy wins this.....Bernard never beat a dominant streaking MW at MW.....he was no Hagler, he was no Monzon, and I hope Turkey-Breedin-Turkey-Fightin' Roy beats his English-lessons needing ass for long.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/UJbOw_5DPiE&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UJbOw_5DPiE&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> Sorry I meant Turtles. Turtle fighting, dog-food eating......Roy Jones aint even done lately to consider hisself superstar.
I dont think this fight effects eithers legacy either way. They're both ancient and the fight is truly MEANINGLESS. If Jones wins it's because Hopkins got old. If Hopkins wins it's because we already know Jones is shot.
Roy Jones annoys me now, because he is without doubt the most naturally gifted fighter I've ever seen and could have been the very best but he blew it. He's still a great but he could have been so much more. Fucking shame. However I hope he pulls out one last hurrah and beats Hopkins, can't stand that guy, although he is a great fighter.
I actually really like Hopkins. He's a MEAN, hard guy, but you gotta admire his intelligence & force of will.
Hopkins is a great great fighter. Interesting personality, nice mean tough guy look. I'd be sad when he retires.