This is what the collective computed: 1. Ray Robinson 2. Roberto Duran 3. Ray Leonard 4. Muhammed Ali 5. Julio Cesar Chavez 6. Willie Pep 7. Ezzard Charles 8. Pernel Whitaker 9. Roy Jones Jr 10. Manny Pacquiao 11. Marvin Hagler 12. Joe Louis 13. Alexis Arguello 14. Eder Jofre 15. Tommy Hearns 16. Carlos Monzon 17. Bernard Hopkins 18. Floyd Mayweather 19. Sandy Saddler 20. Ricardo Lopez 21. Salvador Sanchez 22. Michael Spinks 23. Joe Calzaghe 24. Archie Moore 25. Evander Holyfield
Coulda been worse :: Personally I think Chavez is too high, Saddler too low. I can't take a list with Louis & Jofre outside the top ten entirely seriously, either. And having Calzaghe above Archie Moore is of course just offensive. :dunno: But overall it seems pretty nice to me - a nice balanced snap shot of the various opinions here.
Just so happened that 25 names were way ahead of everyone else. These seemed to be the 25 the collective ranked as indisputably best, just seemed reasonable to list them. Personally I'm disappointed by the lack of love for Napoles, Griffith, Gavilan, Harada, Foster, Pryor and Benitez but since I only found a place for one of them myself I can't really complain.
Two things... Firstly, whilst I am front and centre in the other thread defending Calzaghe (as usual), to have him that high is just plain wrong. Honestly, it is. Secondly, you should convert this into an article for the homepage. It wouldn't take much- just put the list up with your own supporting comments (who's too high in you opinion, who is too low, who isn't in at all, what surprised you etc etc). it would make a good addition and will help add a bit of a mixture to what will likely be a few previews/result articles likely in the aftermath of a reasonably busy boxing weekend. MTF
In all honesty Feebes, I wouldn't have the first idea on how to go about that. Feel free to post the results with any comments you wanna augment it with - Im not sure I'd have anything additive to say.
All you would have to do is post the list and add your own comments. It is, to all intents and purposes, an opinion piece, so your opinion is all you need to add. If you think Prior, Foster, Harada et al should have been in, explain why and who they should have replaced. If Calzaghe shouldn't be in, explain why. Once you are done, mail it to one of the guvnor's (Punk, NobleArt, Buddy Rydell or TKO) and they will do the rest. I only suggested it because a) it would make a good piece and b) having gone to the trouble of asking for lists and tabulating the results, you might as well get them published on the homepage as a reward for your work. This kind of thing makes for good reading and stimulates debate, which in turn makes for good homepage material. MTF :cheer:
If you give me what sort of rough word count your looking for I'll try and throw something together on monday.
Louis is rated where he should be. It's debatable as to whether he had better wins before or after his title reign began, but removing a lot of those big wins from the 1930's seriously impacts his ranking. I'm kind of surprised to not see either Larry Holmes or Aaron Pryor on the list.
Not THAT bad. Chavez too high as well as Roy. López and Sánchez shouldn't crack the top 20 IMO and having Calzaghe on the list over Holmes seems like a crime.
I didn't say anything about removing the 30s wins. Just that enough of his career happened in the 40s to include him as a fighter of the 40s onward. As I said, its messy, but I felt there had to be a cut off point to avoid getting mired in discussions about whether guys like Wilde, Langford, Gans etc. were actually shit. And believe me had they been included half the thread WOULD have been about that and it would have been poorer for it.
Calzaghe over Foster, Pryor, Napoles, Griffith, Harada, Holmes, Moore, Holyfield, Gavilan, Benitez, Ortiz, Williams, Olivares......poor show, IMO. It's really debatable whether he belongs above DLH. Probably no, actually.
Nah Cdogg is already in the room with him. There's isn't room for anyone else. Cdogg>>:hump:<< broadwayjoe </broadwayjoe>
In fairness I think both just know rather allot about boxing history so tend to have broadly overlapping opinions.opcorn: Let's all get along.
You should have just used my list and thrown all the others out as i'm smart and all the rest of you are stupid and dumb and gay.
I'm sure we're all looking forward to the time when either does something Sly considers cowardly so he can pull his turncoat act again. 'I'm a diehard fan of HOP/FM but once he started losing, I realized that I don't like him anymore. Judas has spoken.'
BTW guys, to anyone who hasn't submitted their list already - feel free to post it in this thread and I'll add it to the total. I've still got the bit of paper with the final totals so it's nae bother.