Bernard landed a rabbit punch on Roy and guess what, Roy didn't collapse. I can't believe you think Bernard wasn't acting ::
Yep... The ONLY Meaningful Punches Landed by Roy were 2 RABBIT Punches...& Bernard EXAGGERATED the Effects of Both...ATTACKED Roy Immediately After, then Fell BACK Into his Customary Pattern.... Roy's THERE to B KO'ed but Bernard is Waaaaaaay Toooooooo RESPECTFUL... REED:hammert:
I think so. He is a super athlete. Put him any sport and will succeed because of his speed and reflexes. He choose boxing.
Are you mad? Roy landed 2 rabbit punches, neither of them particularly hard, and Bernard collapsed to the floor both times. Bernard landed one on fragile Roy and guess what, Roy didn't collapse. How often do you see a fighter fucking collapse to the floor because of one tap to the back of the head? Who knows why Bernard did it, yes he's winning, but he's just a sneaky bitch I guess.
I think Golden Boy wanted this fight the same night as the Haye fight to build toward Haye-Hopkins in the the sounds of it Hopkins is embarrassing himself.
Round Nine. Beer tastes good. The fight is not. Roy looks very tired and ready to be KTFO again, but Hopkins is too respectful. Commentators give that round to RJJ. No idea why. 89-81 Hops MTF
Roy hasn´t won a round. Commentators are pretending Roy is doing anything, when he is doing absolutely nothing. Well except foul.
LOW BLOW by Roy but Again, Bernard is EXAGGERATING the Effects...It's as if Roy is TRYING to Get himself DQ'ed &/or Bernard is LOOKING for an OUT... REED:shit:
yeah I know, I was agreeing, one dude kept hitting me behind the head in a boxing match and was wondering why they are illegal as they don't hurt. The day after I knew why BTW, Hopkins is really embarassing himself
Correction, Bernard Landed a Rabbit Punch on a DEVOID of Punch Resistance Roy Jones, and Guess What, Roy Didn't Collapse... REED::
Yep I agree, it's funny, they sometimes even hurt a bit later that day, but not at the time at all. Pretty weird actually.
Round ten RJJ lands a meaningful punch. Sadly, it's to the groin of Hopkins, who falls over like he has been shot. Shameful- it was fucking tap for Christ's sake. Hopkins is fighting like a whiny cunt. Hopkins comes forward and traps Roy on the ropes, but Roy lands a few good uppercuts that catch judges eyes. Hopkins stalks Roy for the rest of the round, but apart from a 1-2 at about 2.30, he misses a lot. Round to Jones Jr. 98-91 Hops MTF