wow this is even worse than what I expected Funny how Bernard as turned soft with the years. Shows the greatness of Calzaghe And damn, Roy starting to act too
The one good thing about the fight...from the sound of none wants to see the winner OR loser of this fight. I'd like to see Golden Boy sell another Hopkins fight
Yes, Roy IS a Super Athlete, but in his Prime he had UNDERRATED Acumen...Guys Tend to DIMINISH What Roy Did by Saying "He was JUST an Athlete".... REED:hammert:
Round Eleven Both men look TIRED. Hopkins stalking Jones Jr nd landing the more meaningful punches. RJJ managed to avoid most of the incoming and scored with a couple of shots himself. Not much happening, again, and tough to score. Given to the aggressor. 108-100 Hops MTF
What did he do besides beat people with Speed and Reflexes. Ali use to do the same thing, but when ali got old and slow, his fell back on his actual boxing skills.
In reading this RBR...although teh consensus is that Bernard is winning the fight....I get the sneaking suspicion that a controversial decision in Roy's favour is coming...
Godfather, Roy was hardly a strategist - he made things up as he went along, but he DID think about what he was doing in there, he wasn't just a moron in the ring, with nothing but athleticism like Judah. If he was, he wouldn't have been as successful.
...and took a LOT of punches in the process. LOL! Ali should've retired when his speed diminished. He did himself no favours healthwise by staying around and taking a sh*t load of brain damaging shots.
If they actually paid for tickets they sghould boo themselves...if they were reason to. speaking of which...what does the arena look like in terms of attendance?
REED was Thinking the SAME Thing...If U DIDN'T Know this Fight would Suck AHEAD of Time, It's YOUR OWN Damn Fault if U Spent Money on this Shit... REED:mj:
From the sounds of thigs Bernard deserves to lose. Roy is doing nothing and bernard wont finish him off, instead he's trying to get Roy DQ'd.
I'm pretty sure they were given free tickets ( and still felt they were ripped off ). The people willing to pay for this farce were harcore Jones or Hopkins fans and they wouldn't boo them.