Well, that was fucking terrible. Really shit fight between two guys who should retire (one definately, one probably). Total rubbish MTF
He could be a thinker in the ring and still not be a boxer. He never showed any great BOXING skill. He never needed to. And now it would have been nice if he had
haye would put a hurting on hopkins. not a wise move by hopkins if he wants to stay healthy after his retirement.
I agree, Haye would beat the shit out of Hopkins now. That wouldn't be a good fight for the old war bitch.
How cares. That would be a great fight. He should have done it against Valuev, but the historical significance is tremendous. Who else is left? He has already fought all the old guys, and he sure as hell doesn´t want to fight Dawson, Pascal or Cloud. I guess he could win a cruiserweight belt, but that pays as much as a heavyweight weigh-in.
Both guys should probably hang it up. But Hopkins will probably get a fight with David Haye now, being that both are G.
He Set TRAPS, OCCASIONALLY Jabbed & was a Damn GOOD Bodypuncher (& No, REED ISN'T Just Referencing the Hill KO Either)....Michael Grant was a GOOD ATHLETE that Tried his Hand @ Boxing & Failed MISERABLY... To Say that Roy ONLY Beat Opponents w/Speed & Reflexes is INaccurate.. REED:kidcool:
You know its true Reed. I know there have been many things about this sport we love that has dissapointed you over the past 10 or so years. PPV card are a joke, Lack of Great fights out there, Promoters are basically crooks. And it doesnt hurt when shit like this is put on. I dont blame roy too much on this. IMO this is more BHOP. He didnt have to take this fight, he decided to. Fuck Hopkins. RJJ is doing what he has to do. But this was embarassing from begining to end.
That doesnt mean nothing Reed. Im sure he knows every punch. Thats not my point. You can clearly see that at the twighlight of his career he has NO boxing skill. He isnt doing anything in there but punching and holding. He can hook, jab, cross, etc. But when he was younger he did them one at a time and moved and did something again and moved. Now he cant get away anymore, so he has to hold. The funny thing about Roy right now is that he is still much faster than Hopkins. And if he actually knew how to box and wasnt scared, he could have beaten hopkins to the punch everytime. Also Michael Grant didnt have Roy's Speed and Reflexes. I doubt anyone did
Bernard won but the rounds were a lot closer than the scores. Hopkins wasn't doing shit and was actually getting roughed up in the clinch. What a shit performance by both but at least we know that Roy is shot. The RJJ from Tarver 3 would have beaten Bernard. That's how pathetic Hopkins was. The "fouls" had even Hopkins fans laughing at him. He'd hit Roy illegally and then RJJ would return fire and Hopkins would stop drop and roll. What a bitch.
I missed this fight as I was out drunk and had little interest in this match. Was it worse than Leonard-Duran 3?