UFC 112

Discussion in 'General MMA Discussion' started by Bob N Weave, Apr 9, 2010.

  1. Hanz

    Hanz Roberto Duran

    Jun 21, 2004
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    Yep and even still, if Anderson was to get axed, we all know that nobody ever beat him to win the title. Love it or hate it, he's the most legitimate champ in any division right now in the UFC and somebody needs to beat him to claim his throne.
    Which means Dana White needs to stop putting these little faggots in there with him and get Anderson up to the big boys level against the likes of......I don't know......Machida? If not that, get him up to heavyweight and put him in there with the likes of Mir, Velasquez, or Dos Santos.:dunno:
    GSP has no shot so forget him.
  2. Hanz

    Hanz Roberto Duran

    Jun 21, 2004
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    Don't think Dana's gonna be disrespecting boxing's cards again anytime soon. He's got his own problems right now.
  3. jarhead

    jarhead Undisputed Champion

    Jan 17, 2006
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    Anderson would have his hands full at 205. Let him fight Rua after the rematch with Machida, win or lose. Personally, I would still like to watch him fight Belfort at 185 as well. But I do agree with you Hanzy, most at 185 are too small and pose no real threat to him. 205 has many challenges for him. Even Vera would be an interesting matchup.
  4. Hanz

    Hanz Roberto Duran

    Jun 21, 2004
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    Jon Jones might be the one Dana White looks to. Although I think he's still green. Anderson would give up his belt and quit rather than fight Machida or lil nog or any of his other 280 buddies.:lol:
  5. Bob N Weave

    Bob N Weave Guest

    You should have known this, retard.
  6. steve_dave

    steve_dave Hard As Fuck

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Enough with the personal insults. Last warning.
  7. adamiw

    adamiw Undisputed Champion

    Dec 3, 2002
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    Anderson Silva was a disgrace last night. He's the stand-up guy, supposedly the best in the sport. But what?...he's only capable of applying this 'phenomenal' ability when his opponent throws telegraphed punches first....ha, he's incapable of leading!...either that or he doesn't have the confidence to do so, which is strange as he spent most of the 2nd round dancing around like a prat in a show of supreme arrogance.

    Maia's the challenger, and has some duty to engage (as he did with his 'last throw of the dice' in the 5th), but at the same time, as a fighter, fighting to a strategy, he has a duty to his own chances of winning (and not to mention personal safety)....NOT to play right into Silva's hands. Just in the same way that Silva doesn't want to play into Maia's by going to ground with him. Yet we didn't see Maia sitting down, hammering the patch of canvas next to him, demanding Silva to roll with him. No cos Maia isn't the arsehole that Silva proved himself to be last night.

    p4p #1?....best striker in the sport?.....he stood for 25 minutes with a boxing novice who only two fights ago was stopped within seconds of the fight starting. Pathetic....and unlike GSP a couple of weeks ago, Silva deserves all the criticism that will come flying at him.
  8. adamiw

    adamiw Undisputed Champion

    Dec 3, 2002
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    true....if only he stepped up his competition we'd find out!
  9. jarhead

    jarhead Undisputed Champion

    Jan 17, 2006
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    Spokane, WA
    I tend to agree with you about lil nog and Machida. But you have Rua, Rampage, Evans, Cane, Silva, and many other guys who would make Anderson stand up and fight instead of that crap last night. Hell I guarantee you even Jardine would stand with Anderson. If I was Dana I would push him to 205 and match him tough instead of the fights with Irvin and Griffin. I would even think a fight with Vera would be interesting.
  10. Hanz

    Hanz Roberto Duran

    Jun 21, 2004
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    I might get flamed for this by TFK and a bunch of other hardcore MMA fanatics but it has to be said. There's a reason why it takes many many years for a man to master a single fighting style. No matter what the style is, be it Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Kung Fu, Judo, Ju Jit Su, etc.
    It takes many years of going up the ranks in order to become a master. Heck likely takes your entire adulthood.
    In MMA, these young little assholes with their cocky mouths and tatoos who are basically in their 20s are coming out acting like they're the f*cking sh*t who know everything there is to know about fighting but can't throw a f*cking punch without tripping over their feet.
    As far as I'm concerned, the majority of fighters out there are jacks of all trades and masters of none.
    Nobody can master every art of fighting. But you can master 1 art of fighting in your lifetime.
    You don't see great college wrestlers go out and start training in boxing and end up becoming both elite wrestlers and elite boxers. You can only dedicate your life to one discipline.
    You don't see Roger Federer mastering tennis and then trying to master golf. You dedicate your life to one sport.
    In MMA, you're trying to dedicate your life to numerous different styles which all require different skills.
    And that's why MMA as a sport is not pure in the least but mainly just a mish mash of crap where kids are learning a little bit of everything.
    It's why somebody like Maia has no idea what to do when his takedowns don't work. He can't box at all, he can't do anything else. And the same goes for the majority of athletes out there in MMA.
    I'd much rather have a sport where you see athletes who are completely trained to compete in THAT particular sport. Tiger Woods is trained as a golfer so he competes in golf. Federer is trained in tennis so he competes in tennis. Damian Maia is trained in BJJ but tries to box.:dunno: Why would I pay to see a grappler trying to box?
    Sorry, but MMA despite it's grand entertainment is primarily made up of jacks of all trades type athletes. It's more entertainment than anything and not a pure sport. It's just how it is.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2010
  11. mexican wedding shirt

    mexican wedding shirt The Greatest of Are Times

    Jan 18, 2003
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  12. Bob N Weave

    Bob N Weave Guest

    Suuure. Because he hasn't proven it time and time again against top competition.
  13. adamiw

    adamiw Undisputed Champion

    Dec 3, 2002
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    soz, i was just being facetious.
  14. Beyond the Grave

    Beyond the Grave Undisputed Champion

    Apr 11, 2005
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    where you been?His last three opponents was top ten heavys.Hes been stepped it up.
  15. Bob N Weave

    Bob N Weave Guest

    I agree the insult was inappropriate, but his was as well, wasn't it? Bottom line, if there is an event that is taking place in the Middle East and you are unable to watch it until a later time, stay away from the forums. Don't throw the blame at someone laced with an insult when it is not their job to keep you informed.
  16. Bob N Weave

    Bob N Weave Guest

    Got ya, maybe a smilie would help next time.
  17. Trplsec

    Trplsec Sleeps in a Cage

    Jun 18, 2004
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    I agree with much of what you said and that's why I won't completely dismiss it. However, when you look at the MMA landscape, whether it's the UFC, Strikeforce, Bellator or whatever, you have guys that were among the very best at their original discipline. Whether it's Lesnar with his wrestling or Maia and Penn with their BJJ, you have guys that were originally MASTERS of one discipline.

    To use your analogy of Federer. Let's say a sport became popular that combined Golf and Tennis. Federer, being a dominant tennis player, would have to train in golf to be the very best at this new sport. But his tennis base, being so strong, would give him a great head start.

    I think master boxers are what is lacking from MMA. Obviously a good boxer can make a living in his own sport whereas a great amateur wrestler cannot do the same in competitive wrestling. So it is understandable that the boxer would take the easy road and continue mastering a single craft as oppossed to taking up MMA where he would have work harder to learn other disciplines.

    Maybe someday we will see more good amateur or young pro boxers take up MMA. I think it would change the game completely especially if they become well-rounded WITH the great boxing base.

    But your completely off with calling MMA entertainment and not a pure sport. That's like calling the decathalon entertainment and not a sport because it mixes a variety of disciplines and the athletes are jack of all trade types. That's a really moronic statement and ruins the actual good points you made.
  18. jarhead

    jarhead Undisputed Champion

    Jan 17, 2006
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    Spokane, WA
    I don't think there is much wrong with what you said here, Hanzy. Minus the not a pure sport. but that is just an opinion for another debate. But lets take my gym for instance. We get tons of these young guys come in, think cuz they knocked a few guys out in high school fights they can fight in MMA. Happens all the time. But I don't think you can dump all MMA fighters into this category. Fedor for instance trained his whole life and became the elite Sambo practitioner in the world. He used that as his base and then trained in other facets such as boxing and wrestling. Now his boxing will never be elite like his Sambo, but with his dedication, and lets be honest, talent, he becomes well rounded enough to be world class MMA. My point is you need to have an elite level base. Whether it is BJJ, Sambo, Kickboxing, Karate, Greco-Roman Wrestling, or whatever. Then you need the dedication to learn another discipline at a level which will allow you to be well rounded. All Champions in MMA have an elite level base. Machida, Lesnar, Penn, Fedor, Silva, Aoki, etc. etc. The jack of all trades type you refer to very rarely ever become elite level MMA. They are the Forrest Griffins of the world.
  19. Bob N Weave

    Bob N Weave Guest

    Very well put. :cheer:
  20. mexican wedding shirt

    mexican wedding shirt The Greatest of Are Times

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Hahaha, Bob chill. I didn't know you were so stuck up.

    It was just a joke, it wasn't meant as an insult at all. I didn't know this event was on so early, I forgot it was being held in aboo daboo, and thus I missed the first fight.
  21. steve_dave

    steve_dave Hard As Fuck

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Bob always gets like this. It's odd, but he's still a teenager, so understandable I guess.

    I was pretty wound up and sensitive when I was in high school too.
  22. Bob N Weave

    Bob N Weave Guest

    Man, Steve. I find it hilarious how you engage in the same behavior that you ridicule me for. You are so sensitive.
  23. mexican wedding shirt

    mexican wedding shirt The Greatest of Are Times

    Jan 18, 2003
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    Is he seriously a teenager? I had no idea :lol:

    Did he join the forum when he was 11?
  24. Bob N Weave

    Bob N Weave Guest

    Trust me, I could only wish.
  25. mikE

    mikE "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Pre-fight thoughts: Fina-fucking-lly we've got a ppv worthy card. Two championship matchups, two of the best p4p champs, and two very solid challengers. Heck, even Hughes/Gracie is watchable and it will be nice to see Hughes get a win unless he gets sucker caught like Miletich did. Why is it so damn soon after the last card, though? My usual viewing partner (brother) is busy and I have to scramble to get a friend to go watch it at a bar. My friend isn't an mma fan, but this is a solid card and he should be impressed. We agree to go to the bar to watch the college hockey championship on ESPN ahead of the ppv card. Heck, I even sort of like Maia's chances better than Belfort's so no problem there...

    Hmmm...no undercard on Vs?.... oh...it's tape delayed...that's right.

    Night of the fight thoughts: The Wisconsin Badgers are getting their asses kicked in hockey...Silva by unanimous decision to retain his UFC middleweight belt scrolls across the bottom of the tv screen....FUCK YOU ESPN

    Happens again...fuckers...Hughes beats Renzo Gracie in a welterweight bout...FUCK YOU ESPN...why the fuck did you post that!? FUCK FUCK FUCK

    Let's add one more to the scrolling...defeats Kendall Grove...MOTHER FUCK why why why???

    At least I have the Penn fight and I really think Edgar has a chance. And even if Penn outboxes him, at least it will be interesting....

    But at ESPN, they must have realized their oversight so 10 minutes before the ppv begins they scroll "Frankie Edgar.." and I look away, but it's too late. The ppv is fucking ruined. All I'm left with is how Edgar won.

    Card begins: The feed begins on ppv...Nick Osipak...jolly fucking gee...at least I don't know who won his fight...feed goes out...rainbow bar...5 minutes later the show begins...no Osipak fight...let's start out with the Grove fight...yee fucking haw...Phil Davis gets a nice win...but whatever...this card is going to suck now

    Little did I know how hard it would suck. Unlike a lot of previous posters, I don't mind a guy fighting like Silva did. It's his belt, it's his ass on the line, and it's just as much the opponent's job to make him fight differently. That said, you fight like that enough (once?) and you risk alienating fans. And he sure did. And I like that because although I am a big mma fan, I like boxing better so I take some joy at mma being boring. And the last two fights...the two best matchups on the card...were horribly boring. Worse than any boxing. And the mma fans didn't even get their ubiquitous big KO's on the card. Of course now I'm left with a friend who I'll never get to come to a mma card again and I'm left with a $40 bill from the bar for fights I knew the outcomes for.

    Fuck Penn Edgar and Silva for sucking it up. Thanks Maia for trying.

    And a humongous FUCK YOU to ESPN. As if the people who weren't ordering the ppv gave a fuck about the results of the fight. As if you couldn't have waited until the ppv began to show the results. Go fuck yourself whoever was in charge of that decision.

    So I know I'm in for a half hour decision at the end of the night...and I'm thinking odds are good that the Penn fight went the distance...
  26. James68

    James68 WBC Champion

    Aug 24, 2007
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    ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates – As the fourth round ended in the middleweight championship fight on Saturday at UFC 112 at Ferrari World, Ultimate Fighting Championship president Dana White picked up Anderson Silva’s title belt and tossed it in the direction of Silva’s manager, Ed Soares.

    White was nearly becoming physically ill watching Silva clown in the cage and avoid fighting. He wanted nothing to do with presenting the champion with his belt after the fight with Demian Maia ended.

    Silva pranced around the ring, making odd motions and strange faces, banging the mat, running in circles and generally behaving as if he had no understanding that people paid significant money to watch him fight.

    He looked like a fool and he disrespected his opponent, the sport, his employers and, most significantly, a live crowd which paid a gate of $3.5 million as well as the hundreds of thousands of people who purchased the pay-per-view to watch him.

    White seethed at the postfight news conference and tossed verbal hand grenades in Silva’s direction. After meeting with reporters following the news conference, White headed to Silva’s trailer for a showdown.

    He said he didn’t know how he would punish Silva, who won by scores of 50-45, 50-45 and 49-46, but said he would find a way to make it up to the fans for having to sit through such a poor, confounding main event.

    Perhaps the best way White can get even with Silva, who was defiant at the postfight news conference, is to have Silva fight on the card he is planning to benefit the military in Afghanistan.

    White looked extraordinarily angry when he walked into the room and didn’t pull any punches when he began to speak.

    “I’ll answer the questions about what a disgrace the main event was and what an embarrassment it is,” White said almost immediately upon taking the lectern postfight. “I don’t think I’ve ever been more embarrassed in 10 years of being in this business. It’s the first time I’ve ever walked out of a main event.”

    By the time the fifth round was winding to a close, the sellout crowd of 11,008 was chanting Maia’s name.

    Silva meekly apologized in the cage in an interview with television analyst Joe Rogan, but he struck a more defiant chord at the postfight news conference.

    “Unfortunately, not every fight turns out the way everyone would like,” Silva said through Soares, who was interpreting for him. “I came here well-trained, but Demian disrespected me, not as a person, but he disrespected me as a fighter. I take that very seriously. I came here to do my job, which was to beat him up and punish him. That’s exactly what I did.”

    Silva dodged the question several times, but finally said vaguely that he felt Maia disrespected him in prefight interviews when Maia, a jiu-jitsu black belt, talked about breaking his arm.

    What didn’t make sense about Silva’s answer was that if he felt disrespected was that he spent much of the last three rounds running and clowning and not punching or kicking. He had the opportunity to make Maia pay for his words, if Maia actually said anything incendiary, but he chose instead to circle, wiggle his back side, make faces and essentially make a fool out of anyone who either purchased a ticket or bought the pay-per-view.

    “The way I feel, my mission was completed,” Silva said. “I came in and dominated the fight and did what I had to do. That’s how I feel.”

    Silva was clearly a far better fighter than Maia, whose only hope of winning was to somehow get the fight to the ground and catch Silva in a submission hold. Silva was faster and could nearly land his punches at will.

    He had a far more varied attack and broke Maia’s nose with a flying knee in the second.

    The highlights for Silva, though, lessened as the fight wore on and he spent more time mocking Maia and making a jackass of himself.

    His actions will have deep repercussions. For one, the fight was aired live in the U.S. at 1 p.m. ET, but was still going to be replayed in its normal pay-per-view time slot beginning at 10 p.m. ET.

    Fans who may have purchased the fight in its normal slot likely didn’t buy it after catching word of Silva’s antics.

    Even more, Silva did the same thing at UFC 90 and then had a lackluster performance at UFC 97.

    White glared at Silva as Silva answered questions from the media. Clearly, Silva’s words did not soothe his boss’ feelings.

    “I’m more unhappy than I was when I walked in the door,” White said after hearing Silva’s lame answers at the news conference. “That’s why I ended the news conference. I couldn’t stand to listen to that [expletive] any more.”

    Silva cost himself a big chunk of his reputation as well as a lot of money. He lost the respect of the ownership of the UFC, who were embarrassed in front of their new partners, the investment group from Abu Dhabi who bought a reported 10 percent of the company.

    He may have lost his status as the top pound-for-pound fighter in the world.

    He lost his opportunity to drop to welterweight as he said he wanted to do before the fight and challenge 170-pound champion Georges St. Pierre.

    “He doesn’t deserve to fight GSP,” White fairly spat.

    Early in the news conference, White said Silva might become the first champion to fight on the preliminary card.

    Wherever he fights, Silva had better pray that White stacks the card with a lot of fights people want to see.

    Because if Anderson Silva is the main attraction, don’t be shocked if the fans stay away in droves.
  27. Joe King

    Joe King WBC Silver Diamond Emeritus Champ

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Las Vegas
    Anderson Silva is an arrogant fuck. I hope he gets brutally KO'd. THAT would be entertaining. 185 is a wasteland, that's why he has "reigned".
  28. TLC

    TLC "Twinkle Toes" McJack

    Jan 5, 2010
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    People act like Anderson cares. He has fans and lives in Brazil. And there's nothing the UFC can do to him that's gonna bother him anyway. What are thy gonna do? Cut him? Big deal, he'll retire or sign a huge deal with Strikeforce, where he'll get the fights he wants(Mousasi, Fedor, Henderson) and not be treated as property.
  29. Anthony

    Anthony Admin Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Unless he fights like this
  30. Beyond the Grave

    Beyond the Grave Undisputed Champion

    Apr 11, 2005
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    185 in the UFC was nothing special when he first stepped foot in it.

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