I agree Ramonza. This fight should be the routine sort of fight Floyd should take, he's considered the #2 fighter in the world, fighting people like Mosley is part of his job. Yet the Floyd fans are acting like "Oh you HAVE to give Floyd lots of credit now, look look! He's fighting Mosley!". Sure, it's a decent fight, but it's only who he SHOULD be fighting. It's not like he's doing anything extraordinary, like jumping up to middleweight to challenge Pavlik etc. And it's certainly not a big enough challenge to excuse his path of least resistance in campaigning as welterweight for half a fucking decade.
Yes, the current Mayweather fans will do & say just that...& they won't convince me, for one. There is no detracting from him fighting Mosley, but I will give no real credit for making the fight, either.
The best was honeyghan kept trying to touch gloves with him after each of the middle rounds... all of his braggadocio was gone... he had been truly and completely humbled
Other then Jones-Toney, my fav virtuoso performances to watch are: Taylor-McGirt Locche-Fuji Whitaker-Pineda Nunn-Tate Tyson-Biggs Toney-Barkley Benitez-Duran Duran-Palimino Mustafa Muhammed-Marvin Johnson Kalambay-McCallum 1 McCallum-Watson
Good calls on Taylor-McGirt & Benitez-Duran. In the case of the former, it is, for my money, Taylor's best performance. I'm not certain, but I think this was one of the last fights he had before the knee injury, no? Admittedly, McGirt was legitimately weight-drained going in --- but, like Toney against Jones, or Corrales battling Mayweather, you had to come away from this one expecting even the best prep could not have helped the victim on the night. Taylor clowned McGirt from first bell to last. Benitez gets no credit nowadays for the way he completely neutralised a still-dangerous Duran. Duran fans seem to have some kind of genuine mental block when it comes to this fight. Benitez made a fool of him, straight-up.
Corrales: overrated Hernandez: faded fighter with propensity to quit Castillo: got robbed in their first bout Gatti: smaller limited fighter Judah: was easily winning the first five rounds until he turned his usual stupid self Hatton: another overrated smaller fighter moving up in weight DeLa Hoya: a faded boxer who should had gotten the decision Fraud Gayweather is still a fraud. Only nutthuggers give him props.
It's been many years since I've felt inclined to defend Mayweather, but you know this won't be taken seriously, & rightly so.
Thanks bro. Others that I forgot to mention that I love: Chavez-Rosario Curry-McCrory Leonard-Dave Boy Green Hagler-Sibson Monzon-Napoles Camacho-Ramirez Benitez-Cervantes Sanchez-Lopez 1
I know there were somewhat extenuating circumstances (though there are in a lot of these fights being mentioned), but, man alive, what an education, "The Professor" received from, "Sweet Pea." Class dismissed...with Nelson unable to steal so much as a round.
This is one of my favorite displays of bodypunching. Marvin's right side must've been hurting for days afterwards.
No actually I think Nelson won about 2-3 rounds in that fight, but I havent watched it an awhile. Pea beat him going away though, and it was def one of Pea's 5 best performances.
Agreed. Those right hands to the pit of Johnson's stomach were sick! His performance vs Jerry Martin was also brilliant. Martin was coming off of beating James Scott. EMM beat the holy shit outta him, in a fight that resembled a more brutal version of Toney-Barkley. EMM was awesome when he was "on". His lack of focus is the only reason why he isnt in the HOF right now. At his best he woulda wiped his ass with the whole Super 6, and woulda KO'd his pupil Dawson.
A bit of hyperbole on my part...I haven't watched it in some time, either. Whitaker must've taken around ten of the twelve, though.
Yeah Nelson at the MOST won 3 rounds. Pea won as many as 10 rounds. I'll rewatch it sometime this week if I have time.
I have it somewhere on DVD. Maybe I'll do likewise. I still vividly remember the crowd element --- fiercely pro-Nelson. "Zoom, Zoom!" "Zoom, Zoom!" They never lost focus, even as Nelson began to.
A couple of virtuoso performances I enjoyed: <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/zcMj8YQmDhM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/GBWNBLiutt8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
RJJ vs Toney Quintana vs Williams 1---very underrated performance. One of my favorites. He schooled Paul big time.
Whitaker-Ramirez II--- I watch this fight all the time and I'm not sure Whitaker ever gets hit cleanly in the entire fight. McCallum-Mannion--- Just a methodical technical boxing beatdown