Word, at 147 he was the legit champion. Judah, Baldomir, Hatton and now the supposed champion Mosely. No denying his accomplishment, no matter how much you want to stack the deck. Even moved to 154 where he didn't even weigh in at the limit and beat Oscar who was a titlist.
Hatton was a good 140lbs who didn't do shit at 147 except a get a gift vs Collazo, would have been a great win at 140lbs, but imagine how you would feel had Jones, after winning the WBA hw title, fought Tarver at hw instead of lhw. Same scenario here. Judah was coming off a loss to Baldomir of all people and never was an elite fighter. DLH was a good win, close fight thought and DLH was in the twilight of his career. Same thing for Mosley, a good win should he get it, but SSM is old and inactive. And I won't even dignify your attemp at trying to hype Baldomir as a good win. Considering Margarito, Cotto, a younger Mosley, pac and P. Williams all fought in WW while Shane was there, I think it's safe to say that PBF ww resume is very unsatisfying
Sorry, IMO he's 38-2. I had him losing to Castillo and De La Hoya. Floyd Mayweather Sr also had him losing to De La Hoya.
I was a fan of Lennox because he was a Brit/Canadian like me so I had to support him in that regard. But I didn't buy his fights because he often stunk it out and didn't leave everything on the table.(Mavrovic, Tua, etc) Therefore I couldn't put money into the pockets of a boxer who only does enough to win instead of leaving it out there. I bought only one Lewis fight(chipped in actually) which was Holyfield 1. And from there, I knew Lewis could've done a hell of a lot more to try to win that fight decisively rather than the tip tap back foot sh*t he did. I didn't buy anymore of his fights after that. Felix Trinidad I enjoyed because he fought hard, no matter the opponent. Although not a truly talented technical boxer, he was enjoyable to watch most of the time(Vargas, Hopkins, etc). Fraud F*ckweather is a complete joke. I wouldn't put a penny into this clown's pocket.
Try criticizing Pedquiao on a phillipino forum, and you'll find that Fraud-fans are actually alot milder,.. I did it for an 'experiment', and I swear,.. it was like a scene out of the wizard of oz, 'Fly my pretties,... ATAAAAAAACK!!!!!', ...it was fucken pathetic ::.
More people had him winning those fights than losing...in addition to the way the judges scored them. you're opinion is irrelevant.
Nobody's opinion is relevant on here, sly. But we still have the opportunity to post them, whether people care or not.:: Regardless, Fraudweather was a complete disgrace in the Oscar fight. You have a shot inactive part-time semi-serious boxer in front of you and the best you can do is tap tap and run away with your back to the ropes and try to eek a decision. Prime Oscar from the late 90s would've had this little clown for lunch. Everybody knows it.:kidcool:
Exactly! And he knows this but he will never admit it. Instead he will call you names. Oh Floyd groupies :boohoo:
you dont sound like much of a fan of the sport of boxing, panz. its ironic that you question mayweather jr.'s opposition and then mention the guy you were actually a fan of was felix trinidad, a chap who fought a litany of bums for a five year stretch between the campas and whitaker fights.
Fraud had a pathetic drought from 2002 to 2006,.. as far as opponents go, he had an acceptable 2007,.. 'retired' in 2008, Marquez was a shit 'welterweight' opponent for 2009,.. but now he faces an excellent opponent, the very best possible under the circumstances. I dont like Fraud, I'm suprised anybody can,.. but he deserves credit for fighting Mosely. The stronger testing clause so happens to be good for boxing, but he doesn't, nor has he ever had what's good for boxing in mind, he's doing it for himself, like he's done everything for himself, but it makes sense for top pro-fighters to prove they're clean on fight night.
Yep but Felix gave us epic battles too and fought his ass off, win or lose save the Winky fight where he was completely outclassed. The same Winky your chump hero wanted no part of. Fraud the gutless f*ck wants his fights to happen at catch weights with everything in his favour against smaller guys. Also check out the Baldomir and DLH fights. People running for the exits or yelling "UFC....UFC" at the end of 'em. Fraudweather sucks! The sooner Mosley smashes this fairy faggot into the ground, the better for the sport. Then people won't be robbed of their hard earned money any longer.
He has to fight Shane. There was no where else for Fraudweather to run. Nobody else for him to fight which the crowd cared about. No other little men to handpick and have them come up to meet him at catchweights.::
mayweather jr. vs delahoya was a more entertaining fight than trinidad vs delahoya. which "epic battles" was trinidad really ever involved in aside from the vargas match?
hey Neil, you and I both know, whether you'll admit it or not, that Fraudweather was lucky to scrape by a completely shot, part-timer in Oscar. Far removed from his prime. You sh*t yourself when the judges were reading the scorecards, thinking your beloved hero Fraud looked like complete sh*t in that fight against a shot fighter.::
Dude...just close your eyes for one second and try to imagine that Floyd looks like Amir Khan...I'm sure you'd then appreciate his achievements......
Which epic battles was your chump hero involved in...period? Trinidad, despite his lacking technical skill, was entertainment personified win or lose. Fraudweather is sleep-inducing boring sh*t with a big mouth. Did you like it when Fraudweather at the Oscar weigh-in was trying to talk some sh*t to Oscar with his limited smacktalk until Hopkins stepped in his face, looked down on him and told him to step off like a good little boy? :: Fraudweather is a complete farce. I can't wait to see Shane smash a hole through this f*cker's face.
i won five thousand dollars on that match, panz. so yes i was a bit worried when 1 retarded judge had delahoya winning. i guess you choose to avoid my question
you failed to answer my question, panz. i would hardly classify hopkins trinidad as "entertainment personified".
I don't have a problem with anybody else liking Fraudweather. Like you said, everybody has an opinion. I just don't find his act appealing, or his boxing style for that matter. Maybe he's the nicest guy in the world but on camera, and on that 24/7 show, he wants us all to wish death upon him with the way he acts so I'm doing that. I'm doing what he wants me to do. Which is HATE him! That's how he's selling himself. To make people hate him. So I'm doing that.:: Why blame me for it?
That's your choice. You asked me which fighters I enjoyed watching. And I said I enjoyed watching Felix Trinidad. I didn't say he was a great boxer. But somebody I enjoyed watching from time to time. Hell even though I wasn't the biggest Tyson fan, even I appreciated that he went out there and tried to fight his ass off. His style of boxing was appealing. Fraudweather on the other hand, this motherf*cker is the most boring SOB in boxing today. His fights with Baldomir and Oscar were so pathetic. Oscar in his prime would kill this punk easily.
you claim mayweather jr. is boring and say his fight with delahoya was pathetic. then you claim trinidad was entertainment personified win or lose:: did you enjoy Hopkins vs Trinidad and Trinidad vs Delahoya?
Possibly, but we have seen Fraud go to outrageous extremes before to avoid the top competition, he could very well have done it again,.. but he's gone through with this, and it's about time,.. credit,.. but it doesn't make up for his disgusting past.
Hopkins/Trinidad was very good. Trinidad/Oscar was horrendous! I saw that fight live and cheered for De La Hoya until he began running in the 8th round I think it was. Up until then, he was making Trinidad look like an incompetent fool.
Mayweather has had a ton of great performances over the years. He outclassed Welterweight champion Baldomir. Took out Judah. Destroyed N'Dou in a high action fight. Dismantled Gatti. Brutally KO'd Hatton, and dismantled Chico and Manfredy. He even outclassed Marquez after the long layoff. Not boring at all.
Floyd boring ???? HAHAHA ya right . I actually think Floyd is the most exciting fighter ever. The fighters he faces are always top notch and even though Floyd is an all time great the opposition is so good that the fights are almost always pick 'em. Floyd lives and breathes combat. He doesn't care about money. Money comes and goes but a man's pride is there forever. And Floyd just doesn't give a damn he just goes at his opponents trying to kill them as soon as that bell rings. Floyd loves exchanges. He loves nothing more than going mano a mano with another man and seeing who drops first. That's some gladiator shit right there folks.
Your Floyd-Love is forcing you to engage in increasingly ad-hominen attacks, which is proof of the irrationality of your position. Chris is an idiot. I am a Nazi. Of course, you could avoid this routine by merely accepting the obvious~: Floyd is a cherry picking cunt.