Hennessey's gonna have to sit at one of those meetings and actually say something now! Froch can't really have any complaints, same as Dirrell when he came to his backyard. You go in knowing that anything close is likely to go to the hometown favourite. He's seen both sides of that coin now.
After the first round... Firstly, he says he thought Froch did enough to nick it.....but because it is in Kessler's backyard he said he'll give it to the Dane because 'that's how the judges will score it'...then at some point near the start of the 2nd he said he scored it 10-10! :: Him and Rawling seem to jump from broadcaster to broadcaster....none of these tv execs seem to bother if they're any good. Ask the british boxing fans what they think about 'busy doing nothing' McKenzie as a commentator and you'd get a resounding negative response back.
Yes the brits are awesome. I remember M´Baye/Kotelnik. Kotelnik was beating him easily, and he said: I have Kotelnik up a round going into the 12th. Kotelnik beat the living crap out of M´Baye in the 12th and he calmly says: Guess that makes it a draw on my card. :crying:
Rawling is a completely useless bastard. I mean.....the man is the living embodiment of a mid-life crisis. I think Mike Tyson has a better chance at holding down regular employment. Duke is just brain damaged. Darke is a good commentator but he is a SKY flunkie, as is McCrory, who knows the score in boxing but again needs the money so watches his P's and Q's.
Darke is a fucking tool. He's more of a nuthugging, no nothing groupie than McCrory. Sometimes McCrory actually tells it like it is, especially regarding some Brit Vs non Brit matchups, but Darke is just a pathetic 100% pro British, nuthugger. He's worse than Jim Watt, and almost as bad as that wet lettuce looking guy, whose name I can't even remember.
I disagree...i think Darke is by far the best we've got, if not better than the Americans too. It's unfair to compare Darke with Watt and McCrory because his primary role is to call the play...and that's what he does, very well. His boxing knowledge is a lot better than Rawling or Smith....or, Jim Nielly :: He chips in with the odd opinion, and refreshingly, it is not just repetition of his colleague's insights (Smith does this a lot). He is pro-brit, our commentators generally are across sport as a whole.... it is the pundit who is supposed to inject the realist's counter when this does happen.
I thought Froch won the fight by at least 1-2 points. His punches had more effect on Kessler than vice versa. Great night of fights though. This is easily the best night that boxing has had in YEARS! All three fights kicked major ass. This also was the best fight of the Super Middleweight Tourney. I really can't wait to see Froch/Abraham. That should be a great fight.:hump:
I thought Kessler won 7-5...could see a draw. Kessler's straight right to the body was a motherfucker. Froch was visibly bothered by those shots. Head shots are more showy and Froch is a head hunter so it gives the impression he's doing better than he is. Some of the head shots looked better than what they were due to how Kessler stands up and backs out. Damn good fight...Froch has nothing to bitch about...I thought Dirrell beat him and the ironic bit is...he discredited Dirrell's claim of winning by saying he (Froch) pressed forward and made the fight. Dirrell shouldn't win by backing up...last night Kessler pressed the action all night and walked him down.
Steve Bunce to ekstrabladet.dk: "I was right under Froch's corner doing commentary for BBC. Around the 8th or 9th round I heard Froch tell his trainer: He kills me with those bodyshots. He fucking kills me with those bodyshots." Bunce continues to say: "You could hear the desperation in Froch's voice.
I'll give Froch credit for being a tough SOB. After the 9th round it really looked like Kessler was gonna stop him. But Froch came back rebounded well. BTW - if Kessler' right to the body hurt Froch, imagine what Bute's left uppercut to the body would do to him. Bute-Froch would probably be a replay of Bute-Andrade II.
Yep. I said it to MWS during the fight that Froch clearly won round 9 but that there was a look on his face that I couldn't explain. I guess that was it. Kessler went to the body from day one and it paid off.
I know it probably wont happen I'm just saying. More and more I like what I see from Bute. The 12th round of the Andrade fight aside, the dude has barely lost any ROUNDS in his career. Since the best at 168 are tied up, and since fighting Pavlik would be a mismatch, I'd like to see Bute move up 175 and fight Dawson.
Two things about that one {a} it could be a potential stinker, two tallish lefties going at it {b} if Bute won it, both him and Froch would have wins over the consensus #1 and #2 175lbs in the world, namely Bad Chad and Pascal, which might make Bute-Froch a bit more sale-able.
There wont be much left of Mr. Froch after Abe is done with him, trust me. And I'd be interested in Bute-Dawson. Chad is a bit quicker from the outside, and more athletic, but Bute is def a bigger puncher, and would have a legit chance of stopping Dawson... and I'm the biggest Dawson fan here. Lastly... I feel that Tavoris Cloud COULD be the 2nd best at 175, but the dude is wasting his prime being innactive!
I must admit, I didn't notice at the time, Frock seemed kind of weary and lethargic from the first round, so it probably didn't stand out to me. By the way Xplosive, you seriously need to chill on Bute. He's looked good in his last couple of fights, but he's beaten Andrade and a washed up Miranda FFS. Let him beat a legit fighter before acting like he'd destroy all the super 6 guys :: He could turn out to be the best of the bunch, who knows, but it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he lost to ANY of the super 6, he's pretty unproven.
You act like Bute has never fought a breathing opponent. He handled Sakio Bika alot easier then Calz did. I dont think he go through the Super 6 easily. Ward, and Dirrell might pose him with problems, because Lucian has yet to deal with speed. But lets be honest... Froch is made for him. Barring another last min hail mary for Froch, and Bute would outbox him, and badly counter him.
Well no, he's beaten some half decent guys, but he's never fought a legit world class fighter. Andrade is a decent fighter, but he's the sort of fighter that's always going to lose to the top guys, and Miranda is done. I wouldn't put too much stock into comparing the Bika performance with Slappy Joe either, Calzaghe is the definition of someone who fights to the level of opposition, and has a LOT of crap performances (probably part of the reason why a lot of people pick against him, and see him as beatable). And honestly - though Bute took out Andrade very impressively in the rematch, he looked vulnerable in the first fight. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if Frock wore him down. NOT if he is as passive as he was against Kessler though, Bute would just pick him off and outbox him. I just like to stay somewhat reserved in my judgement until a fighter beats a truly legit opponent. For example, I thought Ortiz looked shit hot, but look what happened when he fought Maidana.
How often have we heard that story now and yet nobody has been able to completely outclass Froch. Not Taylor, not Pascal, not Kessler, not Dirrell. That´s a pretty big sample size.
Yep. That's what completely turned me around on Frock. You only need to watch one round of a Frock fight to know how beatable he looks, and like a Fighting Farmer, but it's an illusion. He's nowhere near as beatable as he looks. He's fought 4 world class fighters with different styles, and at worst he's fought on even terms with all of them. If he really was a scrub, he would've been beaten clearly by at least one of them.
Exactly. But don't you think that with the right camp, Froch could get alot better? Carl is one helluva fighter who could tighten up his defense and stop leading with the hook ....and be great
Correct.Froch is underrated on this forum.THey rather say Kessler is shot (He's Not) than give Froch any credit.Nobody's ever had an easy time with Froch...NOBODY!!!