He was more aggresive than expected, but I suspect that Shane's age and inactivity had something to with that. I doubt Floyd would have been so brave with Mosley at a different point in his career.
C'Mon, Joe Namath... When Sugar Shane HURT Floyd, THE LAST Thing on ANYBODY"s Mind was his Age...When Faced w/a "FIGHT or FLIGHT" Scenario, Floyd CHOSE to Fight...For the Remainder of Round 2 & the Beginning of Round 3, there was NO REASON WHATSOEVER to Assume that Shane had Shot his Load....There was STILL a Chance that Shane Could Catch & Hurt Floyd AGAIN... Nonetheless, Floyd CHOSE to Engage him for the Rest of the Bout...So U Weren't the LEAST Bit Impressed w/HOW Floyd Responded the Other Night??? REED:dunno:
first time you have seen Floyd hurt? grab a tape of the Corley fight. i didn't think that we let amateurs in here. btw, Mike Tyson has retired.
Thanks, I can't help but give credit where it's due here. Floyd gained a bit of respect from me in this fight. I've always known Floyd has ridiculous skills, now I also know he's tougher than I gave him credit for.
Hey REED, I don't think I am being unreasonable here. I've already given credit to Floyd for his reaction to being hurt in a different topic. I thought he did quite well at riding out the storm and seizing control of the fight. But do you really think that Floyd's willingness to engage Mosley for the majority of the fight (NOT just during and immediately after being hurt in round 2) had NOTHING do with Mosley's age and inactivity? Floyd is not stupid and I think he knew exactly what he had in front of him and fought accordingly. I'm sure the chance (no matter how big or small that chance might have been) of Shane landing a similar punch is part of what kept Mayweather from really pressing for a KO. And, to be fair, it's not like I started talking about Mosley's age and inactivity being factors only after the fight was over. I had brought it up multiple times in the weeks heading into the fight right up into my pre fight prediction on the night of the fight. Do you really see Mayweather fighting Mosley in this fashion if this fight took place 5 or 6 years ago?
Another example of Stafford "not looking to initate a pissing contest.":: Also known as "being a hypocrite"
I don't think that Floyd, fresh off getting badly stunned twice by Shane in the span of one minute, was thinking, "f*ck it, he's old and been inactive so I'm going to fight him anyway!" Seriously, stop for a sec.
Exactly. What's with that Joe guy? Shane seriously hurt Floyd..his age was irrelevant at that point. In Floyd's mind, the man in front of him was dangerous.
That's not what I am saying. It's funny to see Floyd fans tripping over themselves to defend him from something I am not even talking about. I never said his reaction to being hurt was based on Shane's age and inactivity, I've already mentioned I thought he did well when hurt, but it's funny to see the lot of you trying to pretend that his more aggressive than usual approach to this fight had ZERO to do with Mosley's age and inactivity.
And neither is BWJ. Seriously, people should read each others posts before replying we'd all get on better....
Wow. Nice chicken-shit piling on there Stafford. I never cease to be amazed at what foolishness comes out of your mouth.
exactly, good post. i'd give floyd a lot of credit if he was as aggressive against someone like manny, a lethal puncher who wont stop after the second round. but the fact remains, mosley was old (i said this before the fight) and was completely gassed and occasionally throwing slow punches with nothing behind them from the third round onwards. it is not difficult to be aggressive against an opponent unable to mount much offence in return.
That still doesn't make sense - especially in light of what happened in round two. Even if that were the case, and the plan was to be more aggressive, why would that continue after the got wacked and nearly dropped. Maybe if you put your "this person is a Floyd fan/nuthugger" bias aside, you'd see that!
It certainly does make sense. Maybe not to Floyd groupies, but I don't really expect much sense there anyways. And I am NOT explaining this all over again. There is no talking to groupies. It just amounts to wasted time. Oh, wait...I'm sorry...you're right. Blah, blah, blah, Floyd is the best. Happy now??
You're a clown, man. "Floyd groupie?" On what basis? Oh yeah, I think Floyd is in the right regarding tougher tests. I plead guilty. And if you seriously a fighter that's been rocked twice is thinking, "I'm going to stay in the pocket because he's an old, inactive man" then you're on top of being a clown, you're an idiot. It's clear the gameplan was to back up Shane from the get-go.
do you or do you not believe it is easy to appear or to be aggressive against a fighter dead on their feet offering no offence in return? mosley had one second of success in that fight in the second. and offered NOTHING before or after that moment. lets see him do that against a live opponent before we start swinging from his balls.
The sure sign of the groupie. Falling back on grade school insults. I'm sorry that you're not smart enough to understand what's actually being discussed here....I really am. Because if I knew how clueless you were, I wouldn't have responded to you in the first place.
I can't believe this dumbass really believes that nonsense he's spewing. Fighters don't think like they're posting on a message board, man. You get your world rocked (twice!) and instincts take over, not internet banter regarding the age and inactivity level of the guy who just rattled your jaw.
It's futile trying to have any sort of logical discussion regarding contemporary fighters (espcially Floyd) with Broadwayjoe. He'd just repeat his patented "you're a groupie", "you're shilling for your favourites" blah blah blah. Don't waste your time on him bra