<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/PMLsF8ajI6U&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/PMLsF8ajI6U&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
I don't have any Affliction shirts, but a little Pro-Pain sounds good right now. <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/oByoijUhWY8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/oByoijUhWY8&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object> TFK
You basically answered your own question. (or Miller's) Hating people because of the color of their skin is much easier than getting to know somebody ... and then hating them. We live in fast times. ::
Then why did you call me a 'Euro-fag?" I'm not from Europe and am not a fag. The truth is you got some return fire about your own musical taste and then had to get racial. The funny thing is Cockfather says I begged him about this and that which is complete nonsense. As a moderator, your response to being called a racist was to lash out with even more racial slurs against peeople and I remember him sitting there stroking your dick all the while giving his blessing. The guy told me at one point that because of what i had said in smacktalk (where there are NO rules) that he would let anyone come in to TAAA(where there were suipposed to be rules) and say anything they wanted to me. After you could not come up with the $300 buy in I am suprised they still left you on as the flunkee/janitor because Rydell told me himself right before he bought the site that you were an embarrassment to fightbeat and had a history of anti-black posts. They may have felt sorry for you. I know I would if I knew an adult who couldn't come up with $300. :crying:
This shit is off the hook. We need to start a poll as to which FB member is the most racist. I wonder who would win? I'll Holla 5000
You're a new guy here and are getting easily influenced by two flunkie/site janitors that couldn't come up with enough money to be part owners. They're calling me a racist and they they can't even decide who I am supposed to hate. One clown says I hate black people. The other one says "No, he only hates white people." :atu: Two grown ass adults that couldn't come up with enough money between them that most people would spend on an evening out so go figure. Fuck the pair of them! My comments my sound harsh in those scenarios but for one I have apologized to all other black posters and they were in response to some pretty brutal attacks on me. I had already stated that my Irish grandmother commited suicide before I was born but that didn't stop Phonetap from posting all kinds of sick shit about her getting raped by a gang of Mexicans along with my mother being raped and other nonsense. The response you read was what I said back to him. Maverick talked about how fun it would be to kill my entire family for being here illegally. I am a US citizen who served eight years in the US military and all of my family is from the USA. TFK on the other hand argued as late as 2008 that he SHOULD be able to refer to black posters here as "negros" and his argument was because they call themselves that in the United Negro College Fund. He also referred to President Obama as 'Obama the magic Negro" many times on this site before he was asked to stop. He also had a signature that was taken down of a black man eating fried chicken. Godfather is a black Puerto Rican living in L.A. who is a conservative with a long history of anti-Mexican bashing. From driving around making videos talkiing about how Armenians are smelly, useless people to saying there are way too many Mexicans in California and he would be embarrassed to be Mexican. You were trying to talk sense into him on the Arizona immigration thread. Save your breath. He'll support any and every law that is anti-mexican from here on out.
Please explain to me what this has to do with ANYTHING? You're playing into the hands of people who say that you have no solid reply, so you resort to spitting racist stuff and resorting to namecalling. If they're saying you are posting racist stuff, point out why they're wrong. The above stuff has nothing to do with the argument, and smacks of someone that has no defense, so you try to put THEM on the defense. Just saying. I don't care what THEY posted. Nobody here gives a shit what THEY posted. What THEY posted is not up for debate, because THEY are not sitting here saying that they were not racist. You keep saying "well you're not saying what they said to me first". That doesn't matter. Nobody gives a fuck what they said. As I said, if they said what you said they did, then that's fucked up and they should not have been allowed to post shit like that. That said, it doesn't excuse you for what you said. Not in the slightest. This isn't a "well he said this, so I'm within my right to say that." You can say that, but you lose the right to say you're not racist, when you're spitting out racist rhetoric and stereotypes. You don't seem to understand that it's not the fact that you responded. It's HOW you responded. You are of the "fight fire with fire" mentality, and apparantly in that area you're allowed to. But once you start posting up all this fucked up shit, you lose the ability to claim yourself as a non-racist. Whether you honestly deep down mean that stuff, is of no consequence. I don't give a fuck if your family is the poster child for Bennetton, it doesn't subtract from the fucked up stuff you said. I don't agree with or condone any of the stuff allegedly said to you. That doesn't let you off the hook for how you responded. As I said before, you can't control how others speak to you. They may say the foulest shit in the world. But you DO control how you react. And you have to accept the consequences of how you reacted. You don't seem to grasp that. You seem to think it's perfectly okay to respond how you did, due to what they said. And as I said you CAN react that way. Just don't say you're not a racist if you're going to say that shit. And if they did and said the shit you said they did, then I feel the exact same way about them.
If we keep rehashing the past, we're not going to get anywhere. Both sides did and said things that were outside the lines. If we could move on, both you guys make positive contributions to the forum.
Fucking ugly, eh? This is exactly the type of thread I need as I linger here on my deathbed...from a stuffed nose, sore throat, and fever. :dunno:
No doubt. This is a messageboard forum. You should come here, have a few laughs, and relax. Take Midol for cramps, you sad fucks. ::
Slow down there, cowboy. Tapper is just saying you need to chill. He's not attacking you with that post. You two go back a long ways.
Whoops. Perhaps Tapper is rolling his sleeves up on this one. Regardless, it's good to have a couple of old pros tossing them back and forth in here.::
Why is this thread closed? Calig's meltdown is one for the ages and belongs in the Hall of Fame\Shame. Why end it before it's finished? TFK
Gotta admit, you got me there. I didn't start watching until UFC 3. I was at a bachelor party and the guys were watching UFC and drinking beer. Steve Jennum beat Harold Howard as an alternate. It was wild seeing different styles suck ass against Gracie Jiu Jitsu until Royce got injured against Kimo and his piece-of-shit trainer Joe Son.
Good to see this thread is back open. What's funny is, even though Pampers knows that his bullshit lies are easily proven false, and have been every time, he still continues to tell them. I can just picture the poor chump, dancing around in his filthy one room apartment in his Union Jack underwear to his scratched Toto Coelo 'I eat cannibal' 45, talking out loud in a poorly done British accent saying "Whenever I post something that isn't true, TFK calls me out on it and makes me look like an idiot! What can I do? I've got it! I'll post more lies!" It's said that 'the people who don't get it, don't get that they don't get it', and that sums up Pampers perfectly. TFK
Another gem of a thread delivered by yours truly! Also, Buddy Rydell...I find it funny that so much racist smack was exchanged between several members and yet you were nowhere to be seen to unleash discipline? But of course, me saying Brett Rogers was an overrated chump warrants extreme discipline and threats of banning! Face it...you're a joke of a moderator! :: Your so-called authority on here is laughable. Give up your mod status to somebody who has some backbone.
Symptoms of sucking out diseased pussy juice for so many years! I tried to warn you! It'll only get worse from here onward....