When Caligula is going to war with several other members and all sorts of racist stuff is being posted, all that stuff should've been deleted immediately by the mods.:dunno:
We can wait for a bit. Really nothing is crazy. The craziest stuff is what Caligula said in the past.
Should've been deleted anyway I think. Racism has no place on any board. They shut down SecondsOut forums because of the crap going on in there.
But, one must really wonder, who genuinely gets hurt through the medium of reading?.. ............often wonder who's being served by all this censorship, bans, and closing of threads..
phonetap didn't say this at all, you're mistaking him for someone else. and there isn't one sole here from our boxingpress/secondsout/smacktalkbitching days that would certify that phonetap would attack you in any manner for no reason at all. our whole situation started with phonetap retaliating to your attacking blacks. remember your racial attack against shaquille o'neil mr, "i remember everything"?
caligula wants this thread not just locked but deleted for sure. someone should ask remind "mr innocent" what petre said to him that warrented an unsolicited attack on the man's wife. caligula is so full of shit it's disgusting...the man is a virtual encyclopedia of personal and racial attacks and wants sympathy because he so-called "never starts"...::
Yeah but the thing is, Caligula was spouting those racial attacks against other racists on the SMACKTALK forum where it's all completely condoned. It's exactly the same as the old SecondsOut Forum where anything and everything was allowed. When people don't fear a backlash, they'll just say whatever's on their mind, completely care-free. A whole lot of racist sh*t was coming from the keyboards of a whole lot of fightbeaters. I don't condone Caligula's crap but again, those other guys were equally racist. And it was all permitted right here on FightBeat premises.
you are missing the point hanzy, caligula brings the shit from smacktalk (said months and years ago) into other parts of the forums currently. the man just doesn't know when to stop and let things be. caligula introduced race and ethnicity into THIS thread and got owned, there is no way around that.
All I know is that if someone got racial with me I would get racial right back their ass. Does that make me a racist no. Is it right and should I be the bigger man yes but fuck that shit. But there are hella racist dudes on this site. I wonder who is fightbeats p4p racist? Someone should make a list. I'll Holla 5000
Maybe it's just me, but the way I see it is if you're not racist, and the idea of racism offends you, you would NEVER say these things, unless deep down you really don't have a problem with it. But that's just my thoughts on it. It's not necessarily a situation of "being the bigger man", it's a situation of HOW you respond. You can get in that ass, and even get personal with them. But going the racist route, makes you just as reprehensible as the guy who initiated it.
Then maybe I'm a racist cause I'm not gonna let anyone call me out of my name especially a racial name and not expect me to go down that same road. I don't give a fuck. Vadimus if you don't mind me asking but what is your ethnic background? I'll Holla 5000
I'm a white guy. And I TOTALLY understand being pissed off at someone going that way at you. I've had people accuse me of being racist before on other boards, and it's usually over their own ignorance. But if you respond that way, then you're proving their point really. And as I said, if someone comes at you like that, and you want to retaliate, you can go a whole lot other ways, including getting personal, bring up personal shit you know about them or other ways of embarrassing them. Just saying I don't see the point in pulling the race angle there, just because they did. If you're upset at them saying that kind of thing, by you doing that as well, aren't you sort of negating the idea of you having the right to criticize them for getting racist in the first place? As I said, this may just be me. The majority of people on here don't seem to have a problem going down that road. They don't have a problem making racist comments about others.
Are you serious bro? Cause I was actually thinking that you might be p4p the most racist cat on this site. I'll Holla 5000
That's all I needed to know. See it's hard for a white person to understand what it's like to be called a racial slur. Yea I know some white people are gonna say that they've been called racial names. But in my eyes and I can't speak for white people the shit does not appear to bother them as much as someone of a different race being called a racial slur. But just like I can't understand how that racial slur effects them. They damn sure can't speak on how a racial slur effects me. All I know is that I'm 1 generation removed from having German Shepards sicked on me. Whenever I look at my mothers arms and I see the bite marks of when a police officer sicked his dog on her for walking to elementary school and then called her a the N-word then yes it effects me. When I look at her photo album and there are pics of her standing next to signs with the N-word and shit like that then yes it has an effect on me. So if someone wants to go down that road then hell yeah I'm gonna go down that road. I'll Holla 5000