Fasten your seat belts it's coming. If Fedor had so much problems with Roger's size and strenght imagine how hard it's gonna be with Overeem. Great fight. Can't wait.
It has been a while since I seen Overeem fight in MMA at a level like that. It was cool to see. I really hope he stays active in the SF HW title scene.
No he didn't. He got caught caught with like 3-4 arm punches because he got cocky and tried for a Kimura from a bad position. Fedors used to bad situations like this.
I agree. A little blood from a previous cut and a dominant position for 20 seconds and people dismiss the domination by Fedor for the remainder of the fight.
fedor has slipped, but i'd still pick him to beat overeem, who's not as good when he's taken down. i wouldnt be shocked if overeem won though.
:doh: Thomas B Grave,... per-leeeeeaaase,.. There's more than enough room to criticise Fedor,.. particularly lately,.. people say he's slipping,.. I say he's sleeping,...and not taking it as seriously as he could.
I actually think Rogers fought stupid. The gameplan against Overeem is to be the aggressor. If you let overeem dictate the pace, he will manhandle you. However, in the past, the guys who have pushed the pace were able to overwhelm Overeem. Overeem does not deal well with constant pressure. This is why, even with his new size and strength, he will be uncomfortable against the constant aggression of Fedor. After all, Fedor is one of the best at keeping constant pressure. I also think that Fedor may have cracked Rogers chin as well. Rogers was definately fighting defensively. Something he didn't even know about in the past.
Yep, Rogers had a full head of steam after he iced Arlovski, but Fedor put that right to sleep with a hell of a right hand. Overeem's "special diet" has bulked him up amazingly, but his chin is still questionable after what Liddell did to it years ago.
Good point! I still remember Overeem turning his back on Kharnitov and retreating and getting KO'd for it.
Lets's just hope it's not winter of 2012 when Overeem makes his next title defense. That being said, Fedor beats Overeem any way he wants to, whenever he wants to, every single time. TFK
...I just saw the fight.....ummm,.. wtf,.. I remember Overeem from a few years ago,.. he wasn't "strong" in the slightest,.. he was rather lean and ganguly,..with a glass chin, he's 4 times the size,...and easily dealt with Rogers strength like it was nothing,....... obviously somethin's up,.. and he WILL beat Fedor like this,..people can speak about Overeem's past,.. he got dealt with by him and him and him,.. .................. that AINT the same fighter is it, ... something's......'changed' .
Which bit, the ped-talk, or describing a scenario where Fedor loses?.. Well,.. the best I can do is say,.. by the looks of the brand new Overeem,.. who not too long ago was Chuck Liddel's bitch, it wouldn't be Fedor's fault if he lost, the stuff is just too good.
Alot can change with 3 good years of top quality use,.. we've seen it in boxing. I hadn't seen Overeem for a while,.. but I was shocked when I did recently,.. he never ever resembled christ the redeemer,.. he was a lanky, physically weak, fragile, ganguly motherfucker... I had no idea what people were talking about.. pre-fight, ....I thought... WTF?...are we talking about Alistair Overeem?... is he a heavyweight now??.... Then he comes into the ring the size of an actual Giraffe,.. and frisbies Roger's to the canvas,..Beforehand, I said Fedor struggled against Rogers, he was rendered fairly useless at times, and people replied,.. "Fedor's never fought anybody as strong as him before" .... well....look at Overeem,.. whoaaa ho ho ho,... something's up man,.. something's definitely up with that, the former bambi, cripples the strong brute like a crushed bug.
Ummm is Overeem getting big off Roids news? I thought this was a given that everyone knew? Just a couple of thoughts that I haven't heard anyone talk about. during the AA/Bigfoot fight, bigfoot landed several shots on AA's chin. Good shots. AA never really even seemed wabbled. He looked scared but I never saw his legs buckle etc. The broadcast team kept repeating how AA's chin was good just look at him take these shots and so on. Now we have all made comments on how bad AA's chin is. Does Bigfoot landing these shots tell you anything about AA's chin or do you think it is more of a testament on Bigfoots "lack" of power in his punching?
True Godfather, though head-kicks are particularly brutal, and he wont have to worry about head-kicks against Fedor. Maybe he can hurt Overeem,.. but wow,.. who'd have thought this guy would be where he is now, after being mangled by smaller fighters, he turns into a golem strong man 4 times the size, that's like super mario absorbing a magic orb,..