:: You sure ain't effected by stereotypes... If you didn't have that facebook page, one could really think you're racist.
NO, no, the response that Cockfather posted WAS my response to Tapper's insult about my dead grandmother being raped by a gang of Mexicans. He knew what he had said.
Calm Down Pampers. Your racist ass is just dying to say what you want. If i moved this to Smacktalk, you would be N word this and N word that.
I live in a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house by myself. Save the one bedroom apartment jokes for Maverick where they would be accurate. I can picture you as well. Telling your cousin/wife "I don't know what these sumbitches hate 'bout my whot skin! The world is too got-dam PC they don't respect the whot man's needs no more! I done tole them sumbitches on fightbeat about how hard it is to be a whot-man these days! But this uppity liberal, messican done called me a racist. So I done called heem a spinc. Then he done called me a racist again for calling 'eem that so i done called heem a spinc three more tamz. I figgerd that'll settle it! I don't want nobody to think that I'm no racist!" :boohoo:
It is in Smacktalk, Rosie Perez. When is your next driving around video to be posted? What more great insight can we expect? Jews are too nosy and too power hungry and Japanase women are pushovers who believe anything? More classics from the RPOS!!! Driving around unprovoked but still talking loud shit about different cultures AND doing it in one of the most hideous accents known to mankind, that Bronx-rican accent that would make a train take a dirt road. :bears:
Dude, seriously, I know you're trying to be funny and all, but why would you contribute false shit to an argument that' still going on. Use your head, dickweed! :notallthere:
Its not in smacktalk. But like i said, you are consumed with race. I never mention you being Mexican, but for some reason you cant help youself. :: Calm down Pampers
How stupid do you feel that your whole tirade was started by a guy who was fucking around and trying to be funny! You're an idiot, man. Simple as that, TFK was trying to argue in 2008 that he should be able to refer to you as a "negro" whenever he wanted because of the United Negro College Fund. I was one of the guys on this site that told him to go fuck himself. And here you are rallying for him. Nice one. Phonetap!
You have said worse things than that to Phonetap. Stop trying to act like a hero of anti-racisim. Just look at this thread. You are the King of Racist on this board
The funniest thing about you driving around sounding smug and telling us there are too many Mexicans and they need to go and shit about Armenians is that you actually think that all the white people you idolize are on their knees just ready to respect a black Puerto Rican like you and they're welcoming you with open arms. :kidcool::atu:
When did i say they need to ? Why would i say that? They were here before me. Relax. @ idolizing white people. You just cant stop lying and making shit up.
Damn straight! All the posts "Cockfather" poster were RESPONSES to other racial attacks on me. I asked for ONE EXAMPLE of me attacking someone racially and he or anyone else came up EMPTY. They couldn't come up with ONE!!! Not ONE! They have let a poster named Maverick go out and post anti-Mexican posts in every one of the fightbeat forums with very little repercussions. Godfather has highlighted many of my RESPONSES to him as his 'ammo' but has never even so much as adressed the instigator. I have apologized to all other black posters if anyone was offended by what i said to HIM.
Who you kidding? This post here is more than just Maverick you hate. I know you dont want to address it, but..
That's seriously fucked up. You're trying to talk DOWN to minorities on how THEY react to racial slurs towards them and you're a white person. Jesus H. Fucking Christ, you have some balls!! On top of that you have NO IDEA how this website has been run in the past. I have witnessed fightbeat moderators making anti-Mexican slurs because their fighter lost a fight to a Mexican. And in that case it's right to voice an opinion and tell them how fucked up that is.
I asked you for ONE instance where I racially attacked someone (without it being a response to someone racially attacking me) . Just one! To this date Cockfather has not been able to come up with even ONE instance. :doh:
Voicing an opinion and saying how fucked up it is: Cool. Got no problem with that. Getting upset and doing the same thing you complain about others doing? :nono: You should read the quotes that I have in my sig (at the bottom). I have issues with the same thing (in general, not specifically racist shit), so I understand how easy it is to default to doing what you complain about others doing.
FAIL! That was in RESPONSE to Maverick for him saying he's going to have fun killing my family for being here illegally. Try again. ONE EXAMPLE! ONE????? NOT ONE??????
I think he's pointing to the fact that your racial statements in that reply were not pertaining to Maverick. Meaning, that you directed your comments at ALL BLACK PEOPLE, not one specific black person. You're not addressing the person you're pissed at, you're generalizing all people of that race. Just saying...
Could you possibly be more judgemental and self righteous? :boohoo: We get it you're a white dude who doesn't believe in racism. Thing is, you have joined a website where posting and racism go hand in hand. All those posts toward me are STILL HERE. All those posts I made in response are STILL HERE. So obviously the owners of this website do not share your feelings. When you have a MODERATOR here FIGHTING FOR THE RIGHT to address black posters as NEGROES then you know you're at fightbeat.com. Some of the moderators here have been banned for racism and then able to return as mods, no problem. Cockfather was banned and he came back. I have never been banned because people here have SOME common sense.
This little thread is a small demonstration of how fightbeat works. Remember that TFK was CHOSEN as a MODERATOR for this site. Look at the comments he makes and then look at the accusations he puts on someone else. http://www.fightbeat.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29024