Your fightbeat modertaor on the state of the 2008 election: >>Petre, any way you spin it, you cried about a poll only having 1000 people, but you yourself posted a slew of polls with about 100 voters each. I'm sure if I wanted to go through the trouble, I could find polls that had everyone from Rudy, to Romney, to Hillary to Barack the Magic Negro winning. Just admit it Petre, these polls are meaningless. TFK<<
Exactly. The man generalized the whole black race and cant even uderstand that. Instead wants to Deflect. He wants to point to what others have done and justification for his actions and then go on and pretend he is some sort of Anti Racist humanitarian. Racism is all about ignorance. As you can see, Pampers is as ignorant as they come.
The way you wrote it, left the question out there. I wanted to clarify. BTW, not that it matters, but Barrack the Magic Negro is a phrase created by a Black journalist.
The song was created from the op-ed. The magical Negro is a stereotype which was first applied to presidential candidate Obama by movie and culture critic, David Ehrenstein, in a Los Angeles Times op ed column of March 19, 2007. According to Ehrenstein, the magical Negro is a non threatening black hero in the popular media, usually the cinema, who was invented to ease feelings of white guilt over slavery and racial injustice. He is noble and devoid of sexual motives, and appears suddenly, out of nowhere, to magically solve the problems of white people.
The guy who wrote the article about Obama being the Magic negro is african american. From that, the song was created.
Well, TFK says it's perfectly fine to call black people negroes because as long as the United Negro College Fund can still say it that he can say it. A fightbeat moderator. :bears:
Ah. They both appear to have issues with racism, so... *shrugs*. But you were right. I stand corrected.
For one I already apologized for those comments. You went on record saying that every black forum member here had a problem with me. That was proven to be untrue in a big way. You also stated that every single post i had ever made contained racial slurs. More made up lies. To this day, I have said some things in reponse to racial attacks on me but I have never out of the blue attsacked anyone over race. I said some harsh things in response to Maverick and Phonetap when they decided to involve my family. One talked about killing my family the other talked about how i was mixed race because my deceased grandmother had been gangraped by Mexicans. There's no defelecting. I owned up to what I said back and have apologized.
btw, i saw you apologize for what you said to Maverick. I didnt see you apologize for what you said about the whole black race. You just said if anyone was offended by what i said to Maverick. Shit is deeper than what you said to Maverick. All you have done is try to defend your actions on here.
I write quite a bit of rhetoric on here. I don't know if you're still a part of boxingfanatics but you should see some of the anti-Mexican stuff I have said to mark G and mex fighter over the years. The reason is they already have it in their head that I'm some type of "sell out" that hates his own people. That opinion was formed beleive it or not over a SOCCER GAME. When I said I would cheer for the USA over Mexico a few years ago that was enough to piss off Mex fighter and he's run with this "sell out shit" ever since. So I run with it too. I talked about going to their doors dressed as an ICE agent and chasing their 37 relatives down the street when they start jumping out of windows and fleeing. I've talked shit about the Mexican flag. Talked shit about sending them both back to Mexico if they like it so much. As you see in my posts here regarding the Arizona law and such, I don't feel that way. But it's easy for me to come up with material to piss them off. I haven't posted over there in ages but if I ever go back on that site I'll be supporting the arizona law and all that just to piss these guys off. My point being, I can write a lot of shit that's full of rhetoric when I need to. Doesn't mean I feel it in my heart.
No I apologized for all my posts regarding that type of thing six months ago or so in another thread. Several black members came forward and said they've never had a problem with me and a couple of them apologized for things they had said to me. Maverick's sole purpose on this site is to instigate racial hatred. (And obviously no mod has a problem with what he does) I just got tired of him not only doing what he does but geting away with it for years.
Nah, I got it. Was just fuckin' with you man. No problems. :kidcool: Fuck it...I'm out. Have fun in the thread. I'm going to sleep.
phonetap never said your grandmother was raped by a gang of mexicans so stop the bullshit. if you want to say phonetap's grandmother was raped by a bunch of wild africans go's not true so he doesn't give a fuck. that being said, phonetap never attacked your grandmother that way...guess you figure if you say it enough someone will believe it...pity for you, not a single poster here will back you on that. bottom line, you are such a fucking baby...the shit you cry most about was said on smacktalk forums were it was allowed. you know damn well what smacktalk was about so what the fuck are you crying about? if you couldn't handle the heat, your oversensitive ass should have stayed out the kitchen. finally, you've said vile and disrespectful shit over the years and it has not always been in retaliation...ONLY you believe that. caligula logic...attack someone today (out of the blue) but caligula didn't start because that person said something about him back in 2005. :notallthere:
Obviously, as shown, Pampers has no clue about the origin of the 'Magic Negro' comment, so no point in trying to debate him about something he is obviously clueless about. And of course, I have never fought for the right to call black posters 'negroes'. That's just Pampers twisting the truth around, as he so often does, because he's full of shit and can't help himself. And again, he asked for an instance where he attacked someone racially without being provoked, when I clearly provided one earlier in this thread. He's without question the biggest joke on this board. TFK
I thought this shit was done and people had stopped posting in it, but its still active. I dont want people actively posting in the Hall of Shame forum. Its just kind of a place to visit. Since this thread is still active, i will just bring it here for a couple of more days until it dies down.
How about deleting threads? That gay practice has made it's way here. I thought threads moved to the HoS got locked?
Has it? Not by me. @ gay practice. That something me and Steve-Dave dont like that doing, but other mods have their own way. And no they dont get locked in Hall of Shame. You never know when you want to ignite some old flames.
01-17-2008, 01:29 PM #3 TFK MMA Yes! Rap No! Join Date: Aug 2005 Posts: 10,072 vCash: 500 Points: 207,983.23 Bank: 0.00 Total Points: 207,983.23 Donate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's one of those double standards that this country is full of. If I called a black member of this board 'Negro', I'd get lambasted as a racist. But it's perfectly OK for the United Negro College Fund to use the term Negro. Same with the NAACP. Political correctness is a bane on society. TFK ________ So it's a bane on society that someone like you doesn't have the right to call a person a negro. (even though you have done it many times here anyway.) Just another one of the many complaints of TFK's "Nobody knows how hard it is to be a white man in today's society" diaries. The fact that you call someone else 'pampers' is hilarious. You've bitched and moaned about society and politival correctness in half your threads. About 20 people here have referred to you as TFKKK and you always complain they're attacking you because of your race. Funny no one else is calling other white Americans "KKK" references are they? People don't hate you because you're white, idiot. It's because you're a simple minded, backwoods living and breathing example of why cousins shouldn't fuck. :notallthere:
09-22-2007, 07:46 PM #66 TFK MMA Yes! Rap No! Join Date: Aug 2005 Posts: 10,072 vCash: 500 Points: 207,987.23 Bank: 0.00 Total Points: 207,987.23 Donate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: Originally Posted by Bug Eyed Earl Back when phonetap was in charge he banned me a bunch of times and also threatened to kick my ass if we ever met in real life. Tap was funny. Anytime anyone got the better of him in an exchange, he's either threaten to ban them, or he would ban them. I remember when he banned me for calling him Dobie and Old Kitty's House Negro. F'n sissy boy. Couldn't take even a little abuse without throwing a hissy fit. TFK So first he COMPLAINS that if he ever called someone a "negro" he'd be labeled a racist. Then he went ahead and called someone a "negro" and got banned and then cried about it on here. Who was wearing the pampers again? :atu: