In this thread AGAIN, completely unprovoked, TFK links a racist song about Obama to a political discussion. Youtube removed to video because it was racist and in violation with their rules. I guess they didn't know it was supposed to be okay since a black journo made the term up. (great excuse.)
Here we go. First of all you did say that about my grandmother and admitted as such earlier. Second, if anyone remembers back to when you were the WORST MODERATOR in internet history (and that's saying something) anyone who disagreed with you about anything was threatened with a ban. You once threatened to ban me over something I had said SEVEN YEARS EARLIER and on another website altogether. :crying: I'm insulting the people I have a problem with that doesn't make me oversensitive. I'm not threatening lawsuits (like AM), trying to close down threads or ban people (your old move whenver you got your ass handed to you every other day). You're also way off with your facts as usual. I'm not cryuing about anything but the conversations that sparked these arguments began in TAAA. Maverick was calling me racial slurs and talking about killing my family in TAAA and THEN it got moved to smacktalk. A moderator was calling me a spinc in TAAA. Of all the facts you just tried to remind me of you just went about 0 for 7. Quit while you're behind, Bitchboy. You have said a lot of vile things on here as well and when you got clowned you banned people and closed threads, the ultimate bitch move. Plus, not that I care but you are such a lowlife that you cheated on your fucking wife with some $3 skank you met on these sites. :doh: I don't give a shit but don't pull low class moves like that in then come back trying to judge people's remarks. You're a low rent Tiger Woods except instead of sleeping with porn stars and models, you're banging broads that work at Target and Burger King. :kick:
Whoa...easy there Cal. Don't let girls who work at Target or Burger King sway you into thinking they're average. You have to realize, a lot of university students or high school students take jobs there to pay off tuition or make extra money either as summer jobs or part time even, but it doesn't mean they're bad looking. Even Sandra Bullock worked at Burger King once. Hell Rebecca Romjin worked in a restaurant too as have many top celebrities and models at one time or another. BTW, did phonetap really f*ck that bitch from SecondsOut? LOL!!!
How is pointing out the hypocrisy in the use of the word 'negro' equal me 'fighting for the right' to call people negroes? That's doesn't. Another fail on your part. TFK
Are you aware of the definition of 'House Negro'? Are you aware of the circumstances that led up to that exchange? Clearly you have no clue what you're talking about and never bothered to learn the facts before running your mouth. Another HUGE fail on your part. TFK
This is the biggest fail yet. The youtube link was EXACTLY what the topic was about. But yet you try to make it out to be some sort of unprovoked racial attack. Wow, not off to a good start today, are you pampers? TFK
:boohoo: you are an embarassment to the legacy of the smacktalk bitching greats... lie #1, phonetap said he's said shit to you...never admitted attacking your grandmother...not true but keep hope alive, you may even believe it yourself if you keep saying it enough. lie #2, never threated to ban you for something said seven years earlier. another FAIL, at trying to score brownie points. lie #3, YOU ARE the one that cried to phonetap via PM about people having pacquiao mexican assassin signatures. phonetap said he'd ask them to remove them and you said thank you...FACT. lie #4, how the fuck do you know what goes on in phonetap's private life? you don't know him or anything about him. that's an outright lie, made up shit your fell right into. what's the truth is you like to drive around lost elderly women hoping to suck their titties...sick bastard.
the answer is NO numbnuts. correct phonetap if he's wrong but hasn't caligula attacked your indian heritage so why are you trying to buddy up to him?
Though I know you guys are all having your fun, this is the kind of thing that kills forum member numbers. :nono:
btw calig no matter how much you beg Steve-Dave, he isnt closing this thread, so stop sending him PMs.
if you're going to blame anyone, blame caligula for this thread...he started and got smashed in the process. CALIGULA introduced race and is now trying to inject peoples personal lives...though not true, into the mix. phonetap knows you are cool with the turd but the facts are the facts...
Same reason he cried because people had pac as the mexican assasin. They dont call him pampers for nothin ya know.
Hanzy's Batista MMA thread was deleted too even thought it featured a video of Batista doing exactly what the thread title said. Was it off topic?
In the MMA Section? TFK probably deleted it. It was a bullshit thread Genius. His sources were other forum posts made three years prior. TFK doesnt want that shit in MMA section.