No it didn't. I'm gonna go out in my garage and hit the heavy bag for a little while. Does that mean I'm training for a boxing career? TFK
You don't have the skill level necessary to succeed in pro boxing. Somebody like Batista on the other hand, a world class athlete with incredible strength and a former 4 time WWE Wrestling Champion, could have a shot in MMA. There's the difference.
Yeah Helloooooo ?Why else would you do it ? I chased a chicken this morning you better believe I'm going to Russia next month to fight a giant roided up russian freak who murdered my best friend.
The fact that you and TFK are comparing yourselves to Batista is laughable. Batista is a freak of nature! If this guy was serious about MMA, nobody would be laughing. Because Batista is the f*cking Man!!!!! :kidcool:
That would all mean something if Batista had actually been training to fight in MMA, but he wasn't, so it means nothing. TFK
Because some dope posted it on a forum? The Afflcition video of Batista that made the rounds is him at a gym taping a video to raise money to fight cancer. It has nothing to do with him actually training to fight in MMA. TFK
No, you're dead wrong. Batista was training for MMA but changed his mind. Now he's actually considering it as his WWE contract finishes up. He missed out on a movie deal too so his next step is MMA.
Batista was not training for an MMA career. No point even debating it anymore, because it just isn't true. TFK
I'm not arguing the point about the thread. Just that that thread and the Quo one made it appear that post deletion was going to be the norm here. I hope that isn't the case.
They can delete whatever they like to their heart's content. I have my own MMA thread now and it'll get more traffic than that abomination of an MMA forum TFK is running.
I'm not blaming anyone in particular; this is a group effort, and I'm cool with both you guys as far as I know, Tapper.
Dude, it doesnt matter what is said to you... if you respond with something racial, how are you being any different? If Maverick is a racist for calling you a wetback or whatever, how are you any less a racist for calling him a spearchucker or whatever?
The stuff Caligula and Maverick have said to eachother is pretty damn tame from the stuff I've read on other forums. I think it's really just a matter of feeling like a bigshot behind a computer under 'anonymity' so you have the freedom to rant and swear as much as you like without facing any kind of backlash. Nobody will be saying that racism stuff in real life unless you're in a group and completely drunk and out of your mind. Like Alabama Man's girlfriend Jen who made some racist remarks telling brown folk to go back to Pakistan while she was intoxicated. I think when you're drunk is when you really show who you truly are. Always make sure to bring up a conversation with a drunk fellow and you'll get a true portrait of his character where he'll spill all the beans without knowing it.:: Only when he's sober will he try to save face. I've seen that sh*t happen!
Based on the shit Ive read from you, I'd vote yes in a heartbeat. Look at the stuff you wrote... it isnt even cutesy "ha ha, we're all pals" stuff like white guys can't jump or black guys like fried chicken or Mexicans are short or Asians cant drive, its vile insinuations of inherent criminality, moral shortcomings, odes to American slavery, there isnt a shred of humor in any of it... its vitriolic, venomous hyperbole of a kind that would bring a smile to a klansman... the fact that you can even spit that shit out with such ease means it's buried somewhere in that skull of yours
man, I been trying to say that and nobody it seems follows that logic on here. The mentality seems to be, if someone gets racist with you, it's okay to retaliate in kind, but still somehow you're not a racist for saying those things that make THEM racist for saying. . I just gave up trying to point out the craziness in that.