Fedor IS in shape he only doesn't look it. What difference would it make if he was more muscularly defined ? More of an eye candy for women and homosexual fans ? I personally don't care one bit. Fedor is in great shape every time whether he looks it or not.
Fedor is in some of the best shape of any MMA fighter out there. His training is ridiculous from what i hear
Anyone who can fight at his pace without gassing is in great, great shape. The guy trains for a fight, not to be Mr. Olympia.
exactly. Many wouldn't think so, but Roy Nelson can fight for days. The guy is a fatass and I have no idea how he does it, but the guy very rarely gasses.
could you imagine being the unlucky smuck at a youth soccer match and starting some shit with that chubby dad?
It has a lot to do with his training habits. He pretty much trains all year long. He just loves to train and if you have ever seen his training vids it's pretty insane.
Most everyone would think they could take him just based on looks alone, then they would proceed to get wrecked.
It's clear as day to me that Fedor's body has changed dramatically over the years. Hes definitely on reverse PED's. ::
i've never questioned fedor's stamina or condition until recently. the guy has the most amazing recuperative power ever.
He gets a pass for looking chubby, because he's one of the best, but god beware if he was an average heavyweight boxer doing all he can in the ring - he'd be sooo much better if he had some abs. :nono: