Manny Pacquiao Says He Will Take Blood Tests Up To 14 Days Before Fight - Could Mayweather Clash Now Go Ahead? by James Slater - It's the super-fight the entire boxing world wants to see, and it seems Manny <NOBR id=itxt_nobr_1_0 style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 100%; COLOR: lightgreen; FONT-FAMILY: inherit">Pacquiao</NOBR> is willing to make a compromise in order to give the fans the mega-bout with Floyd Mayweather Junior. As has been reported today by a number of publications - The Manila Bulletin and The Philippine Star for two - the pound-for-pound king has verbally agreed to take the blood tests Mayweather has demanded, up to 14 days before the fight. According to Manny's comments, as taken by Philip Ella Juico, he will never agree to be tested on fight day, and he will not agree to give what he considers to be too great an amount of blood.. "As long as they're not getting a large amount of blood, I am willing to give out blood as close to two weeks before the fight," Pacquiao said. "It [the Mayweather <NOBR id=itxt_nobr_4_0 style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 100%; COLOR: lightgreen; FONT-FAMILY: inherit">fight</NOBR>] might push through now." This is the biggest concession the Filipino legend has yet made with regards to the demands "Money" has made of him. Will Floyd Junior and his team be happy with Pac-Man's 14 day agreement, or will Team-Mayweather insist on random drug tests right up until a day or two before the actual fight, or maybe the day of the fight itself? According to the news article that has appeared on The Philippine Star's website, Pacquiao's business manager, Michael Koncz, is fearful that now that Pac-Man has agreed to a 14 day testing concession, Mayweather will come up with "new demands" simply to prevent the fight from taking place. Koncz clearly feels that Mayweather is extremely reluctant to face the southpaw dynamo; as do some other people. It seems the ball is now in Mayweather's court, and we will surely get a response from him with regards to this breaking news. Will Floyd and his team agree to a 14 day cut off for the blood tests, or not? This could well be the question the whole boxing world will be asking itself right now! Rumours persist that, if Pacquiao-Mayweather cannot be made, and if he is given a licence to box in the U.S, Antonio <NOBR id=itxt_nobr_8_0 style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal; FONT-SIZE: 100%; COLOR: lightgreen; FONT-FAMILY: inherit">Margarito</NOBR> could be the man who winds up facing Pacquiao next. Whoever it is in the opposite corner of the ring, Pac-Man is down as fighting again in November. Fingers crossed it WILL be against Floyd "Money" Mayweather. This was from Eastside boxing, a site I don't go to. I have no idea how reputable the site is but they quote sources. Discuss
I think he's scared of losing, yes. Without his "0," PBF's nothing. PBF will die from the sword he lives by - undefeatedness. And his stupid fans, like you, will abandon him once his "0" is gone - afterall, he'll no longer fit the bill as superman, a myth that you obviously subscribe to.
I love they put the little sidebar about Margarito in there. That's probably the fight that happens since Arum promotes both fighters.
It goes to show, for anybody who says "Floyd's motivation is to clean up boxing, he's a hero!!!" ... this 14 day cut off is your answer. If he accepts his original dumb compromise of 14 days,.. it'll serve the moron right,.. an epic fail. It would also go to show, that the USADA is willing to compromise it's own drug testing program, so if this were to be implimented into boxing,..they'd be just a 'front' entity.. Fraud also said, after Pedquiao withdrew from the 14 day offer the first time, that if they go to negotiate a fight again, there would be no cut off date,.. I hope, not neccesarily for his sake, that he keeps his word on that,.. otherwise,.. this precedent, and everything else,.. will turn to shit.
So now if Pac agrees to the 14 day cut off it's not good enough? Funny how things work, it was good enough then, it should be good now. It's still far beyond the testing available through the commission.
It's funny to think that a 2 week cut off date from illegal substance scans is required to make the fight happen.
Q: I guess the real question then is will the USADA participate if the fighters agree to something different, e.g. with Pacquiao and Mayweather they were discussing a 24 day testing cut-off (Pacquiao's proposal) to Mayweather's proposed 14 day cut-off? Stated differently, recognizing that the integrity of the testing is paramount, would the USADA participate in something other than its ideal referenced below in your email? A: It’s absolutely correct that the integrity of the testing is paramount. Simply put, USADA won’t be involved with a program that is not credible. So we'll ensure a full, effective and credible program for clean athletes if we're involved. ------------------------- Uh-oh ,... :crafty: ,..
Kauki bro, if you don't mind me asking, I just have a few questions I've been meaning to pose to you. Obviously you believe Pacquiao is on PEDs, personally I don't think he is, although I can certainly see it from your perspective, the guy isn't really doing alot to alleviate suspicion. I just wanted to ask a few things, a) How (naturally) talented do you think Manny is? b) Where do you think he would be in the game currently, if he was clean, and c) How long do you feel he has been taking PEDs for? There's no hidden agenda or anything, and no follow up questions, I've just always been curious as to your take on these things, is all
A) .. Yeah,.. 'Naturally' ... who can say?.. The closest we've been guaranteed to an exhibit of natural fighters is Mayweather - Mosely,.. could this be the first clean fight in years?.... You know,.. if by some miracle, the USADA was implimented into boxing, independant and uncompromised.. we could call it the 'year 0',..for contemporary boxing, and even then,.. like the rest of the sporting world,.. drug cheats are a 'cat and mouse' game,.. the world anti-doping agency has to upgrade in the same way an anti-virus scanner does. ...and actually,.. I think that pretty much covers the rest of the questions chap..
This is Mayweather country.Sometimes I really do think Floyd's fans on here dont want this fight to happen.
It seems as though agreeing to PBF 14 days is still not good enough. I guess that means: •If PBF pulls another rabbit out of his hat, that's perfectly O.K. •If PBF doesn't & the fight goes ahead & Manny wins he's on drugs. •If the fight goes ahead & Manny loses he was either probably on drugs before but not now & that's why he lost, or... •He was on drugs & lost anyway.
:: IF this fight happens, you have just mapped out 85% of the discussion on this forum for the next 2 years
This is how it works. •If PBF pulls another rabbit out of his hat, that's perfectly O.K. •If PBF doesn't & the fight goes ahead & Manny wins he's on drugs. •If the fight goes ahead & Manny loses he was either probably on drugs before but not now & that's why he lost, or... •He was on drugs & lost anyway.
Yeah, but nobody sees it like that, all they're seeing is that Pacquiao NEEDS those 2 weeks and Floyd is being unreasonable.
Floyd wanted a 14 day cutoff and Manny has agreed to it.I really don't see what the problem is:dunno:
This again. OK. Floyd wanted a 14 day cutoff. According to this Manny has agreed. Assuming this is correct, the fight should be on. If this is true, Manny has acquiesced to Floyds demands. No one here who bitched about Manny not taking the original deal should be in here whining now. My personal opinion on this is that if they are going to have random testing then it should be truly random. This includes up to the day before the fight. Floyd will most likely push for this now as he should but based on his prior requirements, he has no leg to stand on. With any luck, the testing bodies will refuse to be part of a 'modified' schedule. Cutoff according to the Nevada Commission for the Mayweather- Mosley fight was 4 MORE days than what Pacquaio has already agreed to, 18 days prior to May 1st.
On 24/7 they showed Mosley getting tested right before he was about to drive to Vegas and that was way less than 18 days before the fight.