well, im with you, that was my first thought when I read Caligula's "defense" of his actions "he started it!" is not an adult logic
they are, true, but I felt it necessary to point out their horrible driving LOL and most Mexicans I've met have been way shorter than me
Ah so there's a chart measuring the most important stereotypes. Height ranks just below driving skills. :atu: . Hey, I can't talk. I'm fat and white. That's like a double whammy. Maybe I should move to somewhere that they measure things in centimeters. That way it seems better than it might really be. ::
where I work, when I step out for a cigarette and its hot out I am always bitching about the heat and the sun and the Puerto Ricans I work with make fun of me for it... I point out that their people come from an island where its 95% humidity and mine came from one where the sun comes out once a week and the wind is howling and everybody has skin the color of copy paper:: Irish people weren't designed with the sun and humidity in mind
Well you should move out to the Pacific Northwest. In Idaho they got potatoes, and apparantly in Spokane where I live everyone's drinking, so hey....you can be right on the border and enjoy both! ::
My take is that Hanzy is pretty gay and he is a big sexual indian.. and TFK.. i'm not sure what he is nationality or culture wise but he's a trick IMO
Here's another sanctimonious white man who is appalled at the things I said in smacktalk in response that things were said to me. NOW, here's where you are flawed big time. And I don't want to involve other people here but I have heard you repeatedly refer to another poster here as a 'good guy.' Personally, I think he is a good guy too. If I posted some of the things he posted against Mexicans in the heat of an argument, you and i know DAMN WELL, you would make every excuse in the book and how he's really not that way, he had been attacked, etc. That's why you are chock full of shit, C-Dogg. You don't like to see anything that you may not want to see. I asked anyone here to give me one example of me going off on someone raically and not in a repsonse to an attack. NOT ONE example has been given. Not one. I the history of fightbeat, not one example could be pulled. Now I did list examples of some other individuals doing some questionable things. Driving around a city stating that it is a great place and the only negatives are there are too many x's and too many o's. abd the o's are worthless, smelly people. (One of the most openly fascist attitudes I have ever winessed in my lifetime.) Other people who cannot refer to a presidential candidate (at the time) without mentioning an antiquated description of his race.
I can come up with rehetoric on a whim. believe me, there are a couple of guys on boxingfanatics who gave me some jabs about being a self hating mexcian sell out (sparked by me saying I support the US soccer team over Mexico believe it or not). So I gave them some reason to REALLY think that i don't like Mexicans at least the ones from mexico or who support Mexico. Some of that shit is classic. While you're patting yourself on the back for being so sanctimonious and proper, a few things you and your "Irish curse" (since you want to list everyone else's negative stereotyoes but not your own) should consider: I am probably the biggest Obama supporter on this website. I live on the West coast and even when it looked like Obama had wrapped things up and I ran down and voted so i could say that I helped elect the first black president of the USA. I cannot say who it was because of patient privacy but while stationed in Bethesda where we serviced Capitol Hill, I petitioned to be the technician of an African-American senator because I was a fan of what they had done for civil rights and I thanked them personally for their accomplishemts.
btw, if Obama or the African American senator, read what you wrote here, they would have nothing do to with you, despite all of your excuses.
And I've been telling you for a year now: * Driving around a city and stating it is a great place but the only negative parts of it are there are too many Mexicans and too many Armenians makes you look like a complete douchebag plus. The fact that you are black Puerto Rican fresh in from Harlem, NY makes it even worse. * You cannot make fun of the way Filipinos talk when your own accent was made famous for being annoying as fuck by one Rosie Perez.
Notice again, i never mentioned once you were Mexican, but you cant help yourself. Race is ALWAYS on your mind. So lets see, you lie about where im from and you lie about how i sound. What makes anyone think you arent lying about everything else? You are a known liar. Looking like a douchebag to a racist doesnt mean shit to me son. And i can question why filipinos pronounce Phone like PONE all i want. Its a legitimate question. I can talk about race without being racist. You cant.
Fred Jefferson if you're talking about a good friend of mine. Don't forget your stances: "L.A. is a good place to live except there are too many Mexicans." "I would be embarrassed to be Mexican." "Mexican women have flat asses. Good thing I brought my wife with me from NY." The Arizona law discrimanating against Mexicans is a "great bill" in you eyes. Are you the best person to be speaking on this subject? :doh:
One of my favorite characters of ALL TIME!! "Get the fuck out the way, got-dammit, it's Milla time, Muthafucka!" -Sweet Dick Willie
Nothing wrong my first statement. Too many of anyone is much for me. Like i said before, NY is cool but there are too many Puerto Ricans. Shit doesnt mean anything. Its not a racist statement as you yourself have admitted. I dont remember ever saying i would be embarassed to be mexican. Mexican women do have flat asses. Big hips and flat asses. AND???? Ask most mexican women they will agree with you. Arizona law doesnt discriminate against mexicans. The specifically prohibits racial profiling, unlike the federal law which has no rules against it. Under the federal, you can pull anyone over for any reason and ask for their legal papers. At least the Arizona law is specifically stating that racial profiling is not acceptable and you must be in the act of commiting a crime. I support the law and so do over 60% of the arizona population.
No you guys were kidding around about what nmy frend's last mane is amd someone said "jackson" and I said "no, Jefferson" as a joke. You and I know that I have had a HUGE problem with how this website has been run. From people like Phonetap banning people for arguing with him to Orion challenging all posters to stupid shit to TFK claiming the "whot man" can't get a fair shake in this country 'no more." It's been a fucking circuis and a joke. Who the fuck heard Orion bragging about how he head the fastest reflexes in his high school, could kill two pit bulls with his bare hands. and how he was the only true American on the site because he answered phones for the Air Force and thought "I bet he'd make a good moderator." Who heard Phonetap starting an argument in an empty room and claiming all the witnesses were racist against him and decided "I bet he'd be a good moderator too." TFK, let's see he's been banned for racism a couple of times. He has argued tooth and nail that he SHOULD be able to refer to black posters as negros because the United Negro College Fund still does. SIGN HIM UP, he'd be perfect!!! Now who is this guy driving around making fun of Filipinos, talking shit about the way Armenians look and smell and saying there are way too many Mexicans in the town he has lived in for two months. SIGN HIM UP, we've got a DREAM TEAM NOW!!!!!
Godfather and I tried to take the phontap/orion regime down from day 1. And TFK is only a mod in the MMA forum. I gave him that forum because he actually seemed to care about it.
TFK has been banned for being racist here? When? Out of the guys you mentioned, many people had problems with them. YOU are the only one with a problem with me. BTW, i have been living in Cali since 2001. I have problems with Too many of anything in one place. AND?? You are the only one here that has issues with me. That should tell you something
I didn't know anything about that but if you did that's good. Those were a couple of comlete douchebags completely devoid of making decision outside their own egos. :bears:
Exactly. If it was just one person that issues with those guys, they would still be around. But because many many people complained, they arent mods anymore. I dont see complaining about you or me here. Well except Calligula, who tries to take attention away from his own comments.
I'm surprised you don't remember. You remember everything. :: You also know that Petre left this site because we (Godfather and myself) un-banned you for making comments about his wift, right?
You think its easy to be mod. Trying to make everyone happy and not pissing people off? Shits not easy. You cant make everyone happy all the time. It seems you are unhappy no matter who is in charge tho. So i see that as your problem. But you still post here every day like a good soldier.
Yup. I had a long drawn out discussion how that wasnt right and bullshit for petre to abuse his powers. He was pissed and left because i didnt back him and actually took YOUR side. Despite the vile, disgusting things you said about his wife and my wife, i still fought for your right to say them on here.