Really? I honestly get that feeling from Pacquiao fans. The way they blindly supported Manny and actually tried to blame Floyd for the fight not happeing when Manny rejected the 14 day cut off date and had a fight made by the next day with Clottey. Or their pussyfied opinion that Floyd 'probably' wins at 147 because he's too big and too strong for him at the weight just like David Tua would be too strong for Andre Ward at Heavyweight buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut at 135-140 Manny beats him for sure so Manny long live P4P King! I hope the fight happens and I hope nobody bitches and we enjoy the fight between 2 of the greatest fighters we'll ever see.
From what I recall Mosley complained he was trying to make weight and could possibly give him a squirt. The official response was to wait after he heard msoley objection of being so close to the fight. They gave all tests and results to the Nevada Commission and they said the cutoff was 18 days.
If anyone doesn't want this fight, it's PBF. Look at the track records of the two fighters. PBF is obviously very picky about who he fights - Pacquiao seemingly will fight anyone. I think we can all agree on this point.
Yup PBF avoided.... Hernandez, Corrales, Manfredy, Castillo, Judah, De La Hoya (who YOU picked to beat him), Hatton, Mosley. Floyd is very picky indeed. He's scared to death of dangerous fighters...
I wonder why no one is asking whether Pacquiao has been mysteriously cured of his blood ailment that made him weak when he got tested within 24 days. It was such a sticking point that he walked away from the fight the first time. Strange. Even stranger how, after Floyd stated that the offer was off the table, Manny went to the same faith healer Holyfield did. Praise God!
Nah... Fightbeat is QUITE CLEARLY a PAC SAC Swinging Site...Floyd is Easily THE Most HATED Fighter on this Board...Sometimes, REED Really Does Think PAC SAC Swingers COULDN'T Care Less if he's CHEATING or Not.... REED:hammert:
To be honest it's pretty bitchy from Manny that he rejected the fight because he didn't want a 14 day cut off only to agree a couple of months later once the fight break through and Mayweather went on to dominate Mosley and get $1.4 million PPV's. Right after Arum broke off the talks for the fight I remember Floyd very pissed clearly saying Manny had fucked his chance and wouldn't compromise a cut off date anymore. Noooooooooooooooooow Manny says ok I'll take the 14 day cut off day. Seems and smells very much like a bitch move but either way I'm hopeful and I think at the end Floyd will take it since I'm pretty sure he wants to beat Manny and show who's really the best. Manny should've compromised when the fight was 1 second away from being made.
I can agree with that somewhat. Straight after the fight originally fell through, I remember hoping that it was a tactic to build the fight for the future. Both guys have gone on to dominate two of the best fighters at their current weight and if anything, that should help show that both guys are comfortable at the weight and essentially this is a pretty even matchup. Manny agreeing to the original stip gels with this thought. Saying that, I'm no longer happy with a cutoff of any type in this fight. We'd all been ignoring substandard testing but the genie is well and truly out of the bottle now. Boxing needs to implement proper testing. This is the place to start. As long suffering fans of boxing like me, I know you guys know what it feels like trying to defend the sport to the general populace. Dodgy decisions, quitters, ABC titles, ridiculous stipulations and top fighters refusing to face one another makes the sport a laughing stock. It's been a long time since Boxing did something that could make us proud as fans. Proper testing is the best thing they can do for the sport right now.
How many of Pacs recent opponents have been coming off an impressive win streak, an impressive win or even just a win.
The guy from the USADA said the last blood test before the fight was 18 days before, and the last urine test a few days before. It wasn't an agreed upon cut-off date, it's up to the USADA to decide when they want to have the tests and they chose to make the last blood test on April 13.;_ylt=An5Mywjp2pLBHUYuUQa121OUxLYF?slug=ki-bloodtests052110
From Kevin Iole article: "Mayweather gave blood and urine on March 22, April 1, April 13 and then May 1 after the fight. He gave urine only on April 3, April 6, April 21 and April 24." That is a schedule Pacquaio has already agreed to. This fight looks like A GO for the fall UNLESS Mayweather doesn't want to fight Pacquaio.
That's not exactly answering the question. Is it "credible" in the USADA's opinion to have a set cut-off point of 14 days? Their last blood test was 18 days, but that was their choice, not Mayweather or Mosley's. Tygart's comments in the link I posted gives the impression that the USADA wants the right to be able to do blood testing as close to the fight if they choose to. Of course, money and being involved in the biggest boxing match ever (money-wise) can change that.
that's what I remembered also. That's why I'm confused because they clearly showed that last week before the fight when they caught up with Mosley as he was leaving camp. now they are saying 18 days was the cut off? :bangh:
From the article: " Mosley gave blood and urine on March 23, March 31, April 12 and then May 1 after the fight. He gave urine only on March 29, April 7, April 20 and April 26." Close to the fight tests were conducted only using urine. Pacquaio original concern was always blood testing. He had previously agreed to urine testing ANYTIME before the fight. Mosley blood was tested 18 days prior to the fight. I don't see why things have to be any different for Pacquaio.
I'm guessing that the point is that Mosley's testing was random. Meaning that for all he knew, he could have been tested 2 days prior, whereas, Manny would know that 14 days prior would be his cut-off point, & therefore would have enough time to cheat...? I wonder why 14 days was adequate for PBF first time around though, if that was the case.
It was acceptable for Floyd for the cutoff to be 14 days for their March 13th fight negotiations. If the fight falls through for ANY reason, which camp put more obstacles in the way and who was more nuance about demands? And it seems INSANE to me especially for Floyd since he has ALL the advantages over Pacquaio and would be favored to win, get critic kudos, dramatically enhance his legacy, not to mention the money he stands to make.
This fight will not happen. I guarantee that Floyd will reject Manny's 14 day capitulation, and instead ask for blood testing to be done up to the day of the fight, which will kill the fight. Mark it down! Lock it up! It's a guarantee!
That does make my brain twitch a bit,.. you have Victor Conte outlining what can be done with 14 free days,.. and yet the USADA apparently goes 18 straight days before the fight without a blood test?... "Ha ha, but it's a detterent, you never know when we'll strike!" Tygart says,....:boohoo: What if Mosely for example,..feeling weaker than ever before on the heavybag, scrumples up a bitch face while puffing with frustration, "Ah fuck it!..I'mma probably gunna lose out anyway!".. and takes the risk,.. ............he could have entered the ring rather 'refreshed', sure the fighters weren't to know when they'd get pricked,... but the USADA left an avenue open there for the fighters to cheat. You'd fucken think they'd pop in for a blood test alot closer to the fight than that, knowing what can possibly be taken in that time frame,...instead, they rely on a mere psychological tactic?...:shit::shit: I suppose it's cheaper??.. I wish someone would pose that question to the USADA rep ^... what if one of these fighters cheated during the timeframe you didn't draw blood from them?.. I also wonder why nobody is listening to the reformed villain who went undefeated against these tests?... his insight is there,..the magician is willing to reveal how he kept winning and never lost.
I guarantee that most people will have no problem at all in PBF moving the goal-posts again, including those who were happy with PBF's original unprecedented stipulation. The rules of the game have changed now though. It is now, thanks to PBF alleging that Manny is on drugs, up to Manny to prove beyond anybodys doubt that he is clean.Mab If there are experts that 14 days isn't enough, then it's not enough.
i think mayweather jr would be foolish to amend his previous demands, that pacquiao has allegedly agreed to. especially considering what the head of the nevada commission has stated regarding the procedures that took place during mayweather jr- mosley.
That's not the way shit is supposed to work. You're not "guilty til proven innocent" The idea of having to prove you're clean instead of someone else proving you're not, is crazy.