the usda will cave in for the right price. mayweather jr has no reason to reject this bout if pacquiao is willing to take tests up until two weeks prior to the bout.
Maybe Pacquiao should just retire and go fuck up the Phillipines economy by letting his entire entourage run the country's finances. I'm sick of his fucking cut-off dates. Either take the fucking test or don't take it. But please quit trying to negotiate around it. He said he didn't need Floyd so why won't he just go on with his career or retire? I no longer blame Floyd for the fight not happening because Floyd already made a precedent and has shown his willingness to enforce and stick with it. Pacquiao is the one not stepping up.
But that's precisely the situation. You just have to read most of the posts here to know that's exactly how it has worked. The "innocent till proven guilty" defense has zero currency. Also, PBF's motives have become beyond reproach. He's trying to clean up boxing after all. If Manny agrees to PBF's initial demands & PBF then moves the goal posts, then he's allowed to. PBF's cleaning up boxing, & Manny's a drug cheat. He must be a drug cheat. He won't do what PBF demands he do. And if PBF changes those demands...Well' Manny will just have to meet those, otherwise he's a drug cheat.
:laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing::laughing: those were the closest I could find to a "pissing myself laughing" smiley.
Dude, Floyd already said it when Manny broke the fight off last time so if rejects Manny's "new" compromise it would be just following through to what he said. I'm hopeful he will change his mind despite Manny's clear bitchy move. Pretty fucking bitchy that he let us know of his new "compromise" for the sake of boxing but has yet to reach team Mayweather and try to actually make the fight.
Just putting who's a "bitch" to one side, for one post, did you think that 14 days was fair when PBF initially demanded it?
Yes. And Manny should have conceded back then, when the fight was 1 second away from being made. What you make of the fact that the 14 day cut off was reason enough to cancel the fight when everything else was set to make it happen just to have him go 180 and announce to the press (Forget about actually dealing with Mayweather's team) a couple of months later after Floyd said he wouldn't be compromising cut off dates next time? Honest. Like I said, good step towards hoping to get the fight being made once again but can't think it's pretty lame for Manny to do it at this point. But anyway, too much complaining, let's hope it gets made.
I thought allowing Pac 13 days of cheat time was a generous offer at the time. Now, after Floyd has said he takes the offer off the table Pac agrees to it?:shit::shit::shit::shit::shit::shit: Fuck Pac twice. The only people these transparent ploys are fooling are wilfully blind nuthuggers and people who aren't paying any attention.
Kenneth, do you know if it is actually true that Trevor Graham has been used to assist Pacquiao's conditioning team?,..or was this just a wild-fire rumour invented by some malicious bitch poster on boxingscene?.. I've been trying to find some credible information about this,.. and there doesn't appear to be much to it at all except from a rare few scribes who are willing to confirm it as a fact,..
They haven't been contact it seems. Apparently team Pacquiao was happy enough to anounce to the press that they changed their mind and will take the 14 day cut off and let pacquiaoheads go running to the boards to scream It'sssssss on Floyd's court now! If it doesn't get made Floyd duckiiiiiiiiiing!
Team Mayweather said "no comment". Which I think is good, weren't the negotiations supposed to be kept away from the public? Bob Arum kept saying that the negotiations would be in private, so naturally he started talking to the press about Mayweather-Mosley's last blood test being 18 days before and how 14 days should be fine for this fight.
they're talking like that was a pre-arranged cut-off date. They do it randomly and if the USADA decides to draw blood a day before the fight, they will.
No, but Floyd is thinkin real hard. When he is finished, he will mail Shafter and Oscar and get them to do the talkin'. He is shy.
I thought PBF was trying to ensure that Manny was not on drugs. If 13 days was not enough time to ensure that, I don't understand why he would offer it at all.
This is not complicated. The more time someone has where they are assured no drug testing, the more effective their ability to impact their performance with those drugs. Most if not all of the PEDs athletes use today require a certain amount of time to be effective. Usually this means a few months, but with some (EPO) it can be weeks or even days. Thus, 14 days is better than 24 days or 48 days from PBF's perspective, as it helps to minimize Manny's ability to gain advantage from PEDs. But it is still time enough to gain SOME advantage. But I think Floyd truly did want the fight to some extent, and so was willing to agree to 14 days knowing it did not assure no cheating, but was far better than a longer cutoff. I will add 2 things to this already long discussion. First, having any cutoff is almost ridiculous for the reasons mentioned above. Those who state with such "reasonable" demeanor that 14 days is such a wonderful compromise by Manny are missing the point entirely. Imagine an airport that is trying to make sure no one gets a bomb on a plane. But yet one of the passengers complains about the checkpoints and so the airport compromises and suspends all passenger screening for 14 minutes before the flight. Do you think that's stupid? Good. Now you understand how stupid it is to say you want to check for drugs but yet you will stop doing so 2 weeks before the event which is the whole reason you are doing the checking in the first place. Remember the USADA may not actually draw blood 2 days before the fight, but they reserve the right to do so, which means that if you cheat at any time you are still in equal jeopardy of being caught. That is, again, the whole point. Oh, and if you think the USADA would agree to change that because someone offers them "a bunhc Of monney", you're an idiot. Why would they jeopardize their entire reputation, their future ability to ever be respected and be hired again, and indeed their very existence for some extra cash just one time from a corrupt boxer? Next, for those who still ride this "guilty until proven innocent is unfair!" bandwagon, as if boxing was again some sort of courtroom or civil rights testing ground - in ALL sports you are ABSOLUTELY guilty until proven innocent, that's how testing WORKS. Please wake up and join the real world. You want to play in the NFL? You want to compete in the Olympics? You're damn right you're guilty, and every fucking week or day or hour you are going to submit whatever bodily fluid is asked of you to PROVE you are innocent. That is the only way to ensure you are not cheating, which again is the whole point of the tests. If you don't like that idea, then please keep believing in the goodness of athletes and the integrity of humanity and start your own "we're all innocent" sports league where no one has to get tested, especially if they seem like a good guy and they have a reputation of being a great sportsman, or better still they get elected senator. That puts them "beyond reproach" in your world, eh? See how that works for you.
:: Nicely done. Still and all,.. I'm annoyed there was apparently an 18 straight day avenue without a blood test,.. it's got to be a risk to cease the practical scanners and leave it running on a bone dry psychological tactic during the most crucial testing time-frame before the fight...
You talk as if there is zero drug testing in boxing.If Floyd has proof that Manny is on drugs he should take it to the commission.
:::::::crafty: ,.. which commission,.. the Texas commission?.. They're well aware you know,..Thomas B, they're well aware
(1) What about his post implies there is zero drug testing in boxing? Nothing. (2) He fully addresses the concept of there not needing to be proof to presume possible guilt in sports.
if Floyd doesn't agree to the 14 days cutoff, then it's obvious he doesn't want the fight. Pac would look like a total bitch if he were to accepts everyone of Floyd caprice
Exactly, it's point may had value had it been Pac who was trying to change the rules. But that's not the case, it's Floyd who's asking for a ''precedent'' and if Pac accepted and were to lose badly to Floyd, wich would be possible considering it would be the toughest fight on paper of his career, his status would be blemished because a lot of person would associated his defeat to his lack of PED use. Pac probably feels he accomplished enough so he doesn't have to be bullied in negociations by anyone after he was by Oscar. He would look like a bitch if, after accepting Floyd initial 14 days cutoff offer, he'd have to concede to a no cutoff offer after Floyd once again changed his mind. And don't get me wrong, Pac uses Ped imo, but so does Floyd.
if the USADA wont agree to test up until 14 days prior to the fight then Im sure some one else with credibility can administer tests for the right price.
18 days break for Mosley makes a joke of the USADA testing in that fight. There should be random testing anytime but one definite test within 5-7 days of the fight.
I agree,.. sure there is a psychological detterent,.. but if one of them said.. fuck it!.. Im not used to this,.. Imma gunna do what I usually do!,.. then whoops,.. no wonder Victor Conte went undefeated.
I don't believe that is true. I don't ever recall Graham being linked to his team but I may be wrong. Besides, between Justin Fortune and Roach's cronies, Pacquiao has enough links to make you wonder. On another note, it's amazing how 14 days is ok now. I guess he no longer gets weak within a month. I would've never guessed that these guys would trip over themselves that badly over a simple blood test. Sh*t, even Evan Fields handled himself better when faced with tougher testing.
Terrible. You mean the commissions who never punished Roy Jones. The commission who never punished Shane Mosley? The commission who has covered up for bigger fighters? The commission who never did their own independent investigations when guys like Jameel McCline and Evander Holyfield were found to be clients in steroid rings? Yeah, that'll resolve things.
I think this fight is finally attracting the degree of derision and farce which it has for so long deserved. It is as if fate will not allow either of these two imposters to perform the deed, after all. :nono: