it's weird how his handspeed is better now at welterweight, even... <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
Looking at Pacquiao early fight it difficult to believe the monster he has become.....sure the aggression was always there..but the power and speed was not very impressive esp. the speed...... <object width="480" height="385"> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></object>
:notallthere: Deliberately leaving Performance enhancing drugs out of the puzzle?... It j...j.....j......just,...c...c..c.c.c..cant......h.a...p.p.p.p.p.pen...
</P> Its easy to see why, though. He fought so much more tense and tight back then. When you relax and just let it flow, everything comes out quicker and more loose.
Back then he was so poor, he barely eat, let alone eat well. I guess he didn't had the kind of training facilities/personnel back then.
he was a flyweight champion and barely ate? i dunno about that one... i can understand at the very start of his career...but as a champion?
Ref saves Pac from getting knocked out <object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>
Possibley Ainsley,.. likewise, it was a shock to see Mosely coming into the fight with 3 rounds maximum. It was the year '0' :bears: .
</P>Now I'm supposed to believe that this same guy has a granite chin? Not buying it. Who won this fight btw?
Dawg it is a well known fact Manny was severely weight drained and extremely weakened. That's why he went down from a single jab. I'll Holla 5000
Also the ref in that fight was woeful, & certainly not on Manny's side. Hussien is a dirty fighter (as most Fenech fighters are), & certainly was in this fight.
Yeah most weakened and weight drained fighters go on for another 6 rounds to KO their opponent, after they almost went to sleep... THAT is the fact. Yours is pure speculation.
He was also hurt by Corley and Judah....but other than being badly hurt...did anything else changed about Mayweather?? Everything he showed before the steroid test was still there.... He was hurt because he was fighting Mosley..a guy w/ speed and power...had they fought back at 135 or a few years ago..Mosley would have knock Money out...
Hey Illuminati,.. why your boy Pacman say 14 days 'aslong as it isn't too much blood' .. was da next line?.. "Otherwise I will surely not recover in two weeks".... hihihihihihihi! :crafty: still convinced?,...way to let Cotto drift ya capitalism groupie, no wonder why they thought you were a poser awhile back :crafty:..
Hussein was a good fighter, he used to bash up our commonwealth title contenders something fierce back in the day. Good fighter who underachieved
Please...Floyd was stunned big deal. Mosely has always been a juicer and if he took the blood tests when he was a lightweight a 135 Floyd would have beat him just as easily.
What a coincidence Floyd was stunned in a fight where he himself had been subject to WADA. Here is the truth: Floyd has always done gear. Manny has always done gear. Floyd thinks a clean Floyd whups a clean Manny, but doesn't think a dirty Floyd beats a dirty Manny. So he invents this shit and makes himself look to be clean and to have always been clean.
It has been pointed out already, that Floyd was stunned in other fights by lesser punchers. You have NO argument here with that point.
It may be true,.. but I'd really like to see the drop off in speed, power, stamina and durability if Pedquiao came in as a clean welterweight... Why wouldn't Fraud like those odds?... it appears team Pedquiao are horrified by those odds aswell,.. hence we had the worlds biggest and lucrative fight die instantly at 5 minutes to midnight over random drug testing. Manny is worshipped like a god, he is, "a phenomenal, extraordinary once in a lifetime athlete"... but prick his arm like that of a tattoo needle a month out from a fight,.. he dies,... :: ..