Yeah,.. as I said to Illuminati who's sold Cotto out,.. to finish the line of Pedquiao's latest gaffe,.. "As long as they don't take too much blood" --------"otherwise I won't recover in two weeks time" <-- I'll finish that off for him,... now it's a matter of milligrams,..aslong as they dont take too much?.. what if they do Manny, on the spot,.. what are you going to do?.. withdraw from the fight?.. This is beyond a joke Kenneth,... Pacquiao is not mentally fit to fight, infact by the sounds of this blood complex,.. he may have a dose of psychosis, or scitzophrenia,.. or maybe his success at this weight depends so critically on illegal performance enhancing drugs or something.
It's mind boggling. Manny should've just said, f*ck the drug tests, I'm not taking them and f*ck you too, Floyd. At least there'd be something consistent to hang our hat on. But all this "I get weak" and "it hurts me more because he's bigger than me"... it's weird. Strange. Downright unbelievable. Man, only in boxing. Anyway, the battle lines have been set and the cards have been reshuffled. Let's see what unfolds next.
Yes it is. It is as weird as 24/7 showing high definition video footage of him being force-fed protein shakes at dinner time to "keep his weight up". Sure. That said, and this stands on its own two legs....the gangster element of the Mayweather/Oscar/Shafter front is KILLING the legitimacy of ANY demands they seek to make.
What does that first paragraph mean? Your second reads like something I read back in the days about Jose Canseco.
Did you not see Clottey/Pac 24/7 or whatever it was called? There was this really contrived restaurant scene where they tried to show Pac eating and drinking like Mr Universe. All natural, like. Packing on the weight, you see.:boohoo:
Agreed its a no win for Pacquiao and I think that's bullshit.Win or Lose he's a fucking drug addict,some of the people on here suck
No matter what rules they fight under he's just as likely to be on drugs as Floyd Mayweather is in my eyes. They just need to fucking fight already...
It means the white-wolf will give him 300 counts of the 'benefit of the doubt' in a row if he has to, circumstantial piece, by circumstantial piece. He's good for a nemesis, and good for an allie..:crafty:
It would be nice at some point when and IF the fight is signed, we can start talking about BOXING again...
My point. If PBF is saving boxing from drug cheats, then it's hard to imagine that he was willing to give Manny SOME illegal drug-induced advantage because he wanted the fight SOOO badly. To me it seems a strange move for somebody who's boxing's saviour. If you find that to be an uncomplicated thing to get your head around, I guess I just must be a bit easier to befuddle than you.
PBF has no intentions of saving boxing from drug cheats. He does, however, have every intention of saving his own a** from facing one. But the pot of gold that is Pacquiao is so enticing, that he brought his guard down once. I think the compromise next time won't be so favorable to the Pacman.
This is just it. Floyd only gives a fuck about himself. Which explains the second part of my post above. Floyd's being an unconscionable cunt is what does it for me every time. I want to agree with the guy, but just can't.
If Mayweather has solid proof that Manny Pacquiao is on drugs and takes it to the higher power,they won't have a choice but to punish Pacquiao.
OMG, Floyd is like every other top boxer! Gads!!! I Yeah, he's a primadonna like Manny, big f*cking deal. Take the tests and stop coming up with excuses.
i just wish FLoyd came out and said "forget drug tests.. lets fight" PEDs or not for Pac.. he is gonna get dominated
You do realise Nevada kept Oscar's banned substance use a secret don't you? You mean the 'higher power' in affiliation with Bob Arum?, do you think Bob was able to blow the whistle on Oscar? see,.. they're 'tight' ... they're 'down' for this shit,.. Texas aswell as you already know, are on an ANTI DRUG TESTING campaign in affiliation with Bob Arum and the Pedquiao regiume,.. you already know this Thomas B,.. it was 'dirty of them' remember?... Did you see Kizer lately dismissing USADA drug testing, :: implying they dont know what they're talking about when it comes to Performance enhancing drugs? They have NO...integrity,.. they are part of the underworld.. they are a 'private enterprise' with thier own 'customized' regulation system where Bob ^ clearly has his say.
:crafty: .. Why doesn't Pacquiao bother you in the same manner?.. How do you like your corrupt evil scum?.. Masked and insulting your intelligence,.. or raw?
I'm talking about Arum blowing the whistle about the arrangement with Nevada to keep his results a secret.. "Sign the Ped waiver Oscar and allow your results to be published to the public". This is what I mean.
when did this happen? just wondering - not questioning whether or not it did, i just haven't read about this.
Thomas Hauser implied in his article that DLH has some things to hide.