And yet he did something AWESOME with his life and is in a position to HELP those in the same condition he grew up in. Christiniaty can be a GOOD thing.
I didn't say power was only a matter of physical strength, but it's got to help harden the impact of punches on the way through a fighters chin, or to sink them into a fighters body on impact, we've seen heaps of examples of quick hands not being a reflection of power either. I find it amazing that this little guy, with his little frame, .....according to Cotto, "hit's way harder" than a big strong squat welterweight like Joshua Clottey, who also has quick hands, and delivers his combinations from close and compact range with his feet firmly planted, how does Pacquiao, who is overall significantly smaller than Clottey, punch "way harder?"... There has to be some kind of immense core strength to sustain the impact of his punches, either that,..or there's something funny about his handwraps,.. and I know people will jerk there head's up and scream how "IMPOSSIBLE!!" is to think a guy who goes through to the ring completely supported and unregulated by the commission could ever even think of something so sinister to win,.. but... it has happenned before,.. there's no 'honour system' in this filthy corrupt game,..not if you're willing to drain your opponent, then charge yourself up full of performance enhancers.. there's one avenue left available,.. and I couldn't see this regiume having a moment of conscious thought with so much money at stake.
What's Cotto going to say, the guy I went the distance with hits harder than the guy who knocked me out? One thing's for sure, it has nothing to do with technique or angles, or trajectory of punches, or anything along those lines. Nor the fact that Clottey fights with his elbows plastered to his body, or that his punches take longer, and more easily visible routes to their target. A fighter's mentality doesn't matter either. Clottey's built his reputation as KO artist, easily evidenced by how many stoppages in his last 10 fights? Hell, people are still telling legends about the way he put away Judah.
The same could easily be said about Fraud, who's also another accurate, skillful quick-handed boxer,.. he doesn't devistate his opposition after a mere couple of flurries, or have them reeling around the ring in fear.. I recall there was a knockdown on Cotto where the punch didn't even land cleanly and it flattened him, had him retreating for the remainder of the fight, if the way Cotto fought the latter half of the fight against Pacquiao isn't the personification of somebody shocked and afraid of his opponents power I dont know what is,.. I will readily believe him when he says that Pacquiao is the hardest puncher he's ever faced, and I'll believe Hatton aswell, the evidence is there to see in both cases, Hatton never recovered from the first counter he was hit with, then he was wiped out cold in the next round,.. saying it's more to do with speed and angles, and that he really only possesses the maximum a natural featherweight can possess, is false,.. To go along with everything else, his power IS devistating,.. extraordinary.
Pedquiao to change the law over there,.. no blood screenings required for suspects to a murder scene, "I know how it feels, to be weakenned for weeks as a result of someone drawing my blood, it is against civil liberties".