Here are the experts, who spoke out against blood testing: "I agree with Dr. Voy that there are theoretical and real risks to blood testing one of which is a (boxer getting) a hematoma on the elbow or a clot from missing a vein. There are also HIV and Hepatitis C risks." I know I´d rather die before I go see Dr. Watson, who apparently buys his needles used and from drug addicts. :doh: As far as EPO testing, Voy said, "I'm of the opinion that EPO is not a performance enhancer in boxing or that it gives you more endurace although that is the perception." Well then you are ALONE ON THIS PLANET. :doh:
Yes, I think this is just about the end of the road to 'clinging on to the commission as an all knowing all seeing intelligent neutral boxing government'... I knew that, as soon as Arum first said,.. "Only if da commission says!" .... let alone the several other confirmations and revelations that followed to illustrate them firmly in his fucking pocket. It should be time for Pedquiao groupies to huddle in to the German bunker, rattling off the odd pot-shot, alongside the Haye groupies.
EPO isn't a performance enhancer? :dunno: What does another doctor, who was with the NSAC for many years, say?
Golden Boy had no problems with the way NSAC did things back when Zab asked Shane to take blood tests. They flat out refused to do anything NSAC didn't require and said "Shane's not a cheater and shouldn't be treated like one" Now they have no faith in NSAC and want blood tests. Fuck Golden Boy and Floyd and anything they want.
As I said before, the plastic snake, Shaefer, Fraud, Arum, Pedquiao,.. they are a bunch of hypocritical, sociopathic, greedy, disgusting parasites who are trying to eat each other, there are no angels to be found anywhere in that pile of festering trash. But that doesn't exonerate EPO from being a performance enhancer does it?. That doesn't make NSAC testing better than USADA testing,..does it? That doesn't mean that athletes globally are being pricked with a Hepatitus strain due to evil and opressive random blood testing does it?.. Why is the NSAC misleading us?...
Has nothing to do with whether USADA, WADA or NSAC are more or less credible, reliable or trustworthy than the others. it has EVERYTHING to do with the fact that as of this second, in Nevada, boxers go by NSAC authority. You wanna change that, fine...have someone step in and take over. Have Blood testing made mandatory for ALL fighters in ALL states, in ALL countries. That said, until that happens, they should be following NSAC's rules. End of story. I don't necessarily trust anyone involved in this situation, but I DO think that as long as NSAC has jurisdiction over this mess, then it should be the one calling the shots as far as drug testing goes.
What does the thread title say?.. and what are you suggesting?, that people who resent the deliberate propergation of sheer and thorough agenda driven lies, should shut up because the commission is in a position of authority?... What's gunna happen, are boxing fans going to be summoned to concerntration camps?... Essentially, you're saying that despite knowing what they've said, is a load of garbage, thier position of 'authority', makes them correct, even though you, yourself, know that they're wrong?
/discussion. I refuse to try to talk to someone that would even think of going there in a discussion on boxing.
Agree. Claiming HIV and Hepatitis risks is incredibly fucktarded. This isn't 1982 when there might be reuse of needles going on. It's just fucking stupid all around. Can't believe olympic athletes don't drop out of their sports regularly with these risks out there.
While I agree with you that the risks for HIV or Hep infection should be neglible, I do think that there is some validity to the hematoma argument. Over the weekend, I was with a fighter during his final sparring session who will be the main event on a show this week. Just over 1 week out, he submitted his blood for the normal medical requirements. This is common for club shows, fighters giving their blood within 2 weeks or less before they fight. I observed his arm, which was black and blue, apparently the technician wasnt too good, and had to 'dig around in there' to find the vein. The bruise was clearly raised and he said it had been sore for a couple of days but even though it still looked grotesque, he said it felt better and it didnt limit him in sparring. For a fighter who needs his arms functioning for his match and also for final training sessions, is the risk of getting a vein nicked, or worse an appropriate risk? Obviously this risk can be minimized, and one would assume that a major commission could put together a better medical team than the local clinic's blood-letting technicians, but the risk is still there, especially on a smaller local level. Ironically, he was going to spar with Shane Mosley, who was in town to help him and others with sparring. So, during the conversation, I brought up Shane's testing versus Floyd. Shane confirmed that he only gave urine the final 14 days before the fight, but gave blood immediately following the match.
bruising and irritation aren't necessarily the result of a unskilled technician. some people's veins will be harder to find than others, regardless of how experienced the technician is. but all this discussion for now is really just a distraction from the bottom line which is that PBF doesn't run the fucking show. and Bob Arum will be damned if he's allowed.
Here is the truth. PED help some people more than others based on body chemistry or the way they react to the chemicals Manny reacts very well to them and it's making him a monster nobody wants to touch while he is taking them. Even if Floyd levels the playing field he knows his body won't react as well as Manny's will.