I wonder what Dana White would have done had he signed Fedor (previous to the recent loss) to a big contract and after it was signed he (Fedor) got a whole pile of huge tats with swaztikas and the like. :: (assuming there wasn't anything in the contract like a "morality" clause or something where he could just drop him and get the money back)
I realize. I am not REED or bigdawg with no offence to either of them, that won't work on me. As I said don't affiliate myself with any race, because in America, I can't be mulatto. I need to be Puerto Rican because I'm Cain-coloured and the blacks know I don't look like them and the whites of course relegate me to 100% blackness because this is the same country where the "one-drop rule" originated and my ethnic background doesn't really matter as long as I'm a shade too dark.
Just pick one or the other and claim the lightness or darkness is because of a "skin condition". Done!
It's all good man, I don't judge people by skin color, you're alright in my book. Shot on Don Q on me! Being Puerto Rican you better know what that is.
This ain't the boondocks...:: Then again, if I MJ'd my skin and change my given name(which I plan to do anyway) and moved West, no one would notice...::
The "Power Structure" is WHITE, "The Man" is WHITE, the Population is Still PRIMARILY WHITE...That's NOT Good/Bad/ Right OR Wrong, it IS what it IS... Cain Velasquez Comes from 3rd World Ancestry & Even TODAY, his People R Seen as 2nd Class Citizens by Faaaaaaaaar Tooooooooo Many...Even REED is GUILTY of Going the "Day Laborer", "Landscaping" Route, when Shittalking Mexicans... When an ENTIRE Group of People R DEVALUED, the Only Way to COMBAT That is thru a Heightened Sense of PRIDE...So when Cain Velasquez has "Brown Pride" Tatted on him, it's SILLY to Think that it's Racist...Collectively, Velasquez's People DON'T have a Tremendous Amount of POWER or DECISION MAKING Ability... It's UNFORTUNATE that there's a Double Standard & a White Person will B Questioned Along Neo-Nazi, Aryan, KKK Lines, but @ the Same Time His People ALREADY GOT The "Juice", so to Speak... It's like the Whole "BET Is Racist" Argument, that FAILS to Acknowledge that ABC, CBS, NBC & FOX R Basically WHITE Networks, they just Don't Calls Themselves that... REED:kidcool:
But being 'basically white' is far different from actually calling the network Black Entertainment Television. The other thing is that the major networks you call 'basically white' have plenty of shows featuring black actors or performers. In fact, several shows on these networks have been predominantly black. I've yet to see that on BET. Even a sprinkling of white would be nice. I'm still waiting on the BET to have a white version of the Cosby's wherein the premise is flipped and it's about a struggling, lower class white family living in the projects and dealing with the day-to-day problems. It would be a way to open up the eyes of Black Americans to the idea that whites sometimes face hardships as well.
CLEARLY, U've NEVER Watched BET, Because Asking for a 'Sprinkling of White" is COMICAL Based on what they've Provided for DECADES... BET is Primarily a MUSIC Oriented Station & As Such, they were Showing Videos of Rappers like Everlast (PRE-House of Pain & "Jump Around" Days) & 3rd Bass, 20 YEARS AGO...Eminem's on BET All the Time...Paul Wall was a Fixture On there for Awhile... So BET is "Basically" a BLACK Network, but in NO Way does it EXCLUDE Whites... The Reason BET was Created was Due to the LACK of Black Programming...For Every "Jefferson's" or "Good Times", there was 20 "Cheers", "All in the Family", "Taxi", "Friends", etc.... If U're Sitting here DENYING that ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, etc, CATERS to WHITES, U've Got your Head Bearied in the Sand, Dude.... REED:kidcool:
That and the double standard probably exists because black or brown pride isn't associated with wearing hoods and burning crosses and lynching people...
Well, I'm very proud to be white, but I'm not in the klan and have yet to lynch anyone. Like I said, you can be pro (whatever) without being anti (everyone else). TFK
I don't know what there is to be proud of. It's not as if people have a choice in the matter. It's like being proud of the color of your eyes. Where does the pride derive from?
It's ROOTED in a Sense of Feeling DEVALUED as a Whole, Historically & Economically... REED Would NEVER Say it's Easy Being White, Because's he's NEVER Walked a Mile in those Shoes...Whites have to Endure "Complaints" from Non-Whites & Those of U Posting w/REED NEVER Played a Role in the Historical Injustices Committed AGAINST Non-Whites...Yet U've STILL Gotta Hear about them & B Made to Feel like U Should B Held "Responsible" for Rectifying them... Even Though we All Share Restrooms & Drinking Fountains Today, the "Playing Field" Still ISN'T Completely Level...It's Progressively Getting BETTER, but we Ain't There Yet...REED Certainly CAN'T Bitch as Loudly as his Mother Can, Nor Can She Bitch as Loudly as Her Mother Can...So Again, we're PROGRESSING... & Before ANYBODY Points to Obama as the SIGN of a "Level Playing Field", Talk to REED when the U.S. has had 10 Black Presidents...Or even 10 MINORITY Presidents... REED:hammert:
Whiskey is Probably Referring to the Need to B OVER-the-TOP in Expressing your Pride...Like a Tat, T-Shirt, Medallion, etc... REED:kidcool:
REED is always level headed, you're a good dude REED. Aside from a couple jabs at TLC from me, this whole thread is pretty damn civil compared to many I have seen on this topic. It could have easily gone in a bad direction.