'Preciate It, Z... REED Likes to Think of Himself as a Racial REALIST...Race IS Important & It IS a Touchy Subject Still...But it Can B Discussed INTELLIGENTLY, as Loooooooong as No "Superiority" Bullshit is Being Brought Into It... REED:kidcool:
When I was born I was going be given the name Thomas Jr, but because I wasn't the first born, the first born resented that I would be given the name rather than him. So I was given my fathers middle name. However due to circumstances that are too personal to reveal, Im going to claim my rightful given name next year.
I'm going to have to disagree. I don't think he has a racist bone in his body but he does hate people of all other races.
If a white guy prefers chinese women over white women does it mean he hates white women? not at all justifying the tatoo, I think its stupid and racial pride is a dumb concept. Bottom line is, it is racist.