Ive never seen Abregu fight, does anybody who has give him a chance tomorrow night? Furthermore.... its being said that the winner of this fight could end up being Berto's next opponent. I'll reserve judgement til tomorrow night to see how Bradley looks, but if he performs well I think theres a very good chance he could beat Berto. But still I dunno if it happens.... HBO wants Bradley-Alexander. Berto might as well fight Mike Jones next. But like I said, if Bradley performs well at 147, then Bradley-Berto is a fight I'd be interested to see. But anyway, predictions for Bradley-Abregu.
Abrego is Argentinean so he can fight. I've yet to see a bad Argentinian fighter. He is tall too but doesn't fight tall. He punches hard but also has lapses of defense where he gets hit and sometimes dropped. He's actually a really good fighter and he might win this fight because this is Bradley's first fight at welterweight and he's susceptible to uppercuts which happen to be Abrego's best punch. He's been on Showtime a few times in really good fights I'm surprised you haven't seen him.
My prediction: Bradely UD in a fight that is closer then scored. This will actually be a hell of a fight now that I think about it.
I was just scouting some of his fights on youtube, and I agree. Timmy will school this cat. How would you see a Bradley-Berto matchup goin down Neil?
i've seen abregu twice. once on espn vs. that dude who KOed kendall holt and against gutierez. he's fun to watch, but he didn't impress me at against a mediocre talent in gutierrez. bradley should whup this guy.
that would be an interesting fight. bradley is smarter and more fluid while berto is bigger. not that abregu is much but Id like to see how bradley carries the extra weight if the fight gets into the late rounds before i predict how he'd do versus a legit welter. Id much prefer to see bradley stay at 140 and fight those guys anyhow.
Bradley is a throwback fighter for real, and I would love to see him face just about anyone at 140, including Pac. I've been a fan of his for a while, and he seems to be getting better. He is very polished in almost every area, and is clearly as dedicated as they come. But he AIN'T a welter, and he has no business fighting at 147. He gains NOTHING moving up, and if anything he probably loses some speed and ability to hurt his opponent. He looked so much smaller and underpowered against a relatively "blah" opponent in Abregu. Bradley is one of those guys whose physique and style simply do not abide a move up in weight. I would not favor him to beat anyone of note at 147, including Berto, because the size issue becomes very relevant for T. Bradley. I hope he cleans out 140, or goes down trying. People like Arum should give him his props and stop this shit talk about giving fighters "free rides". Bradley has earned his status, and although likely to lose in what would be a competitive fight, IMO he belongs in the ring with either Floyd or Pac, particularly at 140.
Listen... Stevie Forbes gave Berto a tough fight. Its not at all outta the realm that Bradley beats Berto. Now can he beat Floyd or Manny? Hell no.
I'd pick Bradley over the farce known as Berto. Berto is the next Zab Judah, Bradley is the next...uhh I don't know, but he's going to keep winning for a while.
Which Alexander could exploit IMO. I actually think that Berto is a more winnable fight for Bradley then Alexander is. But HBO would prob put up more $$$$ for Bradley-Alexander, as opposed to Bradley-Berto.