Not asking who you think WILL win but rather who you want to win? I personally for some odd reason want Toney to win. I think only because I want to see him fight again against a pure striker. But if Toney were to lose I want him to either tap out or be knocked out cold since anything other than that will result in Toney crying and making excuses. I want to see him humbled if he were to lose.
Im kind of like you. I wouldnt mind seeing Toney win. I think if Toney loses it will scare him and the rest of the boxers off. I just have a feeling Toney gets beat. Although im not as confident as i once was
The ideal situation would be Toney KO 1, followed by him, or any other well known boxer never fighting in a cage again.
Nah the ideal situation would be both fighters displaying their skill on each other, with both being successful at times. The person who has the most success wins and at the end of a great war, mutual respect is shown between both fighters and sports.
I'm torn on this. On the one hand I'd want to see him win just so I wouldn't have to listen to Dana's ignorant ass go on and on about how big a fan of Boxing he is, but they suck and MMA's the best and blah blah blah. On the other hand, I flat out despise Toney. He's ignorant and he's just a complete asshole. And I would LOOOOOOOOVE to see him get his ass kicked royally. Not just a simple loss, but I want to see him just pummelled and humiliated so we can stop listening to him give his bullshit "interviews" where he's just cursing and acting ignorant. But much like a loss to Floyd Mayweather won't humble him and make him shut up, I doubt this scenario for Toney would work either.
For me it's not boxing versus MMA. I just can't stand James Toney. I respect what he's accomplished but just don't care for the guy. And Couture is just the opposite. How can you not like him? He's a great ambassador of the sport and still loves to compete even at 47. If I had a perfect scenario I would mimic Godfather's take. That would be great. And would probably lead to more crossover action, which can only be helpful for the sport.
Nah, I bet he keeps going if he wins. And I'm sure Dana would throw him to the sharks. They're really banking on Toney being embarrassed with this whole UFC vs. Boxing promotion they're starting to hype up. It's a good gamble on their part, the odds are definitely on the cages side. But a Toney win would look bad.
Toney, I kind of like Couture but I'm a big Toney fan. And I'm pretty much alway's rooting for the striker, plus, a lot of idiocy will stop being spewed if Toney win
Yeah i read it. But the rest of the post doesnt answer my question. How does Toney winning make White stop saying he is a boxing fan? I never heard Toney say that boxers suck. Do you have a source on that?
you obviously DIDN'T read the rest of the sentence, or you're simply trolling for a fight. It's obvious what I wrote, so I'm not wasting my time with you. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Fuck off.:mj:
Im asking you to show when Dana white said that boxers suck. When did he say that they suck? Im not saying i dont believe you. Im not trying to pick a fight. I just want to know when he said it. It would be nice to post and talk about it. I think that is a stupid fucking statement if he did say something like that.
Once again you dissect every fucking thing I write to single out something and say "WHERE IS THAT, SHOW ME PROOF". You don't CARE. You just want to fight. Stop acting like Dana White and pretending you're oh so concerned, when you're not. Here, let me type slowly and maybe you can fully understand what I'm saying. Dana White consistently talks about how much of a boxing fan he is, and then after saying that he goes on a tangent about how fucked up Boxing is, and how MMA is better, and there's all these issues with boxing, and holds MMA up as some gold fucking standard. As you well know THAT is what the fuck I was talking about. Obviously the "boxers suck" was an exaggeration and 99.9% of the people reading that knew what I meant. Apparantly there's no room here for giving people the benefit of the doubt that they know what you're saying. For your benefit I'll make sure to dumb down everything I say (yes I know I just opened myself WIDE for criticism there) so you are no longer confused about what I meant, and won't have to demand proof, as if anything I provided would be good enough. There. Is that easily understandable for you? If not, too bad. EDIT: and before you start in, I don't give a shit whether you think Dana has a point or if he's correct about anything he's saying. As you WELL know it's it's intentions to make Boxing look like shit and MMA look awesome in contrast, and has a financial stake in doing that. So he can say he's a boxing fan all he wants, and I'll continue realizing he's full of shit.
I could only go by your words. You clearly stated that he said BOXERS suck. Since we are talking about James Toney vs. Randy Couture, i figured you meant what you wrote. I know you seem to have a hard time being confronted with your own posts, but im sorry. Again, i was actually hoping you were stating TRUE facts. I would have loved to hear him say something Stupid like Boxers suck. As for your other point, why does he have to be full of shit because he says boxing is dying and is run like shit? He never said the skill is shit, he said the sport's current state is shit. Why does him saying he is a fan and then claiming that boxing in its current form is shit, make him full of shit? There are plenty of boxing fans on this very site that say the exact same thing. Are they full of shit?
You know i what i just read you post again and i see what you were saying and how you were saying it now. when you said they, you meant boxing, not boxers. I apologize.
Is the UFC trying to play with Toney head and give Couture some psychological advantage by putting subtitles when Toney speaks ???? BTW, Toney looks awfull in the video, the 3 left hooks he threw on the punching bags were pathetic
With me, and it could JUST be me, but the way I look at it, it's all about intentions. Someone can say that they like something, but if everything they do is in contradiction to that it raises flags with me. Floyd Mayweather says he wants Pac to take steroids tests because he's trying to clean up boxing and whatnot. Yet in his past interviews he's openly stated that boxing is nothing without him. Does that sound like someone that really gives a shit about the sport, aside from it making him money? To me, it seems that it's very clearly a situation of him wanting to fuck with Pac, and in the process try to make people think it's NOT about Pac but it's about some higher goal of helping the sport that he claims he's bigger than. Likewise, when Dana White says that he's a fan of boxing, and yet everything he speaks of in relation to Boxing is negative, that makes me wonder just how big a fan he is. Now in both of those situations, the person doing the talking perhaps has a point. Boxing WOULD be better with blood testing for everyone. Boxing DOES have it's issues with how it's run. But those saying those things, their actions run in contradiction to what they are trying to say. With Floyd, he can say that it's all about boxing and him trying to help it, but it's not. He's on record as saying he doesn't give a shit about anything but his money and his perfect record. So when he says it's about helping boxing, I can't believe that. Dana can say he's a fan of boxing til he's blue in the face, but it doesn't change that, at least by my count, he's never had a truly positive thing to say about Boxing. It's always negative shit, and the few things he's said positive are backhanded slaps or condescending positives. And in BOTH cases the people have financial or personal stakes in doing what they're doing. Dana benefits from slagging off Boxing while hyping up MMA. If people listen to him and stop paying for Boxing because of all the shit wrong with it, and instead go to MMA which he holds up as the model or something, then that helps him out financially and career wise. He may even believe he's a Boxing fan, but TRUE boxing fans don't have 100% negative shit to say about it. If he's said truly positive things without throwing negative stuff in there, or tempering positive with negative things, I'd love for someone to post it up because I haven't ever seen it. Not to say it's never happened, but I've never heard it.
i think the fact he started a boxing program for kids and at one point had a career in the boxing business shows he is a fan. I just dont get why he would say otherwise. I dont even consider boxing and MMA competitors. But even if you say that he isnt a fan, i just think that point is irrelavant. It has nothing to do with nothing IMO. Fact is that 90% of what Dana has said about boxing is true. It sucks, but its a fact.
Two Saturday night fight sports that are often in PPV, sometimes on the same night? They aren't competitors? ::
Key word is sometimes. I think its happened what twice? No they arent competitors. UFC's PPV numbers are on a different level than boxings. They are beating boxing PPVs consistantly so no, its not really a competition. Plus most MMA fans are boxing fans. You can watch both. Especially with Tivo and DVR, which is what the higher ups in UFC and boxing know whats going on. I mean you can watch one and record the other.