A slugger beats a swarmer! Unless there's a huge disparity in class, which there isn't here. I'd also pick Mosley over Williams for the same reason. He's just too eager to get his work done and leaves himself too open to bombs. Ironically Floyd who is a vastly better fighter than either would have an awkward night on his hands.
Theres no doubt whatsoever in mind that Tito sparks him at either weight. I honestly think that a prime Vargas would kick Paul's ass.
Trinidad, Paul gets hit too much and he doesnt box the way you need to box to beat Tito... and you would have to be a much harder banger to beat Trinidad with William's style
Agreed. Williams on paper seems to have all the tools to beat Trinidad. However from what we have seen of him is once somebody brings "the heat" Paul is more than willing to engage. It's an admirable quality and has won him some fights, but i think that would be his undoing against Trinidad. A good chin is important against Tito but avoiding shots altogther is much more important. Great one for the viewers though. It's going to take more than one hard left hook from Tito to end it.
I don't think too many people did. At least not with any real conviction. It is however a MM involving one guy who's career is far from over and the book is still not written on him yet. If Williams shows something we haven't seen i could easily change my mind, but based upon what we know of both guys for the time being my pick is Trinidad.
I say Paul beats him. If Winky couldn't deal with his volume of punches and his range, I see Tito lose a clear UD.
No world class fighter has horrendous defence. Paul eats some shots but you are grossly over exaggerating.
I think it is a good thing: you change your opinion based on the added information you get. What is silly is to take a stance and keep it no matter what happens. In the Wright fight Williams looked like a guy who could give a pasting to Tito, but his other recent fights suggest otherwise
Well, if we're talking about a mythical matchup we can expect both at their best. Trinidad looked awful too many times during his career.
And when has Paul ever looked spectacular? Is beating a washed up Winky who hadnt fought in 2 years that impressive to you? Paul BARELY scrapped by Margarito, lost once to Quintana, most had him losing to Martinez, and Cintron was outboxing him in the early going. Paul is exciting, and he's good, but he's one of the most overrated fighters of recent years. He simply wasnt in Tito's class as a fighter. As I stated before, Vargas would have beaten Williams.
True, but in this case it seems to be more about styles than that Williams' level of performances had changed. He has been caught a lot by aggressive guys which Winky was not. Tito looked awful against defensive, boxer types which Williams was not
Bingo. Plus the Winky that Williams beat was a SHELL of his prime self. Personally I think a prime Winky would have taken Williams to school, but thats another thread.
The Winky who fought Paul though was nowhere near the fighter he was at 154 or even 160. I dont think that comparison works. Its a styles thing. Paul would win some rounds and he'd make it exciting. But he'd take an awful lot of powershots from Trinidad. And unless you got a chin like Hagler or something, I don't think taking that many shots from a guy like Tito is a way to beat him.
I will say again that Martinez couldnt duplicate that KO if you gave him 800 chances to do so Trinidad would likely stop Paul Williams, but just because Martinez got in the best shot of his life in a perfect moment, doesnt mean that every guy who could punch a lot harder than Martinez (like Trinidad, for example) gets a quick one punch KO on him