:: Kendal Holt? Mark Melligen? Jesus Soto? Lamont Peterson? Cotto? Expect to hear Arum pulling one of these names out his ass any day now.
Good news. Until the Texas factor was brought up. Forgot about that. Wasn't the Pacquiao-Margarito fight set to be in Mexico anyway though?
Good, he should be banned. But I dont get it, how can he be denied to fight in America but fight in Texas?
He can't. However in most cases when a boxing commision with a big presence makes a ruling, most other states will follow based upon their decision. It's possible he could get a license in Mississippi, but they won't be able to make the big money. Texas is basically the last frontier if you're banned from Nevada and California.
Texas could still still give him a license...like the article said...Tyson was denied in Nevada but received a license in Tennessee to fight Lemmon. If Jerry Jones wants the fight, the corruption texas commission will give him a license.
sure arum and jones can grease cole to possibly get him licensed in texas. texas is a joke of a commission as well but nowhere on the level of tennessee
Think about how boxing is set up. I don't think individual states should necessarily follow one state's decision about a boxer's status. Everything works fine until you disagree with the controlling state. I'm not saying their shouldn't be deference, but blind deference is almost surely a mistake.
Blind Deference WITHOUT a Borderline CRIME Taking Place Beforehand, is Cool...But U Make it Seem as if the Other 50 States AREN'T PRIVY to Margarita's Wrongdoing..... Shit, Luis Resto SERVED TIME in Prison AND had his Career ENDED, for Basically the SAME Transgression.... REED:mj:
Though REED is LICENSED by the State of Texas, he Most Definitely IS NOT the "Voice" of that State.... But Having Said that, to REED's Knowledge, there was MAJOR PRESSURE on the Texas Commission, After it was Learned that Margarito would B Fighting on the Pacquiao-Clottey Undercard...REED Knows for a FACT that a Fighter Named Carson Jones RECEIVED a Contract to Face Margarito on the Pac-Clottey Undercard.... Put Pressure from the Media & Other Commissions SOILED Margarito's Plans... Boxing Circles in Texas R SMALL & as it Pertains to Margarito, REED has Heard NATHAN Suggesting that he'd B Licensed in the State...Not Saying it WON'T Happen, but News Travels FAST in Texas & REED has Heard NATHAN of that Sort.... REED:mj:
The TDLR is no more corrupt than NJSAC OR NSAC, Muzse. In fact, Vegas and A.C. have had decisions so terrible and fixed, they make Texas officials look like angels.
Not quite Reed. Close, but not quite. For one, we don't KNOW that Margarito fought Cotto with the inserts. Secondly, with Resto, Resto got the mixed-drink treatment, he also had his hands wrapped a certain way, and padding was also removed. Thirdly, that was the only time it is believed that Resto did what he did {probably because he got outright caught}...whereas we suspect Margarito may have a history of it. Eitherways, it makes no odds to me, I hope Margarito never earns another dime from boxing.
OH!opcorn: Wasn't aware of that....sorry. PS.....I know he said they had mixed the drinks before, but also the gloves? Scumbag.:shit:
I'm not sure if it was in the documentary or that press conference, I think it was the latter (they show a short clip of it in the film), but I recall Resto saying they'd done the glove tampering a couple times before.
Many trainers said that Margarito might not have known the padding was tampered with. His wrongdoing isn't a slam dunk even if it is very possible he knew. It's also beside the point; if you think you can come up with a list of infractions and guilt-level required for all states to follow one state's ruling, go for it. A national commission would be the obvious way to deal with this, but that is not without all kinds of potential problems, as well.
He applied for a California license, it has nothing to do with any other state. Each state can make it's own decision and they don't have to follow California's lead. He can apply in every other state until one of them gives him his license. If that doesn't work, there is always Mexico.
Look, I am glad that historically in severe cases of rulebreaking the other states have honored the penalties levied by a single state commission. I say this because I think it would be a sham and an embarrassment if licenses (or any other regulated facet of boxing) became a "highest-bidder" sort of thing. For example, you have some unscrupulous corrupt officials in Tennessee, and so even though some thug is suspended for 5 years in New York for loading his gloves, Tennessee swoops in and courts the fighter with a license "for the right price" (under the table, of course). This would end up making suspensions essentially MEANINGLESS as they would be so provincial, they would not matter a bit. On the other hand, I would like to see state commissions examine the details of an infraction and penalty levied in another state before making a decision in their own state, so that minor cases that are debatable are not blindly treated the same way in every state. For example, Joe Jones has some unlicensed cornerman in a fight in Maine and they go crazy and suspend him for 5 years. I think I would be OK with California granting him a license 12 months later because they examine the circumstances and choose not to honor the Maine suspension. In Margarito's case specifically, IMO, the infraction was MAJOR and I believe without doubt that he loaded his gloves in the past as well. So in that specific case I am very glad that the other state commissions are blackballing him as well; it is warranted. To have Nevada or NY let Marg fight now would be such a gutter move. It would make the suspension in CA virtually pointless and toothless. As I have stated before, I feel Margarito should have been banned for life from USA boxing. So I feel no sympathy for him if he can't go back to making hundreds of thousands of dollars in the US a scant 18 months after he loaded his gloves with plaster to try and main somebody. Finally, in the case of Luis Resto, he not only admitted to knowing that Panama removed the padding from his gloves (based on the FEEL mind you.. he only saw the gloves taken into the bathroom, then returned to him) for the Billy Collins fight... he later admitted that there were more then TEN other fights for which the same thing was done. Many were in other countries. In a nutshell, he was almost always using modified gloves throughout the parts of his career that mattered. Based on this example, how Resto could tell the gloves were modified even though he was never "told", and how getting caught was just the tip of the iceberg in a decade-long pattern of cheating, and how he, too, denied knowledge of this for 20 years... I am darn near certain that Margarito is a closer parallel than many would like to admit. I think he is lying about somehow not knowing his gloves were altered (ludicrous), I think he is lying about not being involved, and I think he is lying about not doing this in EVERY big fight. I think he knew about it, wanted it, and did it repeatedly. Thus I hope he is never allowed to fight again in the USA. I realize it is dreaming to think Mexico or anywhere else will prohibit him, so that's a lost cause, and I fully expect to see him beating up bums in Mexico in no time.