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Word. Lampley is far from perfect, but few broadcasters in the history have had his charisma. Also, if you are going to talk live for hours and do that for your job for decades, you will have your bad moments
Bang Don't get me wrong Bang I love Lampley Bang He's great Bang I think Bang Lampley Merchant and Foreman Bang Was the best mix ever bang bang bang!
Consider yourself fortunate. Ive grown up having to listen to Colonel Bob Sheridan for all the big fights. Its been painful.
So have I man. Not so much in recent years, but any fight promoted by Don King had a Kingvision telecast in Canada instead of HBO or Sho. The worst. WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILD with a right hand!!!!!!! I've seen more fight than those other guys combined!
Yep, just awful. To top it off Sheridan never had anybody with him so his voice is the only one you hear the entire broadcast. Ugh.
Lampley's the best ever boxing commentator. No question. He may have his haters..but think about it...who was better? Howard Cosell? Harry Carpenter? Bob Sheridan? Those guys on Showtime? No, Lamps is the man! Barry Tomkins is the only guy I'd mention in the same sentence. Ian Darke of Sky Sports comes very close as well.
Yeah, if you need that when you're watching boxing, he's your man. I'll be less choked up than he is when he leaves.
"TALE of the TAPE!!!"... NO Other Sports Utterance Excites REED as Much as When Lamps Says that, Seconds B 4 the Ringwalks... REED:hammert:
Lamps Loooooooooooooves Boxing....Lamps is PASSIONATE about Boxing...U Can NEVER have Toooo Many Cats like that in Boxing....When U Looooooooooove the Game as Lamps Does, U Sometimes Come Across as a Peter Gazing QUEER, but it Is what it Is.... Steve Smoger's Got that Same Level of Loooove and Passion...Hell, So does REED...But when U Looooooooooove the Shit U DON'T Give a Shit...As Such, REED is a Proud, ADMITTED Roy Jones NUTHUGGER...REED Purchased Land just East of Roy's BALLSACK:cheer:.... Bringing it Back to Lamps, he's NOT Afraid of Exhibiting his Love, Passion & FANDOM for Boxing...That NEVER Gets Old to REED.... REED:kidcool:
REED had a Brief, yet COOL "Boxing Moment" w/Jim Lampley, After Mosley-Vargas II...REED was Hanging Out in the MGM Grand Lobby & Noticed Lampley Approaching...1nce Lampley Got Close Enough, REED Said "What Up Lamps!!!"... w/Out EVER Saying a Single Word in Response, Jim Lampley Extended his Hand, Gave REED a LOW-Five & Kept it Moving... COOL Ass Moment that REED'll Never Forget... REED:dancingBaby:
He's got a passion for hearing his own voice, and for some select boxers...I'm not sure that's the same thing as a passion for boxing.
Knowing YOUR Posting History, REED Can Safely Say that YOU have a "Passion" for Hating Commentators in VARIOUS Sports... "Momma, There Goes THAT Man!!!!" REED:bears: ps. "U're BETTER than that", Mitchell Kane
That is it, IMHO. Passion to what you do, added to professional skill, is what makes charisma in most fields
I don't like commentators that act like shills, that's true. I'd call Lampley the Mike Breen of boxing, but then, an NBA commentator on ESPN/ABC/MSG has to watch a lot more basketball than a boxing commentator on HBO has to...and I am a little curious about just how much boxing Lampley watches that doesn't take place in the ring in front of him, or how much he actually pays attentiont to fights that don't involve a name like DLH, Pacquiao, Barrera or Mayweather. Regurgitating punch stats is easy. Maybe when he shades his commentary to just one fighter, he does it because he's literaly only watching that fighter...I wouldn't be shocked if he hardly even notices some fighters ni the ring. BTW, after reading that story of Lampley at the MGM I guess it's safe to say he finally found a hand to slap. ::
The HBO broadcast is not as fun without him or Merchant....kinda gay but i miss his voice....HARD RIGHT HAND!!!!!.....LEFT HOOK!!! :Thumbs:
Lamps has Been Doing Boxing Since his Days @ ABC Sports...UNLIKE a Guy like Merchant, Lamps DOESN'T Seem the Least bit JADED about Boxing...While he May or May Not have an Impressive Catalogue of Fights @ Home, REED Thinks it's Safe to Consider Jim Lampley a FAN of Boxing.... REED:mj:
Lampley almost cried when he was talking about Marco Antonio Barrera.He must of held Barrera in very high regard as a fighter and a man to lose it like that.
Lampley's not jaded about boxing, it's gotten him in quite a few movies...and I'm not sure there's an announcer that likes telling the audience what celebrities in the crowd more than Lampley, and Vegas boxing crowds always give him that opportunity.
I always liked Lampley's articulation & colour-work, for all his flaws in understanding the game --- he's good to listen to. The last sequence was funny, though --- he kind of lost the plot there ::
I detest Mark Jackson as a commentator. I'd rather have Ferdie Pacheco and those guys from Thunderbox back in the days commentate a boxing match than Jackson commentate a b-ball game. I hate everything about him when he speaks.
I hate the announce crew of Breen/Jackson/Van Gundy...REED's right, I dislike a lot commentators sports, but there are some that I really like, such Mike Tirico and Hubie Brown...but that's because Tirico/Brown give the game respect when they're calling it and actually offer some insight. Lampley, on the other hand, would rather talk about Wynona Ryder than what's going on in the ring between Bones Adams and Guty Espadas (and spare me any "I don't blame him" comments).
People have all hated on Lampley at one point(including me) but he is one of the best ever. Barry Tompkins in his HBO prime was excellent as well, but overall the best team of all time was Lampley, Merchant, and Roy. Or for entertainment value, Lampley/Merchant/Foreman. Like it or not though, Lampley has been the "voice" of boxing so to speak for over 20 yrs now. Is he cheerleader at times? Hell yes! Does he call punches wrong at times? Every commentator does. Still doesnt take away from the fact that he does know the sport, knows how to calls fights, and has an electric style of calling fights that no one else can really match. Like REED said, theres nothin like hearing "TALE of the TAPE" before a big fight. If that line doesnt give you butterflies before a big fight then your not a true fan. Personally, and hopping a bit off topic... I detest Bob Poppa and always have. He's overrated as hell as a blow-by-blow man, and he just comes across as a smug prick to me. Lampley comes across as a guy you could have a drink with, share a few laughs with and talk boxing. REED's story confirms that. Lampley, and Merchant always catch alot of heat, but lets not fool ourselves.... years from now when Poppa, and Max offically become the voices of HBO.... we will VERY much miss the days of Lamps, and Larry.