Floyd beats women and steals stuff. Hatton is a fat coke fiend. And people find time to complain about Wlad? :dunno:
Kellerman basically insinuated that Floyd is looking for attention and that he will only really get it when/if he signs for the Pac fight.
If they separated in May, what heck was Floyd doing at her house at 5:00 AM? No matter if the house is listed under his name and his children live there, you don't do visits to your ex residence at 5:00 AM.
Possibly. But instead of a beating she probably would have gotten a speech about "not knowing boxing".
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><tr><td style="background-image: url("http://static.bbmp3.com/images/pie/4.gif");"> </td> <td bgcolor="white">Floyd Mayweather Jr. was in a fit of jealousy over a basketball player when he allegedly attacked his baby mama, Josie Harris and threatened to kill the pair ... this according to the police report obtained by TMZ. According to the report, Mayweather read text messages on Josie's phone ... which included messages from C.J. Watson (pictured below), who plays for the Chicago Bulls. According to the report, Mayweather screamed, "'Are you having sex with C.J.?' Harris replied, 'Yes, that is who I'm seeing now.'" According to the report, the 10-year-old son of Mayweather and Harris told cops he "saw his dad was on his mother and was hitting and kicking her." According to the report, "Harris stated that Mayweather began yelling at Harris, 'I'm going to kill you and the man your (sic) are messing around with.' He also stated, 'I'm going to have you both disappear.'" The police report says Harris was taken to Southern Hills Hospital and treated for "minor facial injuries and a sore left arm." Pictures of the injuries were taken. The police report goes on to say while Harris was at the hospital Mayweather called Georgia Parker -- Harris' friend who lives in the house -- and told her to get out of the house. As for why Mayweather was arrested for grand larceny Friday ... the police report says he left with her Apple iPhone 4 ... valued at $322.17. As we first reported, Josie Harris called the police at around 5 AM Thursday from her home in Vegas -- and when cops arrived she told them the professional boxer had attacked her and threatened to kill her. Josie Harris, Floyd Mayweather and CJ Watson the Chicago Bulls Player | TMZ.com</td></tr></tr></tbody></table>
well, we already knew the Mayweathers are women beaters, so this is hardly a surprise, and very believable.
if the clark county prosecutor can get the kid to actually testify then it seems that mayweather jr. will have to do at least some time, based on his past legal problems.
never said they were and you never have seen me in here defending them against allegations of wrong doing the way you seem to constantly do with Floyd chavez was a scumbag, especially later in life Whitaker a pathetic crack addict
can you show me where i have defended him? all I have said is that he needs to stay away from that woman, completely.
H.I. McDonough would be proud. Best exchange from that movie: "So tell the group, why do you think you're a woman trapped inside a man's body?" "Well, sometimes I get the menstrual cramps REEEAL BAAAD!"