Obviously Tyson would decapitate Jones if he were prime, but how would a faded Tyson do against the Jones that beat Ruiz?
Never take it? Nobody turns down a Tyson fight just like nobody turns down a chance to face Oscar. Huge money.
I cant see how Roy Jones wins this fight. stylistically Tyson would be a nightmare for RJ. Unless we talking about the current version of Tyson :)
Because the 2003 Tyson is even worse a fighter than 91 Foreman. Ruiz even beats this Tyson. Unquestionably in fact. This Tyson couldn't even beat bums.
I would bet every penny I have ever earned, & all earnings for future generations on my family...Roy would not take the fight. Under any circumstances.
Yes, because that is so relevent to the matchup, a MM decided by a fighter hypothetically ducking the other. I thought the Foreman shit was bad, but the crew wants to outdo its own retardness. Anyway, this Tyson was a slow, short fighter with depreciated skills in everything, not too great power, a weak chin, and most importantly, the physical conditioning of a 32 year old Dungeon Master. I'd go as far to say Roy stops him.
Jones not taking the fight is a side-issue. I'm just saying --- he'd never take the fight. That speaks to how he'd handle himself if thrown in there. He'd run & run & run...until Tyson knocked him out. It is implausible to imagine Jones mounting any kind of effective offense --- not unless he's sporting long-range weaponry, such as a handgun. First Foreman, now Tyson...that Ruiz must've been one helluva Heavy, to afford Jones such credence in the division. For a guy lacking the gumption to tackle the ghost of Buster Douglas, he's doing pretty well here.
For as long as Mike is going for it, it's just a matter of time. Just like against Old Foreman. The variable making it interesting here, is that, unlike George who would keep trying to land his shot for 36 minutes if needed, Mike could only really muster 3, 4 rounds of concerted effort at most by this point. It's basically an over/under bet. I think Jones would last and Mike would quit on his stool after 6 or 7 rounds. Then be very gracious about Roy's skills. Prime Mike wins in the 1st.
Ruiz might not have been a great heavyweight, but he was better than Danny Williams, the guy who wiped his ass with Tyson
Tysons knee was fucked against Williams like all fights where a guy goes hard after him early, Roy goes back against the ropes and puts his guard up...this will lead to Tyson winning by KO early
And his stamina was befitting of an amateur. Knee problems aside. The same pathetic stamina showed up in his next fight vs a guy so irrelevant I cant even think of his name and he quit too. I'd have put my house on this fight in 2003. Mike was nothing but a glorified journeyman at this point. Slow as fuck, got in the ring untrained, eating cheetos all the time. Pathetic fighter, really.
• P1: You're not gonna survive covering up on the ropes against Tyson for more than 1-2 seconds if you have RJJ's chin. • P2: RJJ will find himself on the ropes against Mike for more than 1-2 secs. (RJJ almost always finds himself on the ropes) • C: RJJ will not survive against Tyson.
Clearly, U DON'T Hold Roy Jones Jr. in High Regard...The PROBLEM Is, U Hold Ricardo Lopez in High Regard...& That Makes U a HYPOCRITE... Roy Jones' Resume SHITS on Lopez's, Dude...Lopez Discriminated Faaaaaaaaaaaar MORE than Roy Jones EVER Did, in Terms of Opponent Selection....Bottom Line, NO Self-Admitted Ricardo Lopez Fan Should EVER Talk Shit about WHO Roy Jones Would or Wouldn't Fight... REED:kidcool:
When Lopez is featured in a hypothetical match-up, we will see whether I am fair or not --- & I never said Lopez did or didn't duck anyone. You are taking a few liberties here.
Your BIAS Precedes U, Dude...U're the SAME Guy that Rates Ricardo Lopez HIGHER than JM Marquez, Even Though Marquez's Resume ALSO Shits on Lopez's... REED:kidcool:
That's because I rate fighters partly on ability, & partly on resume. Marquez's resume is better than Lopez's, & Lopez was a better fighter than Marquez.
NO...Mike Tyson might be exhausted...but Roy Jones doesn't have the power or the punch output to stop/hurt Tyson. And all it takes is one punch from Tyson and it will be over...
Mike would quit like he always did. Mike never EVER in his career fought back from adversity. Heart of a housecat.
The Problem is, when it SUITS your Argument, U'll Likely Say that a Fighter's "Ability" is Demonstrated By his RESUME... REED Feels Certain that U've Used Roy's Resume AGAINST him in Boxing Debates, Considering U're Sitting Here Willing to "Bet Every Penny & All Earnings for Future Generations" of Your Family on him NOT Fighting Certain Guys...U're Calling Out his Willingness to Face Good Opposition, which Basically Means U Question his Resume... U CONTRADICT Yourself by Holding Roy to a Standard that Ricardo Lopez ISN'T Held To, Especially when U Turn Around & Place Lopez on a PEDASTAL.... REED:kidcool: