Damn Floyd lost! He could have some pride in himself if she was actually fuckin a star from the Bulls, like Derrick Rose.... but CJ Watson?:laughing::laughing::laughing: I woulda beat that bitch's ass too.
When it comes to life Floyd doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.Boxing is all he knows and it the only thing he can do right.The more he stays out of the ring the more problems he's going to have.
Hitting women is ok, if they deserve it. The question here is whether this particular woman deserved it.
:atu: clear implication huh? you need to work on your interpretations. the only thing clear is that they have a volatile relationship and should have as little contact with each other as possible. none, preferably.
Sorry, bud, but this is discussion forum, anyone is free to voice their opinion, you useless cum-eater.
It is not against the law to hit a woman, if she attacks you, for example. Since we don't know whether she attacked Floyd (and Floyd was forced to defend himself), the best thing to do is wait until the trial and see if Floyd is found innocent or guilty. Until he is found guilty, he's 100% innocent. These are the laws of the country we live in, too bad a few jagovs don't respect it...... If he is not found guilty, I will fully expect cum-guzzlers like doggy-dogg here to apologize....
I said it is ok to hit them, when they deserve it. Nice attempt to misrepresent my statement there, buddy. Of course, I also did not say anywhere that I liked hitting them. A second attempt of yours to lie in a single sentence.
So overall this is who it comes down to in this situation. Its the word of a bitch and a kid(Josie and Floyd's son) vs the word of a kid and a snitch(Floyd & Curtis Wackson). Thats a tough one indeed, but I guess Watson is the tie breaker.
We have to also consider that while the bitch maybe lying, that 95% of NBA players are pussies. CJ is prob just scared that Floyd will find him, and beat the living shit outta him. He prob did fuck her. She looks like a bird who's quick to let a n!gga hit, and she looks fuckable enough to not turn it down.