I like Sergio to win a comfortable UD (but I'm biased against Tito), also can't help but wonder what would happen if it was Trinidad landing those shot when Martinez took a breather in the mid-rounds against Pavlik.
I hate to say this but.... Tito is REALLY underrated nowadays. Any version of him pre-Hopkins would KO Martinez. Sergio is no defensive genius, and Tito was considerably quicker on the trigger than Pavlik, and had more power then Pavlik with either hand. Martinez would outbox him, and make him look foolish early, but as Martinez slows and Tito finds his range, Marvavilla would eventually get taken out. Tito KO 9. EVERY single slick boxer in history would NOT beat Tito. It would take a great one to. Martinez is very good, but falls short of great, and he has flaws that Tito would expose.
At 154 Tito catches him. Martinez is not a defensive genius, he actually trades, which would be a bad idea against Trinidad. Tito TKO 11
agREED with X and Haymaker. At 154, I like Trinidad in this one. Martinez is mad talented, but lacks the stamina to hold off Trinidad for all 12 rounds. Tito by late KO, probably down on the cards at the time of the stoppage.
Excellent matchup. I'd also favor Tito as i can see Martinez getting a little too brave for his own good.
That seems to be the prevailing popular opinion these days that anybody with a jab and movement would beat Trinidad. But your right its not that simple. I think Martinez goes the distance. He is quick and slick enough to avoid being KO'd IMO but he would take a late rounds beating and probably get knocked down a couple of times.
A guy who can barely make 160, a natural 168 has a weaker punch than a guy who's a natural 147? Ya...okay.
I think Trinidad would land enough to win... people forget that its JABBING and moving that diffuses Tito, not just moving and potshotting... Martinez gets hit, and would get hit... I think Trinidad is a better fighter than him
Martinez landing a freak perfect shot on Williams changes nothing about this matchup... Trinidad would still get to him
You act as if Martinez's punches had NEVER previously phased Williams. He proved in the first fight he could stun Williams, and hit him at will. It was simply a case of FALL Paul, as usual, leaving himself WIDE OPEN everytime he throws a punch. Only this time Martinez timed him perfectly. As wide open as Paul ALWAYS is, I'm SURE Martinez could duplicate it if they fought several times. Calling it a fluke shot discredits Martinez, and makes it seem as if he got fortunate over a better fighter. Based on thier first fight, and now the rematch, Maravilla has proven that he's clearly better than Paul.
its not a fluke that he won, its a fluke that he caused an immediate concussion on the guy and won on a 2nd round KO... Martinez is not a devastating puncher, he just landed the best shot he could throw on an opponent who was in a perfect position... you honestly believe Martinez scores a 2nd round KO on him more than once if they fight 10 times? this is like Nino Benvenuti knocking out Luis Rodriguez with one shot... a freak occurence
Certainly doesn't change a thing about my perception of either fighter. I picked Martinez to stop Williams and I pick Martinez to beat Trinidad in a close decision. :mj: