From the Outset, the Charges have Been TRUMPED UP, but like REED Said, Floyd's Done Sooooooooooooo MUCH, that's Made him Soooooo UNLIKABLE that All U Can Do is Say "Oh the Hell Well".... Plus, there's NO Telling How Much Shit that Clark County Law Enforcement has SWEPT UNDER the Rug, Since Floyd's been in Vegas...Even in "Monopoly", U Only Get Soooo Many Get-Out-of-Jail-FREE Cards.... REED:kidcool:
If U HAVEN'T THREATENED to Beat your Children's Asses @ SOME Point in their Lives, U're NOT a Good Parent....That Particular Aspect of Floyd's Charge is CLEARLY Exaggerated, as is the Whole iPhone Thing... But like REED Keeps Saying, Floyd MADE his Bed Loooooooooooong Ago, so it's Fitting that NOW he's Gotta Lay in it... REED:dancingBaby:
no I was actually serious...I tell my kids I'll beat their ass out of impulse sometimes for no reason, it's like an instinct.
I feel you man...public actions count. People are human and judge you by your conduct whether you like it or not. I doubt the L.A DA would go balls out after Shane Mosely for example if he flipped his lid, stole Jin's ipad and threatened to drop-kick her.
Did you ever beat your wife in front of your children and threatened to kill her, and scared your children to the point that they wanted to fled the house to the next police officer they could find? That´s a little different than punishing your kids for stealing candy or being home late. Children aren´t stupid, they know when they deserve a slap on the ass, for doing something wrong.
Here's what YOU Said, that REED Responded to... What a scumbag. Threatens his own children. ELABORATE from the Beginning, Next Time... REED:kidcool:
Well fans, kiss any semblance of a chance of Mayweather-Pac goodbye. Floyd is bound to do at least some time. Frankly though, I'm with REED. Fuck em! They could lock his ass up for all 28 of those years for all I care.
Knowing what the situaltion is though, you know he wasn't talking about just disciplining a kid. Barristan is a sickening nut hugger. Floyd could slap the shit out of Barristans mom and he's defend him.
Why can't the media even speak proper fucking english? Baby mama? Why can't they just say Josie Harris, the mother of Floyd children? Nooooo, it's a black dude so we need to say his "Baby mama" Fucking stupid.
Just a quick reminder to everyone that Floyd is completely, unequivocally, 100% innocent until proven guilty.
Pacquiao DIDN'T "Get the Same Treatment" Because there's MORE than Likely TRUTH to the Allegations Against him, just as there's MORE than Likely TRUTH to the Allegations Against Floyd... YOU Talk ALOT of Shit about Floyd Nuthuggers @ Whatnot, but U're @ the TOP of the PAC SAC Swinger List, Dude...U're NO LESS of the DICK RIDER than the Guys U Talk Shit about... REED:shit:
LOL! I was wondering the same thing. Then again, it is TMZ. A piece of shit gossip organization that is doing it's part in trying to make us all just a little bit stupider then we were 10 minutes ago.
Wow,now you making shit up :giggle: I never gave an opinion about his fans or got involved in the whether Pacquiao was dirty or clean talks either.So I don't know what your talking about.Don't get mad because your boy let you down.
Why do so many people in this day and age have children without getting married? Often with multiple women? Why are children so peripheral for so many men? Why do they have them in the first place if they're not even willing to attempt to provide the child with a family and two parents who are in love? It's so wide-spread that it's necessitated the use of terms like, "baby momma," to refer precisely to the fact that PBF has impregnated at least one woman he never married, has a child he probably rarely sees, and has a life-long association with a women for the sole reason that he decided to fuck her without a condom. Stupid is dangerous as hell. Most of this kind of shit is due to stupidity and nothing more.
Based on what exactly? Let's see here, in Floyd's situation his own damn son is saying he hit his ex. In Pac's situation, the Mayweather's threw out an accusation with absolutely nothing to back it up. Or are you going to use the Pac has a big head argument? :shit:
:shit: U were Right in the MIDDLE of the Pac PED Talks, Dude...SMACK DAB In the Middle w/the SAME "Innocent Until Proven Guilty" Shit that U're BITCHING about Now... It's NOT like REED Even Cares that U're a Pac Sac Swinger, but Please DON'T DENY the Obvious...U're on Pacquiao's Side of EVERY Argument, 100% of the Time...Your Posting History CLEARLY ILLUSTRATES This... PERIOD... REED:boohoo: